
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Free Fall

We took the plunge at Oakland Animal Services this weekend and set up a little homestead for the Ambassadog project. As luck would have it, our new trailer is a reincarnated skydiving school from Sonoma, complete with a parachute storage rack. Cowabunga! We don't expect to need parachutes anytime soon, but we love knowing that this sweet piece of portable real estate comes with a legacy of big and happy adventures.

It's a leetle bit blue right now (rare blue?) but a couple of work parties will spiff it up and help bring it down to a respectable institution beige so we don't frighten the neighbors too much. We look forward to having a home base at OAS and a space to give the dogs some TLC away from the shelter's noise and daily hustle.

Big thanks to Dee for gifting the trailer to BR and to PoPo's Transport for donating new tires & labor so it could make it's way on down to Oakland. You were our angels this weekend and we're so grateful!

Coming soon: A new play yard (Thank you Team Pibble supporters), agility equipment (Bermuda - we love you) and a launch party to celebrate our new venture with the good folks at Oakland Animal Services. There's no place like home ... There's no place like home ...


  1. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Fantastic News! Please let us know when you plan the work party, my pack at home is pretty good with the paintbrush and hubby wields some pretty scary looking power tools - we'd love to help!

  2. Anonymous8:17 AM

    i don't think the neighbors mind! the blue is actually quite endearing!

  3. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Don't go with beige! Keep it a happy color...maybe not this happy tho. :-)

    Good Luck!

  4. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Oh people beat me to the punch.

    [quote]It's a leetle bit blue right now (rare blue?) but a couple of work parties will spiff it up and help bring it down to a respectable institution beige so we don't frighten the neighbors too much.[/quote]

    It`s pretty just like the dogs!

    Not beige.
    That`s so....institutional and...boring.

    If you feel the need to go beige them paint a Pibble on it at least.
    I think there are some ARTISTIC people around.
    I saw the Rocking horse fashioned after Sally.

  5. I know, I know. But we ARE borrowing space from the Oakland Police Department, don't forget. And sitting on the railroad tracks, a perfect big blue target for Oaktown's urban 'shoppers'.

    Don't worry - it may blend in more, but the scene at this space will be anything but boring. We'll report as the transformation moves forward. (and Becky, will call out work party dates in class so stay tuned, and thank you for offering)

  6. Hey Totto & Dorothy,

    We forever homees understand "no place like home"
    Good luck in a speedy trailer settling. Let us know when quiet place is with power & AC.My family very sensitive to that these post Ike days.The skydiving and bright color reminds me of one CW song (Bayou City Ike theme)
    "Live Like You Were Dying"! Like most shelter Pibbles are.
    So, I agree with the enthusiasm party lines, you need to blend in with the OAS lot just like a Pibble blends in with a doggie line -up.I really enjoyed the art & color at PBH.

    We'll be in local renovation focus too for a while, but blogging again once power up.Got to get my fence fixed so Dixie can visit. My sleep-over kennel took a direct tree hit on the play yard plus 6 runs.

    Could your network please find foster room for a couple Ike Bully refugees?

    Everyday has at least one good time, so celebrate each!

    I'll check-back,

  7. They sound like they are gonna be about as lucky as a pack of shelter pooches can be!


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