Recently elementary school teacher Charity Allison-Jara presented the book to her fourth grade class at Vintage Hills Elementary School to gather their impressions. Their community in Pleasant Hill hasn't had much experience with pit bull type dogs and breed stereotypes are more common than truths, so this would be a very different kind of story for most of the kids.
Her students' response to the lessons showed the impact this type of story can have on young minds. Audie ceased to be a "type" of dog, and instead became an individual with emotions and a hope for second chances through the book's words and images. The kids' essays about the book were lovely, but when Charity came back to school the next day, she was surprised to find a real live demonstration of the kids' newfound compassion for orphaned pit bulls -- they brought in a PILE of toys, treats and blankets; gifts for the homeless dogs in BR's barn. The kids had gone home to their parents and relayed the story, inspiring several visits to shops and pet stores to gather up help for the orphans. It was a wonderful confirmation that the book had hit its mark. Very cool!

Complimentary Books: The book can be purchased from Amazon.com, although we have a few copies that we hope to give away for free to teachers and librarians. If you'd like to plan an event at your school, bookstore or library, please email us to let us know what you have in mind. Saving Audie EventBuy 'Saving Audie' from Amazon Lesson Plans for Saving Audie
Right: Yes it seems terribly wrong, but there's actually a good reason Audie had to wear those pants. Ask the kids. They'll explain.
So far the book has had great reviews:
“This polished photo-essay by frequent collaborators Patent and Muñoz will tug at the heartstrings of readers. Muñoz's crisp, candid photos include many endearing shots of Audie—both solo and interacting with humans and other rescued dogs. Bright backgrounds and captionlike commentary keep this uplifting and informational book lively.” — Publishers Weekly
From one of our facebook friends: "I sent Saving Audie to a friend who teaches in Florida. Here's what she emailed me, "My students LOVED the book about Audie. One of my 3rd graders is a Bosnian boy who is autistic...he talked about this book more than I've heard him talk all year. He was really excited about it. He wanted to know if the football player got thrown "in the hole". I laughed and asked him if he's been watching "Lock Up". They had so much to say about the dogs they have known..." - Kathy Spitler
We want to thank the students from Mrs. Allison-Jara's fourth grade class for telling us what you thought about the book, and for extending your kindness to other dogs that don't have homes right now. You made lessons from Audie's story come to life in ways we didn't expect and our dogs are happier because of it. Thank you!
that doggie-pants picture is a hoot!
what a great program! and how sweet of those (human) kids to donate toys, etc. to your (furry) kids!
I was just sitting at my desk muttering over and over "that is just wrong" when I saw the pants picture. Then I read the caption. Too funny!!!
Audie those pants did wonders for your butt! :3
I think the Burlingame Public Library should definitely get a copy of this book!
The pants are adorable - but why is he wearing them??
Way to go, Audie! And the Audie-butt pic is one of my favorites. Along with the one with the shoe. And the one where he's a big purse. Okay, so I have a lot of favorites.
i loved saving audie got it at the library. keep the awareness coming please!!!
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