
Tuesday, June 07, 2011

cleveland - you so rock

Cheering on Cleveland, Ohio for dismantling your breed specific legislation today. With special thanks to the activists, city council and Dog Warden John Baird for working so hard to make this real. News Link

Push chair away from computer. Turn up volume. Dance like a bliss ninny.


  1. i heard this yesterday, and was just thrilled. as a long-time cleveland resident with two pit mixes, i've personally been a victim of the city's previous BSL when a neighbor decided he had it out for our older pit girl. he called the police and complained about her. the warden showed up and had to photograph her and gave me a ticket. we were required to post signs by our doors and acquire an obscene insurance policy - and the dog had not done ANYTHING except look like a pit. even the warden who came to our home said it was ridiculous, but it had to be done because "that's the law." well, thank god and thank matt zone that that law is changed!!! and hooray for my girls, sheena and lulu, who are finally "legal"!!

  2. It's amazing news!! We're just thrilled to see the responsible pet owners aren't being chastised anymore (since the bad pitty owners weren't following the rules anyway!)

    Cleveland can finally hold it's head up high!

  3. Awesome news. Just awesome. I could never imagine Buddy being classified as vicious and especially without provocation and only because of his looks. RIP boo bear.

    "It is true that Pit Bulls grab and hold on. But what they most often grab and refuse to let go of is your heart, not your arm." - Vicki Hearne

  4. looks like we had only one day to celebrate and let it soak in. Michigan introduced legislation to ban pit bulls:

  5. I just got word of the proposed legislation in Michigan (where I live). What's the best way to get the truth out to the people (and legislators) about the stupidity of this? I know that I have to get beyond the emotion, so wondered if you had any ideas for resources to use.

  6. Aimee Chagnon8:31 AM

    I seem to recall you guys were just there, working your "see-reason" magic on the folks in Cleveland, were you not? I think you get to take some credit for helping make this a reality. We are cheering big time. BAD RAP, we love you!

  7. "Dance like a bliss ninny", seriously, wheeeeere do you come up with these? Doesn't matter, I LOVE IT! I say, BAD RAP ROCKS, INSTEAD!


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