Here's the short version. And here's our news release in full:
Vick refuses to meet former Bad Newz Kennel dogs while in Oakland
Late last week, Oakland based pit bull advocacy group BAD RAP invited Michael Vick to view eight of his former Bad Newz Kennels dogs from behind a window while in town for the Raiders game on October 18, but the offer was refused. The invitation was extended to allow Vick an opportunity to acknowledge the victims of the crimes he committed while running a dogfighting operation that employed torture and death as a means to punish underperforming dogs. Vick has indicated remorse for disappointing his fans, his family, his teammates and his coach, but has steered clear of mentioning his victim dogs in public statements.
BAD RAP Co-Founder, Tim Racer said: "Oakland is a town that welcomed Vick's broken dogs with open arms back in 2007. We understand Vick is trying to right his wrongs and is very interested in redemption, but you can't find redemption without acknowledging your victims. Making amends to the dogs themselves would have helped to create some closure for many of us, especially the people who worked so hard to keep them from being destroyed. It seems that Vick is not ready to go there."
Pamela Browner-Crawley, public affairs director for the Philadelphia Eagles, relayed BAD RAP's offer to Vick. To satisfy the conditions of Vick's parole that bars him from being near animals, a location was identified that would allow him to view his former dogs from behind a window, at legal distance. On Wednesday, Crawley contacted BAD RAP to decline on behalf of Vick. Ignoring the fact that legalities would be followed, she explained, "Michael is not allowed to be around dogs by a court order, so logistically and legally, your plan can't work."
"We were fairly certain that he would decline our invitation, given his continued refusal to make mention of his dogs," said Racer. "The unfortunate thing is that his new position of compassion towards animals would be so much more credible if he could actually say that he looked his victims in the eye and said, "I'm sorry."
So, who's surprised?
Actions speak louder

We'll be there - sort of. You'll see.
Thanks to SJ Mercury News sports writer Mark Purdy for asking about the dogs this week. We love Kim Ramirez's quotes, and I blew soda out my nose with Marthina's sock puppet comment. The Aftermath of Vick
ONE MORE DAY to vote for your favorite dog in the 'My Dog is Family' Photo Contest! We end at midnight on Thursday, October 15.
Everytime you did something wrong to others, intentionally or unintentionally, you must know how to apologize for what you did. Humility is always a must in all situations.
Moot issue, but would the window have allowed the dogs to see Vick? I would think that that would be extremely traumatic to them.
Kudos to you for having the courage to extend this opportunity. In therapy and coaching there's an important concept called "act as if." If Vick would just "act as if" he felt remorse ...
Anon 5:55....
I would guess the window provides distance...MV is probably under a restraining order, requiring he maintain a certain distance from dogs at all times.
Knowing the dogs, they would probably lick his hand if they were allowed contact with him. They are so much more forgiving than I would ever be.
Just one more reason I can't forgive him yet.
Marthina's sock puppet comment is my exact thoughts! Kudos to her for saying and even bigger kudos to a sports writer not ignoring what Vick did like every other sports writer/caster else seems to have done.
And how would he have been received? We dog people can be pretty crazy. I can't help to think that he was probably (rightfully) afraid to face US, not the dogs. I have heard people say they would kill him if given a chance.
you can't fix evil and that's just what he is. It's a shame that he didn't want to at least, TRY to make this a PR move-with his fake face that he wears!
I'm really glad that you extended the hand to him!!
I think you guys are wonderful and have some serious balls for inviting Vick...Kudos to you all. As for Vick, f*****g scumbag coward!!!!!!
Well done Bad Rap.
I'm glad to see he's being called out.
Have you ever thought about doing a postcard campaign where people could send a postcard of one of his dogs to Michael Vick with a message?
Charge $1 or $2 and have the front part to be a close up of one of the dogs and then have standard messages like:
"Glad you're not here"
"Not missing you"
Just a thought.
Isn't Vick "working with" the Humane Society of the United States? I wonder if they had anything to do with his refusal? Did they endorse or agree with his decision? I just checked the HSUS website. Not a peep about it.
When the HSUS changed its "kill all pit bulls" policy about six months ago I had real hope that HSUS president Wayne Pacelle had seen the light and had turned the corner.
I'm glad this happened. We got peek at Vick's true colors, and, in a way, the HSUS's as well. Way to go, Wayne!
Best wishes for an AWESOME protest!!! Will any of the vicktims be in attendance? Would anyone be willing to hold up a sign that says: "Indiana's dog guardians protest Michael Vick!!"
in bully love,
Dudley, Daisy and Trixie
Do this challenge Every time Vick is tackled a donation is pledged www.cdoca.org They are calling it the Vick Challenge
Vick didn't believe in second chances until he needed one for himself. IMHO he should face some really tough penalties for losing games - the same ones he meted out to the dogs who tried to be good canine citizens and refused to fight to satisfy Vicks bloodlust. I change the channel at the mention of his name and refuse to look upon his grinning mug. NFL games featuring Eagles not permitted in my homes - Vick isn't welcome in my living room. Not now, not ever.
Vick Ick Sick Prick - amazing how it rhymes eh?
> And how would he have been received? We dog people can be pretty crazy
Anon - We presented this offer during a long telephone conversation with Eagle's PR person, Pam Crawley. I'm convinced that she heard a sincere "we need closure" message and knew that we weren't laying a trap (I was the one that spoke with her). Pam recognized during our conversation that this was an opportunity for Vick that would help his redemption.
i don't think this is about him fearing crazy dog people as much as him being afraid of being laughed at in his inner circles for talking nice to dogs - or about dogs, for that matter. He's got a looong way to go.
Vick is a jerk and liar. All he is concerned about is is career. If he had any concern for the dogs, he would visit them to see how they are doing and take along some jerky treats.
Let me guess: He didn't offer to make a donation to Bad Rap either?
Nope - but we didn't ask for $ anon. We only wanted closure. Seriously.
A man who is so insecure that he has to beat (and kill) dogs to make himself feel powerful and admired (by his posse), is certainly not secure enough to come face to face with his victims.
It was a brilliant idea that could have worked in his favor, had he played it right.
if i were anywhere close by i would attend to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. but i know pittie lovers worldwide will be represented well by our west coast friends and bad rap. Since i live in richmond va I plan on going to DC when philly plays there against the redskins. that happens oct 26 i believe. anyone who is in the area let me know if you would like to meet up. my email is jadie68@hotmail.com
I am not surprised vick declined the offer to face the victims of his abuse. but it would have moved him one step closer to providing us some closure thats for sure. kudos to bad rap for extending the offer and calling him out.
While all this focus is on Vick, how many good old boys in Alabama, Arkansas or wherever are still fighting and killing Pit Bulls? It's time for us to stop putting so much effort toward this one man and focus on the bigger problem, guys.
I'm sure the idea of meeting the dogs once again would be disturbing to Vick. Disturbing due to the fact he would be expected to muster up an emotion, such as regret....Give him a few more months with an acting coach & then re-send the offer. His new reality show could even do an entire segment on his "redemption".
Public remorse seems to come easily to professional athletes. All you need is a PR person to write it for you, read it to the press and you're clean. Mea Culpa
As a person that lives close to the 'killing fields' (MV's former home in Surry, VA) I am not one bit suprised by his refusal.
I am still shocked that he is getting special treatment so he can travel and play WHILE ON PAROLE!
The Prosecutor of Surry County (VA) refused to press charges and still refuses saying "MV has been punnished enough" but to me it seems that an act of contrition (such as seeing the animals he abused) and making a real show of remorse would go a long way to healing the hurt.
All Eagles games are boycotted in my home and will be until MV either shows true remorse or is off the team. Any sponsors that sign him will get the same fate.
Have any other convicted pit fighters been invited by BR to come meet the dogs they abused/pitfought for the sake of BR's "closure" and to tell the dogs they're sorry? Are any of Vick's co-defendants who are equally responsible out of jail? If so, have they been invited? Or is it different because Vick is famous?
One thing for sure is that the dogs don't give a rat's @*!# whether Vick looks at them through a window or not. Maybe we should all take on their exemplary attitude and not give the guy another thought.
Andy, Loser Vick wouldn't have been able to "visit" them or give them "jerky treats" anyway since he could only look at them thru a window from however far away the law says he has to be.
Hats off to you for going the treacherous route. Creating a safe, welcoming, and truly sincere situation for Vick to stand behind his words must have been a hard decision, and disappointing to see it misunderstood. But a smart move, and really ballsy! Way to go.
i believe a lot of focus is put on those dogs that are being fought and killed by "the good ol boys". like it or not when someone who is "famous" does such things he will be talked about for a long time. the case involving vick was in a way, groundbreaking, in other words the good that came from the evil is that now many rescue groups are able to help dogs that otherwise would have just been put down because of where they came from.
since vick is famous, as much as i hate to refer to him as that, his case did help to bring light to just how wonderful these dogs are. and how ignorant the laws were before when the dogs were automatically condemned and not evaluated as individuals. its horrible that something so evil had to happen to make progress. though it did happen and to continue to talk about it does continue to help shed light on just how unfairly judged our beloved pitties are.
the laws should be more severe in punishing animal abusers of all sorts. one day i hope we will see tougher laws, meanwhile we have come a long way in the struggle to save the pitties. thanks to all the rescues, donations and especially to Bad Rap.
I love Anon's idea about a postcard campaign! What a great way to get the faces of his victims front and center, not to mention a creative way to raise $.
Great job, BAD RAP. You showed true leadership by reaching out.
If we lived over there we would be the first in line to march! Let us know about the postcards and how to PAWticipate!
I'm curious, per the court order, what distance is Vick required to stay away from the dogs?
I'm sorry but I have no forginess in my heart for MV or ever will !!!!!
anon 7:48 - vick can't be in the same room with a dog. if he had accepted our invitation, he would've stayed indoors but viewed the dogs through a window to an outdoor grassy area.
the dogs would've had no idea what was going on inside, btw. they'd be too busy trying to play with each other, because of course large grassy lawn = party time (many of our V-dogs are play buddies).
Kudo's Bad Rap...you are a Class Act as always.....and Vick is a coward, as always....
Adding insult to injury... Nice pro-Vick article by Wayne Pacelle in the SF Chronicle today (ahem), with a pic of Teddles, but no mention of Bad Rap, his foster home, other rescue groups, etc. In fact, he side-stepped the issue of saving the dogs completely, and milked his Vick association for all it's worth-- now THAT'S a PR stunt. He ended on "We are all sinners when it comes to animals, and we can all do better." I guess so, if you head the organization that was campaigning for these dogs' euthanasia.
Am I cynical? Yes. Yet even if I were not, I think I'd at least be perplexed by the quiet inaction of some organizations who are now being rewarded with Eagles funding. And that includes HSUS, which is being paid by the Eagles to run an anti-dogfighting program in Philly. How neat and tidy. Vick gets to play ball again, HSUS gets paid extra for work they should have already been doing, and everyone else (well almost) looks the other way.
I am not anonymous. Only cowards like Michael Vick are. I am not looking for an apology for what he did to these dogs. I am looking for retribution on behalf of the lives he injured and destroyed that society believes cannot be rehabilitated an adopted. A lightning stike, a runover in a crosswalk would be too kind. Vick is a human piece of garbage that should be subjected to the same kind of pain he subjected his canine prisoners to. He shouldn't be allowed back into the NFL as a rold model for our children. Gee, do you think my views are to harsh? If so, support the NFL. I'm done with football and their "superstars".
Vick is a coward, among other things I can't put in print here. It's too bad that when he underperforms he won't get clamps on his ears attached to cables connected to a battery and thrown in a pool. That would be too humane for him. This was a lifestyle chosen by him. It's only a matter of time before he goes back to that lifestyle. Who's going to be his next vicktim when they underperform? A teammate, his girlfriend, his kids? If he suffered a career ending injury and lost his second chance at fame and fortune, that would be more chances than he gave the dogs he tortured and murdered. One can only hope.
Cornelia & PB's Misty & Buddy
Dont let that abuser/murderer anywhere near those dogs!
What next? Allowing rapists to visit the women who they violated?
I'm really impressed by your offer and so not surprised he declined. He is a metaphor for what is wrong with this world...
Enough is enough! What's done is done! He's done his time, he lost practically everything that he had, he's apologized for what he's done, and now he's (trying) to move on from it--and hopefully do better. But if you all don't ALLOW him to do better, then you all or no better than the acts that he committed.
(Another point overlooked, Vick wasn't the one who did the dogfighting...was his cousins!!!)
Stop being so self-righteous and let him learn from his mistakes.
Hey Anon - Vick did not LOSE practically everything that he had, he threw it all away. There is a huge difference. If I walked over to the Golden Gate Bridge and threw my money into the water below and then told you I couldn’t pay you back the money I owe you because I lost it, I believe you would correct me and say “no, you didn’t lose it , you just threw it away, I saw you.” So we don’t feel bad for him that he pissed his money away by choosing to torture and kill animals when he was quite gainfully employed.
Of course he wants to move on and become a millionaire again, that's a given, but it is very difficult for people who work quite hard to protect dogs to give a pass to a man that pled NOT GUILTY to state animal cruelty charges even after spending his time in jail for "racketeering." The state dropped the animal cruelty charges because he a a celebrity, so he has NOT done his time for those many offenses and he has NOT apologized for what he's done. He apologized to his family and fans for letting them down without ever mentioning what he did to those dogs.
You are misinformed about Vick not participating in dogfighting. He admitted to it in court as well as his participation in torturing and killing dogs with his own bare hands. I was in court at his sentencing and heard it with my own two ears. But I doubt this makes you feel any different about him. Poor, poor, Vick!
It doesn't surprise me the coward refused to see his victims. I am not only boycotting the Eagles but ALL NFL teams since the NFL is allowing the Eagles to have Vick on the roster as back up, water boy or any other position. I haven't even purchased any pepsi products or any other companies product who sponsors the Eagles and therefore Vick.
I am a lover of all animals and a staunch supporter of animals rights. I've had cats, dogs, snakes, fish and even a turtle at one time. And while I can't say that I would shake Vick's hand if I saw him on the street, I am forced to remember that for once, our justice system worked as designed and a jury of Vick's peers convicted Vick and put him behind bars. Vick has now been released from prison having served the time for which he was sentenced. I do not see the reasoning behind continuing to throw these incidents in his face in the hope of getting more out of him. Yes, an apology would be nice, but remember that his victims are the dogs; not the people that rescued and now keep them from harm. Those dogs have long since forgotten about Vick and are concerning themselves with more important matters such as when their next meal is coming and chasing a tennis ball around the yard. And if those dogs have forgotten the man that abused them, I say we let them continue to forget. And rather than burning so much energy being mad at Vick, turn that anger to something positive and go outside and hug your dog.
i think the post card idea is fantastic, i'd easilly buy two hundred and give them out as christmas presents to all of my dog loving friends around the country... postmarked so he can get bombarded from all four corners of the map... sadly not only would he not care but he would never see them, they would just end up in a landfill somewhere.
nevertheless, you people have HUGE balls... keep up the good work
God Bless Bad Rap for taking Vick's (former)dogs. You should be recognized and supported for this. You've been a silent hero.
I think Vick may have lost his mind if he saw these dogs being docile. He is obviously not sane.
Good to see Oakland stood up for their reputation. I'm sorry I missed it.
Keep up the good work.
I agree with the positive comments about the people that wanted Vick to meet the dogs, but, for Vick, that would be one more publicity stunt. I don't care about Michael Vick. Legelly, done his time....Fine, but, if you were truly apologetic, you fix it before you're caught. Anything else is PR, esp when you were violent to animals or humans.
I hope he gets the punishment he truly deserves. Sadly for him (and his lack of remorse), God both blesses AND punishes in "generations".
So...let me get this straight. Vick should have accepted your invite ...so YOU can have closure? LOL. Please. Get over it. He committed a terrible crime and went to jail for it.And you know for a fact that IF he did come, you still would not get closure. Vick will be forever a "bad guy" to dog owners. Why should he put himself in danger (because some of you dog lovers are crazy) and come "see how the dogs are doing" Your argument makes no sense because did you ever stop to think that those same dogs he hurt so bad may in fact go into shock seeing him (no.. they dont forget.. you know this right?) Him coming is purely for YOU and not the dogs. Get a life.
Interesting that this piece is still circulating nearly THREE years after it was written.
"Get a life" D-Clyde? We'd recommend getting some fresh reading material rather than dredging up new ways to slam old news stories.
Vick has never shown remorse and we knew that would be a permanent condition when he decided not to accept our invite to acknowledge his victims back in 2009. Old news, for sure - but it seems to be a story that will continue to be re-told. So be it.
DOH !!!Yeah..actually "get a life" should not have been said. I apologize for that. LOL..I thought this was new material because it popped up on my screen from another site...and I was wondering why Vick was even in the news again. So now I feel stupid. Yes.. you are correct..I need make sure I am reading fresh material from now on.I can admit when I am wrong. Sorry Donna.
Gotcha D-Clyde. Carry on with your bad self.
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