
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More (!) Minnesota Thugs

Economy-Eshonomy. Sigh. It feels like a day when we could all use a little thuggery. Minnesota has been offering up a steady supply of exploits, including Hector's rap sheet, which continues to grow. Here's some more, from Amanda Jackson of MN (thank you Amanda!):
I'm a thug in my late 20s (does that mean I'm past my prime?). I have my B.A. in Human Development, though I currently stay home with our thug baby. My thuggish ruggish husband is an instructor at a power plant, though we usually keep that to ourselves so as not to risk our street cred.

But we weren't always one day we decided to go to the dark side. A pittie name Paisley dragged us over and so our thug life began. We also recently began fostering through A Rotta Love Plus here in MN. Our current thug-dog-in-residence is Mischief, a little bull terrier pup. He has settled into the thug life quite nicely, enjoying daily play sessions--er, or do I mean fights?!--with Paisley, usually followed by a nice nap on one of the many dog beds strewn around the house. We do feed them daily, though we've heard withholding can toughen them up. Outside time is critical to the thug life--I mean people have to see the tough dogs for it to count right?!

Other interesting facets of our oh-so-thug life: we listen to NPR more than we watch TV, we bike as a family (sans dogs for now, though we're trying to figure out to include them), we cloth diaper and strive to use fewer disposable products over all, we buy organic when we can and when it makes sense, and are generally just trying to live a more natural, meaningful life. And all with 2 dangerous dogs in the house...just how do we do it?! Oh and don't forget the cats--adopted cats are another critical part of our thug life, right?!

I included a few pictures. One is our son Grady with recent foster dog Pumba (red and white). And my husband Jeremy getting some good Paisley lovin', that girl is a total Daddy's girl. ;) - Amanda M Jackson

Who ARE you people, anyway?

Speaking of Thug Nation, it's been SO interesting to read the occupations of people who sign up for alerts via our mailing list. Here's a small sampling of pit bull owners who are getting in touch:
dog trainer, cashier, shelter manager, retired law enforcement, executive assistant, office clerk, RN, personal trainer, sales, frozen goods associate, refrideration tech, medic, letter carrier, spanish interpreter, executive protection specialist, retail, veterinary receptionist, customer service manager at humane society, contractor, homemaker, single mom, animal control, clerk, humane society volunteer, nurse, writer, financial analyst, spay neuter clinic director, dog groomer, mental health therapist, manager, police officer, social worker, hair stylist, retired, manager fishin tackle outlet, administrative assistant, tech support, graphic artist, sales executive, banker, research associate, accountant, event producer, radiation therapist, children's psychotherapist, dog boarding, financial analyst, photographer, shelter manager, legal secretary, student, teacher, marketing writer, business analyst, realtor, arts admin, truck driver, e-bay seller, self employed, media planning, program assistant for musular dystrophy association, mom, occupational therapist, yoga/pilates teacher, paralegal, speech therapist, director of a private high school, cpa, office clerk, military officer, construction, police detective, architect, kindergarten teacher, HR manager, executive director HSPCA, veterinarian, librarian

If you aren't on our mailing list - sign up HERE for the very-occasional update and alert. Thank you!


  1. Yes! Thugs unite! I work for a thug software company! We are so "gansta" :)

  2. Oh my gosh, imagine my surprise when I checked in with your blog today to see MY hubby and MY dog. I was a little confused at first (what did I click on again?! hehe). THANKS!

    And the thug nation grows ever larger--our latest foster pup goes to her new family today for her trial visit, hopefully it'll be the right fit. =)

  3. My mom and I share a house, when I brought home my bundle of bully joy she was a little alarmed. Okay, shocked, horrified, worried, and positive that the world as she knew it was going to end. We'll now she is a bully advocate. Proudly stating to anyone and anywhere that a dog is not the problem it is the people. My sweet boy is excellent with kids, dogs and cats. And his favorite sport is giving kisses. If all of this makes me a thug! Well so be it. Peace out!
    Leila from Richmond.

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    You can add "computer programmer" and "advertising media planner" to your KC thug list...

  5. Anonymous10:29 PM

    It's good to be a ganster! You can add registered veterinary technician and grocery store manager to that list. Did I mention that there are children in our home, and one is a toddler? He is often the victim of walk by kisses, and has even decided that she is ok to have around to share his snacks with. And can you believe that there is another dog in the house? He is a Black Lab and much larger than out little thug girl, but baby got back, and she knows how to use it! This family will always be thugs, and will never give up on this amazing breed!

  6. OMG I love the picture of the baby with the kong toy....a thuggier dog would do something about that.

  7. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Best wishes to the most well known Minnesota "thug family" and a speedy recovery for their pal and everyone`s pal Wallace.
    Heard from a friend this am that Wallace had to have emergency surgery last night for swallowing something not meant for dinner.
    The surgery apparently went well.

  8. Thank you* Amanda. We all loved your photos around here! Best luck with the new adoption match.

  9. Anonymous11:57 AM

    They ALWAYS have to ruin a story about a great dog by calling high energy behavior aggressive behavior.
    More on Wallace`s unintended meal.

    Note the comment by the person calling this a "worthless story"
    If Wallace EVER tugged on a kid`s shoelaces he wouldn`t call it a worthless story,he would be commenting on it as an "attack story".

    Speedy recovery Wallace.

  10. Anonymous1:44 PM

    WASSUP homies?? Yo!

    Thug by association. I'm guardian to three rescued fur-babies of other mixes, but I am so down with u mutthas at Bad Rap!

    My street cred?? BA in Econ and Poli Sci with a Master of Divinity - yo! I'm an ordained woman of the cloth - left the fold though. and work for a big university where I coordinate two undergraduate intern programs and teach. ... mmmmmmmm ... small SUV... veggie, no leather, no fur, no testing on animals... recycle and buy organic when possible ... donate to the ASPCA and Stray Rescue of St. Louis .... sheeeeett... enjoy the danger of the symphony, hiking, gardening, reading, camping and running.

    -yours in Thugness

  11. Yeah! I love Grady baby...and Amanda and her thuggish family. Pure thug through and through! :)

  12. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Just one question comes to mind when I look at the picture of Grady and Pumba.

    What does Grady like stuffed in his Kong?

    To quote my Grandma
    "That`s too cute for words"

    My Mother was my Grandma`s favorite kid till I came along.


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