Today was a good day because we sent Twizz to her pending home. That's always a reason to celebrate around here.
There to see her off was her long-time friend, Edgar. Ed is one of the background heroes of Pit Bull Hall. He gets a very (very!) modest salary to feed and clean the dozens of dogs at the East Bay SPCA, including our pit bulls. It's a loud and smelly job. Just the day-in-day-out routine can cause anyone to hurry on through in order to get all those hungry barking dogs to quiet down again.
But Ed's take-it-slow brand of dog care has earned him quite a few pit bull friends -- especially, Twizz. She adores him and they've hit it off in the sweetest of ways.

So... finally, she went home. Ed hung back and watched the whole procedure as the excited new adopter chatted, read instructions and signed papers for her new girl. And no surprise, Twizz stared back at him during most of the meeting.
I'm glad I remembered my camera today. Two buddies saying good-bye.
Everyone at BAD RAP would like to thank Ed for being Twizz' buddy during these long months of waiting. You made her feel so wanted!
Speaking of under-appreciated shelter workers....

Pit bulls always know a friend when they see one; our dogs were all in love with 'Big Nann.' She cheered them on in every way, she was aces at talking to pit bull-wary shelter visitors and she helped a whole bunch of pit bulls earn their Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog titles. This lady is a true blue Mensch.
On to brave new adventures. We will miss you Nann!
& the Pit Bull Hall Team
Touching. The relationships between dogs and humans can be so beautiful.
Also Twizz is adorable! I can never understand how people pass dogs like that by. A smile from a dog like her is sweeter than sugar.
Thanks again for sharing. These stories really brighten my day. It's good to know that someone is making a difference for these dogs.
Ed is awesome. He probably doesn't even realize how special he is. Selfless people like him never do. It's nice to see young guys smashing stereotypes. It gives one hope in the future.
Good luck to Nann Dawn in her new job!
Thank you so much for the shout out gang.
I will miss all those bully heads and whiping tails.
Give me a call if you ever consider bringing a kid into your homes...there are so many kids waiting for loving homes and loving bully kisses.
Take care
Nann gave a great support to our Reading to Dogs program, and sent us some super handlers. Lucky kids to have Nann on their side!
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