doG bless the ASPCA, whose committment to the project clearly demonstrates this very important point: Every dog is an individual and deserves to be treated as such.

Nooooo. Not today, not now, not our Sally.
We practiced ignoring our stomach knots while reviewing press releases, writing to-do lists and waiting for ultra sound results....Four hours spent ruminating on how much this girl has taught us over the years about dogs-otherwise-known-as-pit bulls, and how deeply she's entrenched us in this cause. Amazing how much influence a once-lowly shelter dog can hold over her humans' lives.
Man, it really hit home today: I love this dog, I love this breed, I can't stand knowing that 50-some pit bulls in Virginia were cheated out of the kind of worry and adoration that Sally lucked into 9 years ago.
Photo Above: Pathetic shot of our girl after mast cell removal earlier this summer.
No worries for Sally! The ultra-sound revealed gastritis, and the funny mass was just fluid from a plastic toy stuck in her busy intestinal tract, soon to make an explosive appearance via the magic of Mother Nature. In all, a $750 dollar case of a dog being a dog at the worst possible time. She'll be fine.
Onward ho: Please understand that, out of respect to this unique situation and the process of giving fair evaluations, our group will not be able to reveal any details or opinions about the Vick dogs until it makes sense for us to do so. Which roughly translated means, we aren't talking until the rest of the team, including the feds, all believe the time is right.
But you can trust that we'll give them our very best....And for that, you can blame it ALL on Sally.