We really can't believe the breed's good luck these days - all the positive press seems almost surreal! Is the tide finally turning for our bully pals? We have a good feeling about it.
Since I was feeling lucky and festive, and since both those things go along quite nicely with St. Pat's, I got motivated and asked crack designer Amy McMillan to come up with some fun pit bull t-shirt designs for the Bad Rap shop.
The first one one isn't a sentiment that would have rung true on last St. Pat's, but these days it works.
(The complete line of St. Patrick's Pit Bull t-shirts is here - we haven't quite updated the shop navigation, so they're hard to find without a direct link.)
So on St. Pat's, do be sure to raise a glass in thanks and a toast to continued luck from the Bully Gods.
Because, as we all know, pit bulls do love to party! And a raucous day like St. Pat's is most definitely a pit bull's kinda party day.
Oh - boring details:
If you want a deal on these shirts, you can save $5 off $50 with the coupon code STPATPITBULL.
Leslie and Ms. Amy,
I appreciate your effort at bringing out some Irish cheer. Like my forever home lady's namesake, St. Patty, who chased out the snakes ... us good natured St. Pitties are chasing out the myths about us.
The message my folks wear on their sleeves everyday is:
"We're LUCKY to have our Pit Bull"!
(even moreso where there is fear of potential BSL).
O.K. Frodo, no jokes that my slobbery kisses "can turn you green"
I'll check back,
Lucky and Pit Bull in the same sentence.
Now that has a nice ring to it.
Your Coupon code link may need to be tweaked.
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