
Monday, March 30, 2009

Fighting dog defined!

In our studious pursuit of a genetic marker that separates true fighting dogs from wimpy wanna-be fighting dogs, we submit: Exhibit A - the unique behavior of tongue curling, as demonstrated by a bust dog with a 'fighting crop' who lived on a chain with 100+ other dogs. Fighting dog defined!

Clearly the result of a dominant gene, this trait is thought to be passed down from generations of dogs selectively bred for their tongue curling abilities. This suggests that authorities everywhere can begin identifying fighting dogs based on whether they can curl their tongue.

But alas, we let ourselves get too excited too soon. Studies have shown that tongue rolling is not a simple genetic character, and extensive twin studies demonstrate that it is influenced by both genetics and the environment.

Damn. And we thought we were onto something. For more info on the trait that had us hoodwinked: No evidence for a genetic basis of tongue rolling.


  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Could she be any cuter? There should be a law.............

  2. I love seeing pictures of Miss Nellie. That's right, baby girl, stick out your tongue at everyone who might say mean things about you!

  3. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Seriously - I just love that pup!!! I hope she finds a fabulous home!!!

  4. Aw, sweet Nelly. You're looking so precious. Snuggles and I send our love from Oklahoma - yup, there is still some love left here for you! We're not all bad, I promise! Wish I coulda taken you myself. XOXO!

  5. Anonymous4:23 PM

    She is a poster dog in the making! Well wishes to Nelly from MN!

  6. Anonymous5:48 PM

    How are Nellie's new nostrils slits working for her? She is the cutest!

  7. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Better be careful... soon we'll see this circulating the pro-BSL circles as fact.

    Hey, they believe all the other nonsense, right?

  8. O.K. Get serious with Nelly- is it nature, nurture, OR neuter.

    NYCKitten leads you to a post that shows you it IS the ENVIRONMENT or 'hood that makes tounge curl (NOT):

    Now, it could also require the white chest mark?

    No shoes, no socks, no problems -- No curl, no crop, no fighting!!!!

    I'll check back, Boris

  9. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Hey, Nellie...

    If tongue curling is some sort of genetic sign, then we're soul-sistahs!!! What scientist woulda guessed that two "totally scary pit bull fighter-biter-wanna bees" might POSSIBLY share the same genetic trait??? AND THEN...kiss your face off with that curly, girly tongue??


    jhumpa jones (on the east coast)

    p.s. my person is a scientist and she says that it is totally cool and awesome and amazing that we both curl our tongues. but whaddas she know...smooooocchhh...

  10. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Soooo, what does that mean for people who can curl their tongues? :)

    I always found it helpful in watermelon seed spitting contests, but never in a fight. So, I can honestly say it would be a poor indicator.

    Nelly is looking properly zen-like and good.

    Richmond, VA


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