And now ...We’ve been blessed once again with a matching grant opportunity, but this one is very special in that it's a DOUBLE matching grant! Our very generous donors wish to remain anonymous with their donation in the name of their special pit gal Maggie. (Dear Maggie ... thank you for inspiring your people to help other pit bulls!)
We have thirty days to meet this challenge of $5,000, meaning that if we raise it, they will in turn donate $10,000 to us, making a total of $15,000. This amount of course puts us amazingly close to our final goal.
So once again, the pressure is on. Can we raise $5000 in 30 days? It's a lot to ask, but we have faith. Let the challenge begin!
BARNRAISERS. Look at all the people who want a better day for pit bulls. It restores hope, doesn't it? Holly Schneider, Linda Snyder, James Orvis, Daniel and Diane Alspaugh, Larry and Holly Dungan, Joette Martin, Rebecca Huss, Diane Rhodes, John

Bust dogs from the midwest are landing in rescues all over the country as we type. Some lucky ducks like our buddy Ernie here are already home for keeps. Siiigh...Ernie! (news later) In some cases, dogs are joining adoption programs. In others, special darlings are 'coming home' for the TLC of Compassion Holds.
We continue to do a little of both, PLUS some exciting news: Plans are underway to bring a special lil' working dog to CA in prep for a job in law enforcement. Updates later - So much needs to happen before any of the bust dogs' stories can be told in full.
MO Bust Victim Gigi Needs It
One of the first dogs that left Missouri this summer (right) is starting her heartworm treatment. Her rescuer, Nicole Rattay of 'Just A Dog Rescue' sure could use a little love in the way of donations for vet care. Please check out her page on 'Gigi' and consider sending her your latte money this week. It would be heaven sent.
VIDEO: Gigi meets her vet. Thank you dog lovers!
Holy Guacamole and pass the chips. Matching grant news is frigging amazing. (I'm giggling at the thought of a possible very special anonymous donor.) So 30 days starting 11.8.09? W O W. So much good news in this post I'm going to save everything after the Barn-A-Go-Go for late tonight. Kinda like that intense ice cream fix you know you can have later after chores. Hop on, hop on. I am twitching. Feel a tweet coming on. LOVE having this pic of the barn and post for FAMILY TAP roll out. Great laminated color one sheet. Working on Medicine Wheel in front yard. Will ask Grandmother Earth and Grandfather Sky to watch over you and bless this new barn raising help. For all the four leggeds who are so blessed to have you guys.
I'd like to hear more about the conferences. It's nice to see my name shoulder to shoulder with Rebecca Huss, but it was even nicer to meet her face to face at the No-Kill conference last May in DC. I hope to attend at least one conference in 2010 and I'd love it if it could be one with Bad Rap presence. And Wow, you finally cashed my check!
Have just read story of HOUNDY and BAILEY. Crying as have not since Edna left this world and me. Thought I was going for ice cream. Keening with the beauty and compassion and tattered heart of every word weaving their stories. And gratitude for knowing that somehow I will use tapping fingers and rapping brain and crazy as a loon heritage John Abraham Wilson aka Jack - Dad - to find a way to help you guys - help - all these dogs. JesusMaryandJosephwept. Sending so much love to all of you who worked on this bust. Samantha
Speaking of barn-raising and dogs needing houses, did anyone see on the news the statement made by the repesentative for the SF apartment association at a meeting to discuss forcing landlords to accept pet owners as tennants?
They only offered a small clip, but the gist of it was, "the majority of the dogs in our shelters are pit bulls. Do you want to unload pit bulls on us?" I was absolutely disgusted by this statement, and if i owned an apartment in SF I'd want to get as far away from that man. Thoughts??
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