
Monday, September 29, 2008

Games that Pit Bulls Play

Life can get tedious at the shelter. Once our dogs learn their basic obedience, it's a challenge to give them enough work to ward off kennel stress while they wait for that adoption that always seems to take longer than we expect. To help keep our dogs sane & happy, our trainer Sara has become a master of finding new ways to engage them.

This is Newman - one of our brainiest little guys - learning a new game. If dogs can be nerds, he fits that description. He's a real 'thinker' - always trying to figure out how the world works. He's so cerebral that he's even good with cats. Okay adopter -- come meet this boy before he figures out how to pick the locks and hot wire the Animal Control truck!


  1. OH! He's just too cute, and smart!

    I think Newman needs a career in acting :)

  2. Anonymous4:58 PM

    What a cute adorable dog.
    It`s too bad clicker training can`t be used on these kids.
    This is sickening to read.
    What`s the answer to this?
    How is it possible to not have compassion and empathy for these dogs?
    How do babies grow into teens and adults who abuse animals?

  3. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Wow! Newman is good-looking AND a brainiac. That video inspires me to try out my pibble to see if she can identify her toys by name.

    Love your website: always something new and interesting.....and lots of gorgeous pet bulls to oogle!

  4. What a smartie pants!! Way to go Newman :)

  5. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I'm seriously smitten!

  6. Clever boy! And so cute. V.impressive-- I'm elated when our shelter dogs master the humble 'sit' command. ;)

  7. Anonymous6:54 AM

    What a cutie pie! My dog has learned how to open doors and turn door knobs. She just lets herself out whenever she feels like it. She also found a way to open the refridgerator door as well as how to get out of her cage. Im amazed at their ability and how smart they really are.

  8. Oh Newman, what a smarty-pants! I hope your forever home has a mensa candidate and a PhD in Something Really Smart.

  9. He's a very smart (and handsome) boy!! And kudos for using the clicker training method. I've found it works very well with my two bully boys.

  10. Ummm...I want him,,,like, right now!


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