
Thursday, May 22, 2008


There's just no way to present this with any semblance of professional courtesy: PETA's euthanasia rates are out of control. Follow this link to a telling graphic that illustrates just how many pets Ingrid's shelter destroyed last year, compared to their save rate. Slaughter.
These numbers are nuts. How can America be so blind?
Thanks for the heads up, Terrierman via Caveat

Speaking of nuts. An Ohio Senator is looking to go the way of Denver, and is calling for the automatic death of any and ALL dogs that appear to be pit bull. Ohio House Bill 568. We're getting frantic emails from all over the country.

Please holler loudly from your corners. These atrocities are no different from the horrible pet massacres in China, but right here in our so-called heartland.


  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I wonder why something like that euth rate doesn't make the front page of any media? I mean the media loves the shock value and I would think they'd totally gobble this up.

    About Ohio house bill, it's so sad a society which bills itself as "the" civilized society chooses to backwards. People can't be this stupid!... oh well, yea, they can be, but still...

  2. OK, that situation in China is stomach churning. If there's not an online petition up already re. the proposed Ohio bill (barbaric!!) there needs to be one.(Sometimes I can't fill out those online comment forms properly, because I don't have a current US Senator/Rep). Maybe I'll write them snail mail...

    And I will have to go on the record yet again and say, ahem, I HATE PETA.

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I'm a pitty foster, and rottie owner here in Cleveland, OH. Yes, we have a pitty problem-it's the unspayed/unneutered problem, but not the agression that is being portrayed. That's not news here, though.

    I'm writing vehemently to the reps for the safety of ALL dogs in my state.

    The bill has no grandfather clause, and states that the Pitty will be confiscated and euth'd within just days if this passes.


  4. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I always wondered about the " e"
    in peta.

    Who's ethics ? I would have to guess that thier ethics are not
    the same as most people.

    Both sad and scary at the same time.

  5. Anonymous6:06 PM

    "professional courtesy" towards PETA?
    Why on earth would you feel any such obligation?
    PETA's goals, methods and "accomplishments" are 180 degrees from BR's. They are your/our/pit bull's ENEMY... you should attack them at every opportunity

  6. Anonymous10:35 PM

    it has caught at least some media attention. there was a very recent article on their euth rate in newsweek:

  7. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Regarding Ohio HB 568, I got this reply back from Rep. Batchelder -

    "Thank you for your letter regarding the Pit Bull legislation. I always appreciate hearing from my constituents and I do take your input to heart.

    As a fellow dog owner, I take all legislation dealing with canines very seriously. House Bill 568 is simply not good public policy and I do not support it. As you probably already know, House Bill 568 was introduced last week by Rep. Yates and assigned to the House Committee on State Government and Elections chaired by Representative Daniels. I spoke with Representative Daniels and he informed me that the committee does not plan to even hear House Bill 568 before the legislature breaks for the summer."

    Very pleased to hear that he doesn't support it, but still keeping a wary eye on things in the future!

  8. Thanks so much for sending along this update on the Ohio bill. It's good to know that your Rep recognizes how insane it is. Never a dull moment!

  9. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I cannot believe the atrocity that is PETA. How on earth are people still so blind to them??????

    And the bill being introduced in Ohio is completely sickening. What this people are attempting to do gives me permanent goosebumps.

  10. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Thanks for speaking up about PETA. A lot of people give to them because they're a well known charity, without realize what their money is actually going towards.


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