
Monday, April 06, 2009


Tomorrow morning we leave for Vegas to pick apart the topic of fight bust dogs in one of the strangest, most artificial environs known to modern man. Why not? It makes perfect sense. No matter how the meeting comes out, no one can harsh our mellow or kill our happy buzz ... Miss Frida hit the Jackpot and is in her new home this week, and all the bully gods are slam dancing in the heavens to celebrate.

Sassy Frida just chuckled at us whenever we worried about her future over these past few months. Don't you just love when they know more than we do? Best line of the week comes from her adopter, Yvette - a committed Ambassadog handler who first named the redhead many moons ago.
Every one of the people who looked at her and moved on to a "pretty" dog is an idiot. She is a fabulous dog and we're not giving her back.

Yes, ma'am. All respect to you Yvette & Steve for knowing a real dog when you see one.

Congrats to everyone, especially Frida.


  1. How wonderful! I knew that sassy lady had the right place waiting for her.

  2. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Yay for Frida! You just made my day with that news. Go git them in Vegas!
    Krista in Boston

  3. Millie - Ft Myers, Fl5:44 AM

    Oh, Ms. Frida....happy, happy, happy days!!! I just knew the right person would come along and mega bullie thanks to BAD RAP for seeing her potential. What a wonderful day!!

  4. Yaaaay!

    ... and don't worry Frida, I think you're pretty!

  5. happy happy joy joy joy!! Good Girl!!

  6. becky6:12 AM

    I have been pulling for Ms. Frida since her big unveiling. Such a cheeky thing, you could tell she just knew it was going to work out. What a way to start your lucky streak in Vegas...hope you win big all the way around. Kudos to Frida's new family, may they have many happy years together.

  7. Anonymous6:38 AM

    That Frida is one lucky DAWG! Congrats to all, and thank you. I've never met Frida, but she really touched my heart. Oh heck. They all do.

  8. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Yeah for Frida! Everything happens for a reason! Pretty is a subjective term and in my book she is a goofy cute which just makes her even more cute! Thanks for making my day!!

  9. Aw, but she IS pretty! Beautiful, in fact.

    Go get 'em in Vegas, guys!

  10. Love all the BadRap dogs7:19 AM

    Makes my heart swell and my eyes tear up.
    They eventually find their special person if they have time.
    God bless everyone who gave her the time to find her special person.
    Have a wonderful life Frida.

  11. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Yay Frida! I knew you could do it! I got to see you become more of a "lady" each week at class, as Donna worried for your future. If Osa wasn't such a sassy diva herself, I would have taken you in a heart beat because I always thought you were beautiful. Congratulations not only to you, but to Tim and Donna. Give 'em hell in Vegas!


  12. Congrats to Frieda and her new family! That is simply awesome!!!!

  13. every day i go looking for frida. yvette, you better bring her back to play with me, i miss my girlfriend! i'm so happy she's home though, i hear she settled right in.

  14. GREAT News. I'm so happy for that pretty lady. She IS pretty, and anyone who thinks differently needs their eyes checked!

  15. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I am so choked up and happy about this! I love Yvette's stance, especially 'and we are not giving her back'! HA! FABULOUS INDEED!!!!

  16. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Rock on Frida!!

    Showin them now, and forever that you are an individual that doesnt need a dictator just a kind guardian who takes no mess!

    Give them hell Donna and Tim - who could represent all of us the dogs and owners too better than you??

  17. This type of happy ending is what we bully-lovers live to see. I'm trying to create a sort of "pitbull collective" organization (like a local PBRC) for LA County, with a focus on fundraising and marketing all the area rescues. It's kinda overwhelming-any tips would be greatly appreciated!

  18. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Frida, you go Girl!

    Hey, Donna, I hope what happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas! Inquiring minds want to know everything.

    Cornelia & Jim, Lodi
    Misty & Buddy, too

  19. Oh happies... And I think she's adorable.

    Having said that, it is so refreshing when an adopter shops for character, not looks. 99% of comments I overhear at work from dog-shoppers are critiques of their appearance... I feel like shouting "It's not a beauty pageant! And look at you slobs. I don't see the dogs judging you!!" *twitch*

  20. Frida is absolutely gorgeous, and I'm so glad that she has a wonderful family now ;)

  21. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Ah Frida has her day. I adore an older, more mature bully and I was pulling for her as soon as I saw her gorgeous face. Welcome home Frida!


  22. leigha12:27 PM

    how wonderful! frida is gorgeous and her new family is very lucky to have her. best wishes to her and her humans.

  23. Way to go Frida.. I knew you could do it and thank you to the adopters for seeing her natural beauty! Tampa Bay sooooo wanted her down here with us but we are OVERJOYED that she found such an awesome home on the west coast! Please make sure you provide lots of updates!
    Donna and Tim good luck at the meeting and thank you for being such wonderful ambassadors yourself
    Crystal and her Pitiful gang, SHaft, Ninnie and Brutus

  24. Funny, I always thought Frida's rich color and deep soul made her one of the most beautiful dogs around. So glad someone else saw it too. YAY FRIDA!!!

  25. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I found myself revisiting BR's site to check up on Frida and was thrilled to see her adoption pending today! I adopted my man at the age of 10 and it was the best thing for both of us :)


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