
Saturday, January 26, 2008

All the News That's Fit to Print!

We never dreamed the media would offer up such positive press for the Vick dogs. Never! After biting our tongues for months 'til they were raw, letting the story go has been a HUGE relief. It's ping-ponging its way from paper to paper in various incarnations and with a variety of photos. The shot above (taken by Eric Risberg for the AP) happened last weekend in class. The brave idea was to get all the Vick dogs huddled up for a shot, but it would've been easier to get a dozen over-sugared pre-schoolers to sit still for school pictures. The laughs were worth it.

Below, a listing of publications and television stations that covered BR's dog launch. And come Monday, Best Friend's report will add a whole new layer to the tale. Wow. Just, WOW.

  • PHOTO GALLERY from the AP photographer's file of V-dogs in BR's class and with foster parents.

  • This wonderful AP story was picked up by over 200 papers and websites around the world. Thanks to Cheryl Wittenauer for creating such an artful piece.
  • Inside Bay Area did a beautiful Video Clip with Hector & Teddles, captured at the news conference. (I just LOVE this clip!)
  • KPIX did two nice News Clips with great quotes.
  • John Sasaki of KTVU did a very positive story, too.
  • A 3 minute story from NPR
  • And nice piece from --- Take that, C.W. Nevius
  • From the Mercury News.
  • And yet another article from Mercury News.
  • The Oakland Tribune wrote a positive.
  • A nice story with a photo of Stella, who traveled to CA in our RV trip, with Justin Phillips, a well respected peer and fellow Vick dog evaluator.

    And best of all, an appearance on CNN thanks to the good people at - who've been so very supportive. Tim was only too happy to get in that studio chair and outline what animal caregivers in the United States need to do to create a more humane society. Watch the report: CNN.

    If you like these positive stories as much as we do, please thank each and every writer and publication when you get a chance!


    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Congratulations BADRAP!!
      Never mind the media, you guys deserve all the credit, because you did all the hard work - day after day, month after month, year after year!
      Thank you for showing the world it's not about the "dog in the fight," it's about the "plight of the dog."
      Thank you!
      Karen (Delise)

    2. I`m floored and almost speechless!

      [quote], please thank each and every writer and publication when you get a chance![/quote]

      I have always made a point of thanking writers and papers for doing fair and balanced reporting.

      I haven`t had to do it very often in the past.

      I`m looking forward to writer`s cramp.

    3. Anonymous9:04 AM

      The press has been awesome. Wittenauer's AP story is almost unbelievable, it's so good (Leslie and Hector could not have done a better job if they wrote it themselves.. I think Hector can learn to write!). Much credit to you for doing such a great job.. and of course to the dogs for being who they are.

      I hope HSUS and PETA are having a horrible week.


    4. This is all so great -- and Tim's comments on CNN totally, totally rocked. I'm running off with that Eric Risberg photo: it's priceless.

      Give Hector and everybody a pat for me!

    5. Thanks for what you guys do. Congrats on the press attention. I've been reading your website & blog ever since I adopted a pitbull from the Sac County pound last March (My girl Dixie looks like a more petite Hector - She's a total lovebug and I can't keep my hands off her sweet face!) Thanks again for what you do.

    6. Anonymous11:54 AM

      It's a great day when the id banner on CNN reads "Tim Racer, Leader: BAD RAP"!

    7. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Thanks so much BADRAP, for all you do. As a Bay Area native and a recent transplant to Denver, I hate to see the pits get put to sleep at the local shelter after working with the breed for years at a shelter in the Bay Area. The Denver Post has picked up the AP article, as well, and it's made the front page of their website. (
      Hopefully that'll change a few perceptions out here.

    8. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Thank you BADRAP for all you do, have done and will continue to do for all of these precious pups!! You guys rock!!!
      I was wondering what happened to Vicks dogs, went on your site and there was the answer!! You guys were mentioned on the local news here in Detroit, finally some good press about Pit Bulls, and all thanks to you!!
      I really love you guys and everything you do for these oh so deserving dogs!!

    9. I absolutely loved Tim's comment about what it means to be a 'humane society.' I hope other organizations that have that title yet have mandatory euth or no adopt policies on certain breeds hear that comment and really think about that one.

    10. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Congratulations Bad Rap. It is an excellent day indeed! Thank you notes written .. so here is my quick thank you to all of you!

      Enjoy the positive this week. Your hard, hard, hard work has payed off.

      Jen in IN

    11. Anonymous8:33 AM

      I am the owner and editor in chief of Northside San Francisco and the Marina Times, and also a proud pit bull mom. I write a column about my adopted girl, Jasmine Blue,every month in both papers, and it has rapidly become one of the most popular. (

      In our February issue, which comes out this Saturday, I talk about your wonderful work and the Vick-tims. It will be online the following Monday.

      Jazz has become something of a celebrity, appearing in a Christmas ad for Macy's, making public appearances, gracing the label of a wine for Chalk Hill (with proceeds going to rescue groups), and appearing on the cover of our April 2007 issue (, in which Bad Rap is mentioned.

      I also wrote a Publisher's Note in August about Michael Vick called "Let's call a thug a thug," which got more response than any we've ever run (

      I have been overwhelmed by the positive feedback I've gotten from readers. It gives me hope that the tides may be turning for pitties slowly but surely. I am a huge pit bull lover and advocate and a huge supporter of Bad Rap. Jazz and I will continue to bring positive press to pit bulls every month, and I would love to work with Bad Rap as a media sponsor for a benefit later this year. I just made a donation and bought a bunch of Bad Rap gear to show my appreciation for all the amazing work you do for this loving, intelligent, loyal breed. Thank you with all my heart...

    12. Anonymous8:36 AM

      All this pit bull positive press is really warming my heart. Thanks for giving a new life to these dogs who I thought had no chance at all. You are real heroes.

    13. Anonymous9:24 AM

      I spent some time last night sending letters of thanks to the authors of some of the articles published.

      Donna, Tim, Leslie, Nicole and ALL BADRAP folks: a HUGE, teary-eyed thank you to you for going all out for these dogs.

      It's truly heartwarming to see how receptive the news media seem to be towards these dogs, and the effort you all have gone to for them and all the others you work with is inspiring.

      Thanks for being there for pit bulls, and for pit bull owners. I know that I'm a better owner just from knowing you, Donna, and I'm more of an optimist these days because the work BADRAP is doing and the heart you all put into it is undeniable.

    14. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Thank you for all of your wonderful work and opening your world to help these poor animals. I am so hopeful this will help all the pitties out there and open minds and hearts to this truly amazing and loving breed.

      Here's to finally receiving positive press, but mostly to these dogs getting the life they deserve!

      Good luck and many many thanks!


      Boston, MA

    15. This is great. All positive pit bull publicity is good publicity! My sister forwarded your blog to me & it's awesome. I just started one about my pit mix Turbo: Keep up the great work!


    16. Anonymous1:22 PM

      What a marvelous posting on the Best Friends' website, mostly about their role in this case and the future of the dogs they have taken in.

      I also applaud them for naming names of those national and well-recognized animal welfare organizations (PeTA and HSUS) who seem to be sticking by their original recommendations to euthanize all of the dogs, except of course the "Forgotten Ones," the beagles, the Rottweilers and the bull mastiff mix. If it had been up to these two organizations, all of the pit bulls would have been killed and then quickly forgotten.

      By reposting on 1/25 this particular story on its website, the HSUS continues to claim the only good that has come out of this case is the outcome for these 12 dogs. The HSUS also continues to declare that such dogs as are currently living in BAD RAP foster homes, and others, are "bred through generations for unstoppable violence..." This is unconscionable in light of the actual outcome, and says volumes more about the HSUS attempting to save face than it does about any one of the dogs rescued.

      BAD RAP, did you ever in your wildest dreams and farthest-flung ideas believe that you would see accurate and positive media reporting on pit bulls? Certainly without your tireless efforts, I would not. We cannot thank you deeply enough nor long enough for what you have accomplished.


    17. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Hats off to Bad Rap and to all the dog rescue groups.

      Dogs are a reflection of their owners, like little children.

      Hugs and kisses to Hector from me and my Roscoe.

    18. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Way to go BAD RAP! I've said it before, and I'll repeat it as often as I can, in as many places as I can: you are wonderful folks, working for wonderful dogs! I'm so happy to see the positive press, I can't even describe it. Thank you again for all you do!


    19. Anonymous2:39 PM

      I just read the piece on MSN.Com. Such great and positive press for the Vick dogs. They look greatand the pictures are awsome. I hope the positive press continues for Pitties everywhere!! Donna, can you give a little information on Rose and her story? Kudos and much gratitude to you all.-------------W

    20. Anonymous4:10 PM

      I am bursting with pride FOR YOU ALL! Right on...Leslie on MSNBC...does it get any better????


    21. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Thank you does not say enough for all that you have done! I live in the Phoenix area and saw the news last night with your story. I'm a true football wife and was devistated by the "Vick" thing. I've wondered what became of these guys and now, thru reading your entire website, I know. I'm a proud pit lover and I will snuggle up to my loving 85 lb. pit-mix tonight in bed with me knowing that others have been rescued, like he was. Someday everyone will know what we alreay do, these are the most loyal, funny, loving dogs ever created, if just given a chance.

      Thanks again for all your amazing feats! You guys are true angels in my book. I hope you all realize that your doings have NOT gone unnoticed!

      Michelle and Phaga!

    22. Anonymous12:56 PM

      great front page article on Saturday's New York Times. Bad Rap is mentioned in the article.

    23. Anonymous11:38 PM

      I am so excited to see something positive about pit bulls in the media! Great job, I am an avid animal lover and although I don't own a pit bull, every single one that I meet I fall in love with. I live in the Bay Area and I believe that the training programs that you offer for pit bulls and their owners are really making a difference. Again, Great Job!!!


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