Among the many hats I wear while serving the pit bull Dog is that of treasurer (or "CFO" when I want to make myself really feel important). Secretary Suz mails me the checks that have been so generously donated every month. I add them up, fill out my deposit slip, make copies to send to Linda (our CGC trainer who keeps offering to help out everywhere - how can we say no?), and then take them to the bank to help pay for another month's worth of expenses.

I skipped the part about taking the checks out of the envelopes and reading the many handwritten notes that accompany them. Now don't get me wrong, it feels great when those two or three or four or five hundred dollar checks arrive, and even startling when we get in the rare several thousand dollar matching grant check like we did recently from Petal Berkey. But then there is the stack of eight checks averaging about $20 - the ones with the notes that say they wish they could help out more. I imagine the young person working the low wage job who just wants to help make sure her dog has a strong advocate in this crazy era of breed bans. The handwriting sometimes gives clue that it is an elderly person who is donating their scarce resources as a way of protecting their dog's kind. Or the check is from the person who lost their job a while back, but wanted to honor their recently passed pit bull terrier.
Those little checks are the ones that get me, you know, right in the throat. My eyes start blinking a lot for some reason and then I have to get up and get a drink of water. The pit bull seems to belong to everyone now, but I am reminded that the APBT has always been the common person's dog, just like his predecessor the Staffy Bull in England - common perhaps, but like our dogs, never richer in heart. - Tim
We Love you too!
I love watching that bar go up every couple of days....
How's Miss Nelly doing?
Hi Tim
AS the author of one of those notes, I am glad to know you read them, and are moved by them. The dog I was remembering was a shelter dog, but not a pit. I am hoping and working for the day when the fight bust dogs get treated as well as the puppy mill dogs.
We all read them! Your notes keep us grounded. TY!
Hi Tim and Donna. I just ordered a box of "wubba" toys for your foster kids. Hope they have as much fun as mine do, you may need earplugs for the squeaka-squeaka!!
i am tearing up just thinking of you guys tearing up. i tell everyone here in richmond va how wonderful badrap is and how much you have done and continue to do. i have the overwhelming desire now to send a check, though it may be a small one for now, its good to know even the small ones are greatly appreciated and touching. i know the little things really do add up. me and my pitties love you guys and all you do for our beloved bully dogs.
These pooches certainly do need to be treated as well as puppy mill dogs and thank Dog it is finally happening! People everywhere are really caring about these guys and are seeing them as the victims they truly are.
Nelly is in heaven with her new best friend Aberfoil - they are thick as thieves. She just had an offer to live in Alaska, but we'll have to decline. That girl sure has her fan club.
I have a bottle of ear plugs - bring 'em on! Thanks.
I kept putting off sending a donation because I was embarrassed that it was only $50 bucks. But then the other day I said to myself...if 500 people send $50, that's $5000 dollars and if 1000 do it that 50,000 dollars! I know that's simple math but it made me go write the check. I wish I'd sent a note along with it but anyway.
A law student just started a small rescue here (in Louisiana) in an effort to help the many strays in the 9th Ward (one of the most devastated areas after Katrina). Of course a lot of the dogs are pitbulls. There was a small story in the Sunday paper about her efforts. I went to her website to email her about BADRAP and she already had you listed as a link!!! So, I know there are a lot of people who know you and/or your work. Like another commenter said, the little amounts do add up so I'm glad I sent my donation.
Tim: You scared the crap out of me with your comment stating Nelly was in heaven!!! My heart rate still hasn't returned to normal!!
Tim, watch the verbage! 'Nelly is in heaven' gave me such a start until I realized you meant the heaven that is your house......
Tim, watch the verbage! 'Nelly is in heaven' gave me such a start until I realized you meant the heaven that is your house......
Jeez, I guess everyone knows I meant 100 people not 500. Apparently the math isn't as simple as I thought or else I really need to start proofreading before I hit the publish button.
No wait, it's Tim's fault. I was trying to regain my composure after thinking Nelly had died!!!!
Yeah, add me to the list of people who thought Nelly had died and was playing with a new friend in heaven.
Bad Tim! I had tears sliding down my face already...I had to read and re-read that sentence to make sure my little hero Nelly was still on our side.
Maybe we could have a photo update on her or a small video? Please....
Holy smokes! Sorry y'all - wasn't thinking there. Didn't realize I'd be taken so literally. It's been a long few days with family comin' tomorrow - I mean today. Wow, I'd better get to bed so I can finish cleaning house in the mornin'. These dang dogs sure can make a mess of things.
I guess I owe ya a photo or two of the beautiful Miss Nelly. I'll get 'em up once I get a chance.
So happy to see the numbers going up. Eve, the HLE officer in this story, (about her saving a pittie who was trashed after probably losing a fight in DC), was the one to introduce me to Bad Rap when she found out how hard I'd fallen for pit bulls.
i too was startled when i first read that nelly was in "heaven" then re read and realized that the little angel is still on this side of rainbow bridge. cant wait for more pics of that lil girl.
As Treasurer (CFO - hah! love that!) of another breed rescue, I know what you mean about those notes. The check for $10 that arrives wrapped in well-wishes for a dog that is on a journey to a better life is a treasure. And the tiniest donation that's sent in memory of a beloved companion animal is really priceless. Each of those donations, the big 'uns and the small 'uns, helps a dog move a little further down the road to becoming someone's once-in-a-lifetime buddy.
I'm regularly humbled by such generosity!
I remember when Animal Farm got a check from an old woman. She wrote the check out with a shakey hand. It was for three dollars. Jane couldn't even speak, she just handed it to me to read. The woman had added she wishes it could have been for more. What she doesn't realize is how much it was worth to us. And in turn, The Dogs. Sniff...
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