Can you stand it? That's Christine Allen's daughter Natalie with Honky Tonk at the barn, surrounded by the barn puppies. Photographer Laura Moss spent a few days here in CA with our crew and captured some wonderful moments to add to the calendar.
Pre-order now and save 10% off the retail price. Inside the 2011 Calendar: Jonny Justice at work as a reading program dog, fight bust dog Daisy now living the California life, Eva and the barn puppies and even our girl Sally snuck her way into a freeze frame. They're keeping good company with several other gorgeous pit bulls and their people.
The founders of the Unexpected Pit Bull Calendar volunteer all their time to create this work, then generously donate 100% of the proceeds to rescue groups. It's a true labor of love. The kennels in our Rescue Barn were paid for by this calendar, for example ... That's recycling at its best. We'll sneak other photos from the calendar here onto the blog in upcoming posts, so check back later to see what some of the inside spreads look like.
Unexpected Pit Bull Calendar - Pre-Order Now
Buy it, love it, share it with everyone who needs a blast of these hardcore happy images. Many thanks to Jyo Buyyala, Laura and the rest of the UPBC volunteers for pouring so much of your hearts into this project and the dogs who benefit from it. Below, the talented Laura Moss at work, shooting Daisy with her adoring adopters, Jeanne and Neil Nutter.

Very excited to get mine! I ordered a bunch. Miss Gabby will be in good company. :) (She is Miss October!) I haven't seen the shots yet, so jealous if you have. :)
LOOK at those ankles on natalie!!! sooo squishy!!!! love it! cant wait to buy up all those pretty pretty calendars and dole them out a spresents this year. anything to spread a positive image. thanks for the sneek peaks.
The photo of Natalie with dogs is incredible! A little tiny girl with all those dogs either eating out of her hand or at her feet.
Take that BSL!
I'm currently looking to adopt a pair of bonded seniors (and their pit bull). Are Daisy's parents available for adoption? I'm out-of-state, but I have great references and can schedule a home visit.
Seriously...that is the cutest pit bull family ever.
Step in line Jess - I want'em too! Lucky for all of us, they'll be beaming the love vibe for the whole month of June, '11. I can't wait.
There's my girl! We had a great time doing the photo shoot. Super talented photographer and Natalie just loooooved the dogs.
LOVE IT!!! That first picture is just amazing!
@ Christine: And you can tell the dogs just loooooved her, too! She's adorable, Christine. And seriously - that's the kind of photograph that can change minds. And when you change minds, you change the world.
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dog beds and more
aw~ i want one!:D
those eyes...
they are so expressive
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