Over fifty directors from animal welfare orgs including shelters from around the country descended on the sweet town of Berkeley yesterday to learn how one very motivated and passionate community of people helps its pit bull type dogs. Boasting a 98% live release rate of all dogs including pit bull type dogs, Berkeley is not a town to be ignored. (Nope - Detroit was not represented at this event. Maybe next time?)
We're so grateful to SAWA (Society of Animal Welfare Administrators) for including BADRAP in their field trip plans for conference guests. With a little luck and a lot of work, we know that Berkeley's example can become the mainstream.

What a great turnout! Now I am hearing that the ASPCA had an unusual Q & A session at SAWA. Comments?
Wonderful! Here's hoping the knowledge will spread.
Great job Donna! Thanks for making the Bay Area look so good and for representing Pit Bulls :)
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