As that dog lay on the ground, fighting for air, Quanis Phillips grabbed its front legs and Michael Vick grabbed its back legs. They swung the dog over their head like a jump rope then slammed it to the ground. The first impact didn't kill it. So, Phillips and Vick slammed it again. The two men kept at it, alternating back and forth, pounding the creature against the ground until, at last, the little red dog was dead.*
From today's Atlantic Journal Constitution.....
"I would love to get another dog in the future," Vick told a Website called theGrio in an article published Wednesday. "I think it would be a big step for me in the rehabilitation process. I think just to have a pet in my household and to show people that I genuinely care, and my love, and my passion for animals."
Vick has critics who believe the ban (on owning a dog) should be permanent, but others say he can be a responsible pet owner.
"I have been around him a lot, and feel confident that he would do a good job as a pet owner," Wayne Pacelle, president of the Humane Society of the United States, told the AJC Wednesday.

* By the way, I gave away one of the very worst moments in the book "The Lost Dogs" with that paragraph. (Sorry, Jim) If you can get through that, you're ready to read the whole book. Here's our review and link to order.
The Lost Dogs was nominated by goodreads as one of the 15 most important non-fiction books of 2010. If you agree, head here to cast your VOTE.
The little red dog that is no more has a mighty roar.
I read his "I have a passion for animals" statement and also found out Vick got his first endorsement deal - he's selling cars for Woodbury Nissan in PA. What the F is going on?
Animal welfare workers have a passion for animals. He has a killing technique.
Thank you, Bad Rap, for staying consistent, unlike the Humane Society who has a president that thinks letting a dog killer own another animal is a good idea. I am rethinking who I donate my money to just because of that. How can you read that paragraph from the book and say that someone that cruel should own an animal?!?!? HOW?! He does not deserve the love of any animal and that goes for every person that can treat animals so poorly!
He wants a dog?
I`m surprised he is even allowed to retain custody of his kids after what he did.
There should definitely be a life time ban.
If they ever allow him to own another dog I hope it`s a Breed that`s not so loyal and a Breed that doesn`t love people so much and I hope the dog takes Mr Vick out the 1st time he abuses it.
Honestly I'm all for second chances, but this guy deserves none. I read the article earlier today and he wants a dog for his own girls as well, but its sooooo hard on him to tell them why they can't have a dog because of his behavior and actions. I fear if this guy gets a dog, he'll be back to square one. I could be wrong, but why give him a chance? More likely, think about the dogs....I feel this guy doesn't need dogs at all.
The sad thing is,this sadistic freak is allowed to be in a home with children, too. Horrifying. I wish we could do something about that. After all, Vick said that he learned about fighting dogs when he was a kid - who knows the bad influence he could be on an innocent child.
I tend to be a pretty forgiving person. However, if I apply the same test that we do when doing home visits for potential adopters ("Would you give this person your own dog?"), he just couldn't pass the test. I wouldn't give him a dog for 10 seconds in this lifetime.
NOT EVEN A HOUSE PLANT!!!! That SOB should not even own a pet rock or a chia pet.
Please tell me this can never happen. There cannot be a judge in this country that would ever reverse the ban against that A-HOLE owning a dog.
Seriously - it's like allowing a convicted pedophile to open a daycare center.
I just can't believe this...
He thinks he can be a responsible pet owner? Someone who can throw an animal like that and have no remorse should never be able to own an animal! EVER!!!!!
I do not believe that a man who could treat dogs like he did and participate in such barbaric kills can ever be trusted to own another animal, definitely NOT a dog. The first time the dog wets on the floor or doesn't come exactly when he is called, Michael Vick will lose his temper and any semblance of control. I hope the judge NEVER lifts the lifetime ban against him owning dogs. As for that idiot from the Humane Society, I say he either has stars in his eyes or a new pocket full of $$. Paula Conklin, Oberlin Ohio
Thank you Bad Rap for staying consistent on your views of the Vick case, unlike the Humane Society who has a president that thinks letting a man who killed dogs with his bare hands own another animal is a good idea. How can anyone read about what Vick did and think that him owning a pet is a good idea?! If you put him in a situation with a dog, he will do it again. He will most likely not be able to help himself. It is like giving a former drug addict drugs; there is still a lot of temptation to do it. That man, along with any other person who harms animals, does NOT deserve the love of an animal!!!!!! Thank you bad rap for remembering that! Next time I think of donating money to animal charities, it will not be to the humane society.
You know ... there are no words. It's clear that he has not learned a thing, and still lives in a world of denial? As part of his sentencing he was charged with "Never being able to own or poses a dog ever" yet he still thinks he has a chance to get one someday? He also commented that no one ever told him that dog fighting was wrong? WOW really?? To bad he didn't get himself some of that Oklahoma jail house Justis!!
I bawled my way through that paragraph, with my pit bull boy on my lap.
I think Wayne Pacelle is as devoid of empathy as Vick.
I saw a clip from that interview on the NBC Nightly News tonight; it's on the NBC website at
Jenny, our 6-year-old Staffordshire mix (we fostered and then adopted her earlier this year), was snoozing near me as I nearly fell off the couch in shock at Vick's comments. The very idea of Michael Vick getting another dog--even if Wayne Pacelle approves of it--makes me sick to my stomach.
I just saw this on the news and was horrified! Anyone who abuses an animal to the extent he did cannot, in my mind, be "rehabilitated." It's PR pure and simple on his part.
Crack, maybe meth... or just really, really drunk? One thing is for sure, some judgement impairment has transpired.
Did the HSUS drop the e from the first word of their name and forget to tell everyone? Because I don't think they like animals very much.
I have to believe that if the pit bulls that have been FORCED to fight can be rehabilitated from the cruelty inflicted upon them by humans, then the humans who abused them can also be rehabilitated.When the badest of the bad can become a loving family pet,then there must hope that Michael Vick can one day learn the same lesson of rehabilitation and return to the community as a trusted pet owner. note that the dogs were forced to fight, very true. They were given no option but self preservation. The dogs were never "the baddest of the bad" as you say but in fact victims of cruelty. Perhaps Michael Vick would deserve the title "baddest of the bad" because he was never *forced to participate in the hideously cruel acts against innocent dogs, he chose to willingly, in fact with laughter.
Sorry Wayne and Mike, a few public speaking engagements does not qualify as rehabilitation.
I think anyone who is "PRO-Vick" is out to get something signed especially that idiot from the Humane Society, Wayne "Dumbass" Pacelle. Hey Wayne how much is Vick offering you to endorse him?
Tell them what you think, I did!
Shame on HSUS. It's sad to see them jumping on this bandwagon, and for what? Yes, I believe in second chances, and his second chance is being allowed to live in society again, but he should never be allowed to be in physical contact with any animals ever again. Again, Shame on you HSUS!!
yep, i believe someone said it right... HSUS is all about the $. Unfortunately, $ makes the world go round.
Stu-linda, I somewhat agree.
Reading through a lot of comments, it's clear that there are many in the dog community who will never forgive Vick. And when there is no forgiveness, it's only about vengeance. I don't reside there. Personally I do believe he has straightened up his act as far as being a law-abiding citizen, although his attempts at displaying sympathy for animals thus far come off as insincere.
Attitudes must change if pits are to have better chances. And if we don't believe that the attitudes of people who hate pits - or even those who fight pits - can be changed, then it's a long dismal road we're on as we wait for dogfighters and pit-haters to die.
But it's way too early to even think about Michael Vick owning a dog. Mr. Vick, put the hard work in at a shelter if you have the passion. Organize charity events to benefit homeless animals. The dilemma is that to rebuild your public image so that you could adopt a dog without this type of public reaction, you take the chance of looking like a media whore as cameras follow you around. But that's the hole you dug. Let people see you scooping the shit, and maybe it will come off as heartfelt.
I'm willing to accept Michael Vick as having paid his debt to general society, but he's got a long way to go before he's paid his debt to the dog community. Maybe Wayne Pacelle knows something I don't. But I doubt it. True charity doesn't happen with videocameras around, but in this case if Michael Vick is doing more than we know, then Mr. Pacelle needs to bring it forth before making such statements. Scared straight? I'll buy it. Fit dogowner? No way.
Too bad for his kids though, having a dog might teach them to not be like Dad.
I own two beautiful tempered Pit Bulls that do well with cats and puppies and other dog even though one I am fostering has been abused very bad and came to the humane society and rescued by All Breed Rescue and training which I have seen in my Candy dog who in now a Canine Good citizen and working on agility that this breed rocks with brains and even the foster dog LOVES CLICKER TRAINING!...I HATE VICKS ACTIONS, but I have seen how All Breeds Training trust training works! Just like anger management Vick should be monitored and trained by the BIGGEST TRUST TRAINERS in America do the monitoring, for more than a few months. Just an idea...
""I have been around him a lot, and feel confident that he would do a good job as a pet owner," (In my best Dr. Phil voice) Wayne, what were you thinking?!
Would you give a child to a man who has molested over & over again? Hell no! There are some people that think Vick has done his time and that "they" were just dogs. That's right, they were just dogs. Dogs that didn't do a dam thing to Vick and his cronies who obviously took great pleasure in torturing and exploiting them. Wayne, wake the hell up!! Vick had a pair of coveralls set aside just for killing dogs. Vicks sadistic nature runs deep throughout his cold blooded veins. My doggie-nose smells con man big time!
"I LOVE the comment why don't we just let pedophiles open up a day care?" That is my feeling exactly! While we are at it, why don't we open up a few drive through pubs? The very thought of that trash even owning a fish angers me to my core.
Wayne, your douchebaggery knows no ends...
HSUS is not about helping animals. They are a sham.
As for Michael Vick, I wouldn't piss on him if his guts were on fire, as the saying goes. I can't look at a photo of him without feeling physically ill. He is a torturer and a murderer who just happened to get caught. May he rot in hell for all eternity.
I read that as i sat rubbing my dogs belly on the sofa. Looking down at him I couldn't imagine ever inflicting pain on him, let alone slamming him into the ground. I feel bad when he gets hurt doing silly doggy things that I am not even involved in. I really hope he never gets another dog, he doesn't deserve to EVER own another pet. As for feeling bad for his kids not being able to have one, hopefully that will be a lesson to them to treat animals with kindness and respect. I highly doubt he has been "rehabilitated" by this point. Maybe tell his kids to volunteer at a shelter, that way they get their doggy fix and no other dog needs to suffer
Here is Wayne Pacelle's direct email address: . He also appears to have a facebook page which you can send a message through:
Well, hmmm...maybe he really is smoking crack. That's clearly the only logical explanation.
Fox Sports is running a poll on whether he should be allowed to own another dog.
I think Wayne needs a new job....maybe Vick can hire him.....
Has anyone clicked onto the Nissan dealer in PA. I believe it is Woodbury Nissan. They have a commercial on it featuring Vick. I believe we should all go full-circle and not only tell Wayne Pacelle off but comment on the Nissan's email as well. It's just too early to completely forgive this guy. He has done so much damage and caused so much pain. Even though none of my Pit's were injured I look into their caring eye's and wonder how someone could be so uncaring. Forgiveness should be every person's thought but there has to be time to heal first. Maybe about 50 years out to do it!!!
What can we do to get the message to the courts and to this Wayne Pacelle guy that this is wrong!!! The thought of that murderer being able to own a dog is crazy. This guy shouldn't be allow to own a dog, a cat, a rock or a dust bunny. Vick has not taken any responsibility for his part in the killing and hurting those dogs and until he does he has no hope of getting the respect he thinks he deserves.
Vick should not be allowed to own animals. At all. Period. Not a dog, not a cat, not a rat, a hamster, a fish, anything.
He's paid his debt to society, and I'm willing to live and let live since I do believe in the U.S. legal system, but his crime showed intent to cause suffering in an animal that was no threat to him. He should never have direct and unsupervised access to any non-human creature again. Anyone who can kill an animal so cruelly without remorse is not a person who likes animals. He will do fine if he is never permitted within 100 feet of a dog again.
Thanks for the link motorcyclegurl, here it is again, to contact Wayne Pacelle and tell him what you think of his insanity...
I sent him (Wayne P) a letter on the dog fighting link...
No dogs Vick! Not EVER!
He is a perpetrator of hate and violence, I don't care how many touchdowns or whatever he makes in football, he is UNFIT to EVER have another sweet pup trust him, only to have that trust shattered along with it's body, at the hands of Vick & friends.
Think that's bad? I live in Philadelphia and imagine what it is like to live here! And imagine what it will be like for us if Vick is named MVP of the year or worse, the adulation if the Eagles win the SuperBowl...oh please doG, let there be some justice...SOMEWHERE!
I had nightmares about that little red dog when I read the book. Anyone that can do such a violent, hateful thing to a living, feeling being does not deserve to be around animals, or people for that matter. There has to be something seriously wrong with you if you are capable of the things he has done.
The idea of Vick having another dog just makes me sick. I'm at work now and I feel like I need to drive home to check on my dog and my foster dog - just to make sure they're safe.
Unbelievable. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that bastard thiks he has been "reformed" and can show he thinks he can be a good dog owner. Well, a leopard never changes his spots. I dont buy it for one second. Next thing you know, those morons over at PETA are going to let Vick be their spoksperson. I get crap every day from people when they find out I own a pit. I AM A PROUD PITBULL OWNER and do whatever I can to spread the good word of pits. Vick is nothing but a ghetto thug and all the money in the world and all the "positive" changes he claims to have made will never change that!!!
This is what he says on site hosting the Poll (btw, 35% of respondents say he seems contrite and should be allowed to have a dog): "This entire situation has changed my life dramatically. Better player, better person. More patience, more persistence, and the willingness to, like I said earlier, set high goals and high standards not only on the football field but in life. And in so many ways I thank God for changing my life and keeping me healthy and putting me on the path to where I can redeem myself and make a great comeback."
I think it is particularly noteworthy that his *entire* focus is on playing football, not on setting an example for humane treatment, not on helping to end bloodsports, not on building the right kinds of relationships. Well, have at it - go play football. Without a dog. Ever.
click on alexandra silver's name to send Time magazine an email, like the first paragraph from the book,,28804,2035319_2034985_2034983,00.html
I can only hope that if he is allowed to get a dog the breed is selected for him and not by him, she should not be allowed to own any type of bully breed what so ever! if he really wants the pet for his daughters let them pick out a nice fluffy small breed.
Here is a link to a petition demanding Wayne Pacelle's resignation:
Thank you for posting Pacelle's follow up blog on the topic of Vick getting a dog, Tai. Not sure if you noticed, but the Atlantic Constitution Journal interview was published the day before this blog piece came out.
It seems that WP is willing to support Vick because he believes that dog fighters can turn around and learn to love dogs rather than fight them. This is a compassionate hope that must certainly play out with some of the young people that participate in HSUS-sponsored training programs.
However the disconnect here is that Vick was not so much a dog fighter, but a sadistic torturer of dogs who apparently got a rise out of animals' suffering. Allowing dogs to engage in battle is a horrible crime, but doesn't begin to compare with using one's own hands to further that torture after the fights.
We need to stop calling what Vick did "dog fighting." He wasn't a common dog fighter -- he was a psychopathic monster with a chilling sense of rage and no sense of mercy or self control once a dog displeased him. In our view, it is highly irresponsible of the CEO of a high powered humane organization like the HSUS to give a personality like this a free pass simply because he's been willingly participating in speaking arrangements.
Vick himself doesn't know if he's on his way to being "reformed." He hasn't been allowed near dogs since his release so has no idea what kind of rage will trigger when a dog displeases him again. That trigger could come from something as simple as a dog chewing up his favorite Italian shoes or pissing on his floor.
We have no issue with the wonderful people inside HSUS who are on the ground working night and day to end dog fighting and help the victims. I feel sorry for them knowing they have to answer to this most irresponsible statement made by their CEO. As you can imagine, they can't speak out or respond. What a kick in the jaw.
oh yeah, Tai, Wayne's another victim, isn't he? The press just doesn't understand... Like no one understood that the HSUS actually wanted all fightbust dogs to be killed, including the tiny Wilkes Cty puppies (
. All a misunderstanding. It certainly wasn't any public outrage that forced them to change that policy. Oh no... they have a firm moral center. It's never about the money. Sure.
Now this may just be unreliable gossip.. but maybe not. I find it wholly credible that Vick would whine to his friends about the unfairness of his life, being required to, you know, actually make amends for his cruelty. He's a victim, too.
To all those who would rush to say that Vick has "done his time" and all should be forgiven and forgotten: by that logic, pedophiles who have "done their time" in jail should be allowed to operate day care centers.
It's not about revenge, it is about protecting the innocent from someone who has shown a propensity for taking advantage of them and causing harm.
There are not words to describe how disgusted I am with Wayne Pacelle and the HSUS for their stance on this matter.
quick follow up on your latest post Tai..
Actually, dogfighting is not that prevalent in Oakland. The biggest concern affecting the survival of pit bulls in our city is landlord eviction and foreclosure.
I think Vic is the best thing that ever happened to the breed. Without him there would be no where near the awareness there is now. Dont act like he is the only one that ever mistreated a dog....
With that being said - I think he should get a dog, any dog, and help raise awareness. He is a GREAT football player, maybe one of the best - I think he should use that power to show the world that it was the way he handled the dogs that made them mean - and it had nothing to do with the animal its self.
I have the book by my nightstand. I like to read when I first go to bed. I have tried for 3 months to get past that paragraph and read the rest of the book but every time I read about the little red dog I start sobbing because I am staring in the face of my 3 fur babies that are in bed with my hubby and I and the two that are on their doggie beds and just can't keep reading. Maybe someday, for Vick NEVER! Thanks for your post Donna, well said, very well said!!!
dormer1 - If you've kept up with the dogs since they were rescued from Vick, you'd see that only one dog was made "mean" by Vick and his boys, and she was euthanized because of it. One dog. A large number are still scared to death of the world because of their treatment. Not "mean" - scared to death.
If you believe that his excellent performance on the field indicates that he's ready to be a loving dog owner, then I nominate you donate your family dog to him. Then if he mistreats it, you will forgive him, right? After all, set-backs are common and normal during any troubled person's recovery.
I didn't believe him before and I don't believe him now. What truly appalls me are the comments on the sports blogs that justify his behavior because of the "culture" he was raised in. And...that those of "us" that were not raised in the "hood" wouldn't understand. I am sorry, but heinous cruelty to animals can't be justified to me no matter what victim card someone wants to play. The victims are the animals.
Dissing HSUS seems to be the rage now, specifically Wayne Pacelle, whose mission has been to stop dogfighting. Please read this post in Pacelle's blog. imo, he speaks rationally and thoughtfully. If Vick becomes the public face of a reformed dog abuser by his actions and words, then he will be the most watched dog guardian in the country. What's the downside?
Let us remember that since Vick has been in Philly - both playing ball and doing speaking presentations - the number of horrible crimes committed against pit bulls has skyrocketed. I'm sure some of our friends here in Philly can speak to that mind-boggling phenomena.
If Vick's soulless presentations were the panacea for this rash of copy-cat style crimes, we'd be signing him up as our best boy, too. Far from it. He's making things WORSE.
The fact is that Vick is out of jail (bad) and playing ball (bad, again), but that's a reality-based observation. He's not going back to jail or be kicked out of the Patriots. He'll be in the spotlight no matter how many animal advocates are revolted. Pacelle is working with this disgusting situation and in his words below, is willing to re-assess Vick's situation at the time that the court's prohibition from owning a dog expires. It's a shame that the court did not see fit to forbid him from ever having contact with a dog, but it didn't.
"If at some point in the future—after his probation ends, with his counseling continuing, and with him having demonstrated an ability to interact in a positive way with animals in a supervised setting—then it would be time to confront the question of Vick being allowed to bring a dog back to his family. It’s too soon now, and that’s the way I’ve felt all along, even though my position in one news story posted online yesterday was boiled down to the simple “yes-no” question about whether he should have a dog."
I realize I didn't address the subject of your last post, Donna. Whether the horrible increase in crimes against pit bulls is driven by Vick's success or not, and I believe it probably is, the subject of whether he's allowed a pet most likely isn't being followed by those who abuse them. He's out there winning in football and is a hero to too many jerks for the voices of animal advocates to make an impression. I believe this to be true. As in many self-defense disciplines, we need to use the moving force of Vick and the jerks to turn them in another direction.
Michael Vick is out of jail (very bad) and a winning athlete (again, very bad). There is no chance of that changing. The court has seen fit to allow him a chance to own a dog in 3 years (really, really bad). It's shameful that the court didn't extend that ban for Vick's life. It is what it is and no amount of revulsion from animal advocates will have any effect on this reality-based fact. It sucks and I, too, loathe Vick. My best friend is a pitbull. The words below from Pacelle's blog clarify his words to the Atlanta Constitution which like almost all media goes for the biggest bang for the buck.
"If at some point in the future—after his probation ends with his counseling continuing, and with him having demonstrated an ability to interact in a positive way with animals in a supervised setting—then it would be time to confront the question of Vick being allowed to bring a dog back to his family. It’s too soon now, and that’s the way I’ve felt all along, even though my position in one news story posted online yesterday was boiled down to the simple “yes-no” question about whether he should have a dog."
If indeed Vick does adopt a dog in the future, he will become the most watched dog owner on the planet. If he continues to speak out against animal abuse and his brain-damaged rabble of hero worshippers listen and learn, then we win. Cause it's doubtful that sorry bunch will listen to us.
Thank you for bringing up Vick's disassociative behaviors. He has no connection between his actions and the resulting consequences.
I can not stomach the thought of the man having stewardship over any animal, even a cockroach. His behaviors indicate he still doesn't have any clue to the consequences of his actions.
The greatest tragedy of all of this is that he is still being held as an icon, a standard to obtain in lifestyle and behavior.
The only thing I can do to mitigate his influence is to continue to advocate and educate.
I'm going to snuggle my dog on this sleety winter night.
Leila & Quizz (CGC)
Richmond, VA
Just a reminder to those who think Pacelle actually has any convictions on this (other than gaining money and power for HSUS)
He believed, and it was HSUS policy, that fightbust dogs should be KILLED. Once he saw the dollar potential of the dogs, as victims rather than as monsters, HSUS changed its tune.
And you think he actually cares about these dogs, at all?
yikes, sorry about the double post. my bad. =/
Anon - to answer your question, "No."
Karen, that "sorry bunch" has been gleaning all kinds of lessons from MV's success that have nothing to do with compassion for animals. A true teacher can move mountains because he walks his talk, not the other way around. This guy is being used as a puppet and young people can see through that propaganda a mile away.
This all points to the desperation people that white people especially feel about animal abuse in "the hood." We could stand to look at the institutionalized cruelty that comes out of the "good guys," for example, the hundreds of shelters that destroy every single pit bull that walks through the doors on a daily basis. WP turns a blind eye to that kind of hateful tragedy, while pushing a serial abuser in front of the cameras as the answer to Philly's horrific situation of pit bull abuse? I don't think so. You have to clean up your own nest before pretending to know what others should do to clean up theirs.'
IMO, Pacelle is grandstanding and he shames himself and his organization with this ridiculous charade. I'm embarrassed that I'm giving it any airtime at all.
I had read this before it was posted here (re: MV wanting another dog) and my blood pressure went sky high. He has NOT paid his debt nor can he ever in my book for all he did. H should never be allowed near any animal ever. It's all about "appearances"-he has not shown true remorse in my book. It sickens e how there are those who feel he is being denied his right to own a dog---what about the rights of all those blessed four legged furry ones who did not make it out alive...may they play in peace on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. As for MV--I can't believe he is out of jail!!
I hope that HSUS follows Vick very closely in the next 3 years. And when his probation expires, I hope that HSUS is involved in evaluating if Vick should bring a dog into his family. I am trusting HSUS to act as guardian. Re: PR. Really the amount of PR that individuals and groups and corporations have gained from their association with the dogs, imo, is all noxious if for gain; however if it serves to help those who tirelessly work for our dogs, I think it's acceptable.
I respect your opinion and love and support what you and BR have accomplished.
All I needed to know about WaynePacelle, I knew once I heard his former position.... LOBBYIST" aren't that pack of idiots the ones that are being blamed for ruining politics?? crusader for a price, go wayne.
On another note,
Dogs know your soul, and any poor dog unfortunate to live under a roof with that man would live in constant fear and uncertainty, sensing no real love, would probably wind up being one of those poor dogs that pee if you try to touch them.
Why shouldn't the man think he can own a dog again??? He's been given EVERYTHING ELSE back. Of course he'll be allowed to own a dog again. These football players are denied NOTHING when they are stars. Now, had he been some back-up QB, he wouldn't even be playing right now, the HSUS would have condemned him (and continued to do so) and no one would have a problem with that guy not being allowed another animal in his life.
But if you have talent? Play for us! Are we not entertained?? THAT is the value in our society.
I just had my dog at a home last week (we work with troubled boys) and this is what a teen said to me while petting her, "I wish I had skills like Vick. I wouldn't even be in this place."
Yeah, they totally get it. But the football loving public? Ignorance is bliss. See no evil, hear no evil.
Must be hard to tell your daughters that murdered dogs with your own bare hands. What will they think of you? Well, it shouldn't bother them too much if they are never allowed to own a dog or bond with one because of your actions in the first place.
Wayne loves to see his name and photo in newpapers, on TV and in cyberspace far more than he loves animals. He's all over the media today. Publicity IS his crack cocaine, even if he is crashing a bit from the animal community's response.
Whatever HSUS may be doing to combat dogfighting, arrests, convictions and related rescues are all down since the Vick indictment and way down in the past decade. In 2009, about 750 fighting dogs were impounded, 500 from the 8-state bust. J.P. Goodwin and Wayne Pacelle inflate the numbers of raids, rescues and rewards for fundraising purposes and perhaps, to justify their alliance with Vick, who is likely to sign a huge multimillion dollar deal after this season is up.
"I'd sooner stay in a Motel 6 owned by Norman Bates." Anderson Cooper 12.16.
Great, while we're at it, lets move all the pedophiles to prime locations around elementary schools so they can refresh their public images as well. ayfkm? I've met Wayne personally. Next time I see him at a fancy 'thanks for your donations' party here in AZ, I might let him know it's the last dime he's getting from our family. Wayne, you publicity whore, this is NOT the way to garner popularity.
Michael Vick would still be torturing and killing dogs and participating in dogfighting if he wouldnt of gotten busted. He didnt stop because he felt bad, he stopped because he had too. Its really sad that these pathetic sorry ass losers have to use a dog to make themselves feel tough. REAL MEN DONT LET DOGS DO THEIR FIGHTING. Maybe Vick should be forced to get in a ring and fight until he cant fight anymore and he can experience the pain and fear he put those dogs through. Maybe if there were tougher concequences these dirtbags might think twice. I would rather have non violent offfenders living in my neighborhood than a heartless psychotic worthless piece of shit that can hurt and kill a living animal and not think twice about it.
HSUS IS A JOKE! When will the American public open their eyes and see HSUS is just another lobby group from Washington DC.....your donations do not go to help pays saleries
How long did the people know what Vick was doing to those poor dogs before he got in trouble? How do we know that he isn't still doing it? What, do you think all of his "friends" stopped fighting dogs because he got in trouble? Do you think the fighting world "magically" stopped because Vick got busted? NO. Vick is back in the public eye, like he was before, he is back making millions, while more deserving people are struggling to make ends meet. How do YOU know that he isn't still fighting dogs? Or having someone be his middle man? Would you put it past him? I surely wouldn't!
Second chances? He got his second chance! He wasn't burned alive like the dog he murdered because he didn't win his fight for him. His insides weren't beaten to a mushy pulp like the one described above because he didn't make him his money. That is his second chance. He deserves NOTHING MORE! Its not about revenge. Its REALITY! Quit sugar coating what he did ... he is a monster. I can't handle when my dog gives me his sad "sorry" puppy eyes let alone set it on fire, fight it in a ring, beat it to death, shoot it, leave it for dead, throw it from the roof of a building!?! WHO DOES THAT... ??? People like this man you are defending! This man you are defending!
He is a role model for our children, for his, and it saddens me. NO. he does not DESERVE to have the life of not one more defenseless animal in his hands. He had his chance ... how many died because of it?
I think it's crap. once a dog murderer always a dog murderer. he probably commits family violence too. it's a statistical fact that the two go hand in hand. he does not deserve another dog. a dog is way too good for him. I can't believe he is a professional football player that little kids are growing up to idolize. what is this saying to our future leaders? that dog abuse and animal cruelty and dog fighting are ok?
I think it's a big bunch of bs.
let child molesters adopt children then, right? it will be good "therapy" for a sexual molester, right? it's not like he made a bad decision like going to a party, these are lives! LIVES. ok, so he gets a puppy, and the pup pees on his floor, what will he do? Hand it? BBQ it? ELECTROCUTE it? or just STRANGLE it? i SEE money AND sports IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN compassion AND LIFE.??!! uggh PEOPLE AND THEIR PRIORITIES!
Really? He is having a hard time explaining to his girls why they can't get a dog? How about he explains everything he did. How he tortured and abused those poor helpless animals for his amusement. I wouldn't wish that on any child. Someday they will hear all about their daddy, and what he did. Maybe then they will understand why they could never have a dog. Anyone who could do the things he did, weather or not they were never told they were wrong, is devoid of the thing that makes us human. I have never told my 4 year old the DOG FIGHTING IS WRONG. She knows it is wrong to hurt animals or people, she can feel it in her heart. As can any decent human being. I am just so disgusted that anyone would say he could be a good dog owner. He has never even admitted he did anything wrong! You can't be rehabilitated for something you don't admit to!
We have interesting, ongoing conversations about Vick in my household. I also agree with Joel's comments -and my husband feels the sheer public face Mike Vick has given this underground crime has actually served to force this kind of depravity much more into the public consciousness. However redemption is subjective -what exactly has he done to date in the animal welfare arena? I've only heard vague mention of "talking to school kids" etc -I've certainly never seen any kind of PSA during NFL games, etc.
Also, "The Lost Dogs" book is a tough read in the beginning -the segments from the "dogs' view" are breath-taking -but I would highly recommend all bully lovers to hang in with it -I've made it to the chapter on Donna and Tim now so that's good...
Last, outrage is OK and justified -but let's use it for positive action. I choose to support, in whatever small way I can afford, more grass-roots orgs like Bad Rap.
By giving him the chance to own a nother dog is like saying a child molester could live next door to a school! It will only be a matter of time befor it happens again! What a sick world we live in, to even consider to give this low life another chance is BS!! I guess that just goes to show how things really work around here!! I think the closest he should be able to get to a dog is cleaning out the kennels at the local shelters! Vick you and everything you stand for makes me sick!!!!!!!!
Cannot believe the President of the Humane Society is supporting Mike Vick...what did the dog murderer write a big check?? Unbelievable. What a slap in the face to Best Friends Animal Society who rehabilitated the few survivors!
I don't think he should be allowed to play football either...give him the same job that gave him the money to get all the dogs that he tortured in the first place!?!?!? CRAZY! Let's just allow him to go and make millions of dollars again...especially considering that if a regular person i.e. a person who is not a professional ball player or actor/actress, did something like that we would have probably faced a long jail sentence on top of fines and never being allowed to own another pet.
The famous people of this world are unfairly treated "special" where punishment is concerned, and Vick is no exception. It makes me sick seeing all these celebrities out there messing up and getting slapped on the hand and nothing more while the rest of us get the book thrown at us for a minor indiscretion!
I have 2 pit bull mix dogs and they are the most wonderful dogs in the world! But on the flipside if you try to come near me or my daughter they will let you know that you don't belong until they know you. I would like to give them a fair shot at Vick to let him know what he put those poor dogs through!
like the ball fans who think this is okay really give a sh!t about what he wants ... he's a vehicle of excitement & revenue for them ~ like the dogs were for HIM.
Please, Please help me to understand how the Humane Society, who by their own admission, represents an organization dedicated to saving and protecting animals, has decided that Vick, the brutal, pathetic individual, whose actions are clearly described in JIm's book, are ok with Vick owning another dog! Did they not read the book? Did they not comprehend the magnitude of his depravity? Do they think he is good as new, never to harm again? Are we to believe that he has completely changed from a person who was ok with sacrificing his own children's pets, torturing innocent dogs and enjoying animals tearing each other up, has now changed? Sure, let's believe that and all the proclaimed innocence of all those on death row in our prisons because they are innocent too don't ya know. And why do I know, because they said so. Just like Michael Vick. Shame on the Humane Society for being "take in" by this charlatan.
Here is my Video Response to Vick getting a dog
Well, the Humane Society of the United States' President, after receiving a $50,000 check from the Philadelphia Eagles, says "(Michael Vick) would do a good job as a pet owner."
Sure, fine...I've got some pets in mind for about a Brazilian Wandering Spider, or an Inland Taipan snake, or perhaps a King Cobra...I'd be happy to wrap a bow around any of these "pets" and place them under his pillow, so he could pet and hug them as they put him to sleep.
Right now I'm most disgusted with Woodbury Nissan of NJ for giving Vick that stupid commercial. I emailed them last night and let them know how repulsed I was by their choice to use him to sell their products. This is the contact form for Woodbury Nissan:
I also emailed Nissan USA corporate last night.
oh speaking of dogfighters, and outrage....
The guy who fought (and then abandoned) dogs in order to catch dogfighters, and about whom you previously blogged, has a new job:
Someone remind us again why this guy is applauded and celebrated while Vick is (rightly) castigated???
Vick can have a dog right around the same time we start giving children to convicted pedophiles
Wow, Vick continues with the classic sociopath behavior. Of course he deserves a dog, he didn't actually do anything wrong in the first place except like trust the wrong people and get caught and stuff like that.
Given the average lifespan of NFL players we have what like another 10 years of having to hear this fool say stupid stuff before he wraps his Escalade around a tree or has a jilted ex-stripper/girlfriend/baby mama off him?
the passage from "the lost dogs" is the one line in that book that almost made me vomit when i first read it. it is the one line in that book that i cannot stop from haunting my mind, almost daily, in the months since i read it. it is the one line in that book that keeps me fighting with everyone i've heard, since then,say that vick is awesome and deserves another chance. i'm glad you posted it, the more people who read that description of his evil, the fewer supporters he'll have. at least, one would hope...
Animal abuse is just wrong. Has this guy given up smoking?
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