This Minnesota guy - known on the street as Roo Dog - is one bad-ass mutha thugga. Secret cameras have captured him engaging in gang-related activities involving flying discs with a pit bull named Wallace. His rap sheet is a mile long, and his escapades are well documented.
After learning how deeply entrenched in the thug lifestyle this canine king pin is, it was only natural that we match him up with the biggest thug dog in the country: The notorious Hector Thug. Hector has been called a 'ticking time bomb' - a 'fighting machine' and 'one of the most violent dogs in america.' Certain animal welfare org thugs quake in his presence. Yo!

We're pleased as peaches to announce the official adoption of Hector de Thug to his new Daddy Disk Man -- Roo Dog. Hector has been secreted away to a new location and will be partnering up with Roo and his gal Clara to begin a life of PR excess. We expect the authorities will be keeping a close eye on this gang as they map out their upcoming exploits.
Thank yous on Hector's last morning in the bay area:
( a higher res version here. )
Congrats to Hector for finding a great home!
The work that Bad Rap does never ceases to impress and amaze me!
Can't wait to see Hector playing with "dangerous" flying disks.
We Thugs of Minnesota welcome you, Hector! Congratulations to Roo!
OMG! Could anyone have hoped for a happier ending for Hector? Tears of pure joy! Thank you to everyone who helped that gorgeous boy, and congratulations to Roo, Clara, and Wallace on their new addition :)
big congrats to hector on his fantastic new home and best wishes to roo, clara and wallace on their new family member. it's a happy happy day!
CONGRATULATIONS to the Yori's and to Hector!! I can honestly say that I'm not sure who is luckier--Roo and Clara or Hector! The Yoris are probably the best dog parents I've ever met! What a journey for Hector! I hope they throw him a big party so we all the get the chance to meet him soon!
Hector and new family... YOU HAVE FRIENDS, LOVE AND SUPPORT HERE IN MINNESOTA. From Shannon, Titus, and Bubba Luv! Old school BADRAP people that used to live in the bay area, and now call MN home!
Welcome home!
"How bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out"
It's on days like today and the past few at PhillyPaws, where bullies are dropping like flies, as owners are dumping at the rate of 100-120 animals per day (we have 120 cages, so you can do the math), that I come for solace and to renew my own bully spirit. Precious Hector, I thought Leslie would never give you up....but I'm glad she did and I'm glad you are going home. Viva la Resistance to Ignorance!
> "How bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out"
Yep, we did a little of that too!
Thanks guys. We're all THRILLED as you can imagine. And we're ever so grateful to Roo & Clara .... and to Wallace, for sharing the spotlight.
I went through tons of Kleenex today watching this very happy ending over and over again. Thank you BadRap for all that you do every single day of the year(s) for these wonderful and most deserving dogs! Yay Hector! You scored BIGTIME with your new family!
Dearest Hector,
The world is now truly your oyster!!
Here at the Sacramento City Shelter, we are overwhelmed with unwanted, abused, overbred, kennel trash bullies. Sharing your story today, put a smile on a lot of volunteer faces, and reminded us why we continue the fight for this noble breed!
Much love and happiness to you and your new family----------------W
Handsome Hector,
DoG bless you sweet boy (tears of joy);-) We hope you'll keep in touch.
Thugs R Us
Cornelia & Jim
PB's Misty & Buddy
Lodi CA
Wow...It doesn't get any better than this. What a Beautiful Video. You wonderful people at Bad Rap are Angels here on Earth. Hector could not be going to a nicer family than the Yori's. I can't wait to see updates from Roo! A Standing Ovation for everyone! Especially Hector! Hugs, GreenEyedBully
This is so exciting. Like all of you, I have been watching the stories of these dogs unfold over the past year and have been drawn to Hector's soulful ways. Hearing about this adoption has brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for all you do to save these dogs and thank you to Hector for proving people wrong. Great, a new webpage that I have to become addicted too!
I guess you might feel weird thanking yourselves, so I'll say it--Thank you Tim and Donna!!
I'm so happy for Hector--I will wear my new "Restore Your Hope" shirt with pride tomorrow!
I kid you not when I started playing this video, Trinity walked out of the bedroom, sat next to me and watched the entire thing. Congrats to everyone on a job well done!
Tom, Kyle, Bella, Sophie and Trinity (
Thanks everyone for the kind words. Hector arrived safe and sound and we're having fun bonding with him on his first couple of days. Today he had another visitor who owns a dog treat business and she brought him a banana carob doggie cake to welcome him to Minnesota. Yum! We've got a lot going on in the near future so videos and pictures may be a bit slow coming, but have no fear, they will come for everybody to keep updated on Hector. Thanks Tim and Donna for being patient with us while we made sure this would work. Stay tuned......gonna be a fun ride.
Kyle/Tom - Trinity knows big news when she sees it!
Smason - You are too sweet. :-)
OH yay to all this!! Hector looks (and most certainly is ) so happy. It's been wonderful tracking the stories of these dogs, and seeing them flourish like this.
***does a happy dance with tears streaming down face***
Kudos to BadRap for their diligence and vision in knowing that dogs are more so much more than their beginnings. Thank you for finding Hector a fabulous new home.
More importantly thank you for all of your work for this beautiful loving breed. The breed is not the problem, it is the people who selfishly use and abuse their good nature.
Thank you again a loving pittie mix owner in VA.
A terrific new beginning! Thank You to Roo, Clara and Wallace for opening their hearts and making the sacrifice of having to relocate into a new home in order to give Hector the opportunity to live a good life. THAT is unselfishness.
And Thank You to BADRAP for being there along with Best Friends and the others who stepped up to the plate and fought for these dogs to live while the two biggest money-making 'animal orgs' recommended they all be killed.
WoW ...just WoW ...
Leaves me crying like a big baby!
Hail Hector and ... ^5 to Wallace and Roo
I also rescued a dog through Bad Rap and she can be seen here:
A former fighting "bait" dog who feared EVERYTHING (stairs, DOGS, elevators, car noises . . .), Daisy Mae is now a happy & healthy certified Therapy Dog. It took me only 4 months with her before she aced both her CGC (AKC Canine Good Citizen) test and her Therapy Dog test. We now visit both a local hospice facility and our local hospital weekly since Daisy just adores old people. You should see the smiles and kisses she gets since the elderly consider these dogs "nanny dogs" and remember the old war posters featured pitties as symbols of American courage.
Although older folks wear a coral color lipstick, so I often have to stop at the nurse's station on each floor to wipe down her forehead - too many colored lip prints. Keep up the good work. We can all raise breed ambassadors like this with consistent training, socialization and LOVE!
In the end, your dog will teach you more than you do her! After 2 years together, we're happier than ever. (although I don't express it with upside down wiggles like Daisy Mae does!)
-Alison Hansen in Santa Barbara
Fides, Spes et Caritas (Latin), these virtues cannot be taken to extreme and often cannot be obtained through just human effort, but through the spirit of DoG.
While others cry, this message turned spiritual for me. These virtues have made the real life story of Hector come true. With FAITH, all things are possible. Given HOPE, even the greatest of effort is worthwhile. And through CHARITY, both hearts and minds can heal.
As this story goes so does the word on the street ... AND the greatest is LOVE (Paul, Corinthians.)
Roo and Carla, listen to the lyrics
"When Love Takes You In" (Steven Chapman)
"Miracle starts with the beat of a heart when love takes you home and says you belong here ... the loneliness ends and new life begins when love takes you in ..."
Donna and Tim, I know we all won't forget there is still another DoG out there dreaming.
I know everything has changed for me when love took me in for good,
Thank you Paul. Italy has been good soul food for you!
So glad to hear that Daisy is doing well Alison. Berkeley Animal Care Services has bragging rights on this pretty girl, but we're always here for you for training. Not sure if she was actually 'bait' (our credo on that definition here: ) but HUGE congratulations on her TD work. Wonderful news and video. Thank you so much for sharing.
Awesome! What a great video of Hector going home!
That is the best tearjerker........
I'm so happy for Hector. I had to fight back the tears of joy. thank you Bad Rap for giving these babies a chance.
Thank you Bad Rap -- esp Donna and Tim -- not for giving Hector a shot at this claim to fame --- but for caring. For saving his life and GIVING him a life!
Thank you Roo for taking on this huge responsibility! (no way Hector could ever beat Wallace!!)
Can't wait for more videos and updates!!
Becky Dyer, Shawnee, KS
Hector, have a great life...thanks, Roo.
(how bout bawling a third time you watch it...)
(how bout bawling a third time you watch it...)
...It's more like I'm still bawling after the twentieth time I've watched this very happy ending...I definitely have a soft spot for these amazing dogs!
What a wonderful breed ambassador for this area! With the BSL laws trying to go through, Hector will be wonderful at combating stereotypes. I hope I get to meet him at an event some time.
Thansk BadRap for the awesome work you do!
I can't look at Hector without getting glassy-eyed. This "Thug" deserves a great home and a wonderful life. I wish him and his new family all the best! Thank you BadRap!
Hector and your new family... You have Support here in Minnesota. From Mike, Sue Billy Catherine! Old school BADRAP people and Rotta Love plus in MN supporters. If you need anything DO LET US KNOW
Welcome to your forever home!
Mike Sweeney
Prior Lake
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