
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A Pleasant Reminder

Scary fighting dog (aka Jhumpa from V-Hell). Now at home practicing the art of being a dork.

Thanks for the happy reminder why we all do this work, Kathleen.


  1. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Jhumpa Jones is a good friend of ours and it's great to see her here totally dorkin' out!! Yeah Jhumpa and her fellow V-Dogs!

  2. Hey Jhumpa,

    The camera deserves to be eaten, catching you in such an unlady like mug-shot pose (however so cute).

    I think you're just trying to tell your folks it is time to get a bigger couch!

    I'll check back, Boris

  3. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I like how the other dogs are completely oblivious to what's going on. "Yup, that's Mom being crazy again with that camera" What a great face Jhumpa!

  4. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Hey that "vicious snarl" looks a lot like those photo`s that the Media always uses.
    You don`t suppose...

  5. Anonymous9:06 PM

    So cute! BadRap, please keep doing what you do!!!!!


  6. Anonymous12:32 AM

    great breed of dog... mines snoring and passing gas like an old man at the moment.

  7. Anonymous4:56 AM

    That's my Granddog! You don't think she'll need braces, do you?

  8. Anonymous7:07 AM

    My, look how vicious she is!! Those teeth!! That would definately send me running in the other direction oh and they way she was sitting on the couch ready to attack??? Yeah, right!! Good job reforming this former V dog from a "vicious killer" into a complete couch potato!! Keep up the good work!!!

  9. Anonymous11:00 AM

    That is the cutest thing I have seen in a long time! I love the names you have given your crew, fantastic!!!!!

  10. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Adorable, endearing, sweet, belly-up-vulnerable, lovable pittie!

  11. Heh, great video. Beautiful dog. Nice roomies, too.

  12. Anonymous6:07 PM

    My pittie girl gives me the "scary alligator teeth" too and it cracks me up every time.

    It's so nice to see Jhumpa in such a great home, with buddies, pillows and a mom who obviously sees what a princess she is!

    What a nice video...thanks for sharing.

  13. This really puts a smile on my face. I'm wish I could get my dogs to be dorks too. Oh wait, they already are.

  14. Boy, did this put a smile on my face!

    Thanks for sharing!

  15. Sure thing Dee. I keep going back to that vid every time I need a giggle. Kathleen's voice and chuckles are as endearing as the dogs!

  16. Anonymous8:07 AM

    My dog, though not any pittie in her as far as I can tell (collie mix???), does the dork very well and while she doesn't do the alligator fangs, she makes cute little piggie noises. :-)

  17. Anonymous3:58 PM

    I absolutely adore this video. Makes me smile every time.

    Thanks for sharing - Jhumpa, you're beautiful (& woooo, scary...right? ;) )


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