
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Today, people suck.

Ugly title, I know. I think we've all been there though. Maybe people won't tomorrow, but today, we sure do suck.

We took a trip to Oakland Animal Services today to look at a female Megan told us nobody would want since some kids chopped her ears off, all the way off, with scissors. I call most of the dogs "mystery dogs" since we never really know their exact story. This one was different. She was reported missing from a back yard (please don't leave your pits out unattended when you are gone), then one month later, was spotted running from two kids. The guy who chased off the kids took her in, but was later turned in by a neighbor for not providing vet care for those bleeding ears. Dog bless OAS for responding to the call and taking her from him. He thought she was rightfully his, so they reminded him that that would mean an animal cruelty charge for not seeking vet care. He acquiesced.

The scan for a microchip located the original owners. Wow, hurray for microchips! But let's not get too excited - remember the title of this blog...

No ears and now she's spayed? "No thanks. Keep her. How can we breed her if she is spayed?"

Now here comes the part where I suck. I thought, "This gal better be perfect, because we're going to have a hell of a time placing her with those butchered ears." And she is. She's the perfect little angel of a dog that is so forgiving that she hasn't shown any sign of fear towards people. None. And she still has sutures. Only ten months old and a little thin, but she is going to clean up beautifully.

She's also found a great little guy friend with a dog that we're holding onto from a custody case. They belong to the Mutual Admiration Society and we considered for the first time that maybe these two should be adopted out together - who knows? But watching their crazy antics together sure has changed the tone of my day.


  1. Anonymous2:58 AM

    A pit pair?? I love it...and oh yeah, the guy wanted to breed her because she's 'blue'. I want to know? Do they do zoomies together?

    Perhaps one day there won't be any APBTs, or pibbles as I now call them, at the OAS, because all of them will have been adopted out by badrap.

    That's my fondest hope.


    PS You do NOT suck!

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    You are right on! People suck because they don't teach their children common decency toward helpless living creatures (what kind of world is it, where children think it doesn't hurt a dog to have it's ears cut off!) People suck because they don't get that more pitbull puppies aren't needed now (or puppies of any breed for that matter.) I often tell people that I prefer animals to humans and this is precisely why!

    I love your site and have great admiration for the work you are doing!

    Dearborn, MI

  3. Anonymous6:59 AM

    That is a beautiful dog. I hope those sad eyes will get happy again.

    I'm glad she has a friend in BadRap and a playmate to boot.

  4. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Why am I continually surprised by the cruelty of people? This picture is so heartbreaking. I'm happy that you scooped her up and she will find that someone who will love and adore her, cut ears and all. Keep up the good work.

  5. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Bad Rap Team,

    I've never commented here before but I always read and have great admiration for the work that all of you do for this breed. You are amazing and please accept deep, heartfelt thanks from me, my bully crew, and pit bulls around the world for doing such good deeds.

    I decided to comment today because this entry has me in tears. We currently have a wonderful foster dog who has no ears like your girl there. His were obviously chopped off with scissors as we can still see the scissor marks on them. However, despite it all, he is the most loving, happiest, goofiest character in the world. He LOVES all people (um, to the point that he'd love to jump out of car windows to greet people that look lonely .. ooops). We know that it will be along road to adoption for him with his crazy ears. But, we couldn't let him die or waste away in the shelter system just because of cruelty. This boy's temperment is PERFECT .. like rock star, the best temperment that I've ever seen. I have deep hope that someone will look past his ears and see his beauty .. and I hope the same for your girl.

    It is amazing to me how resiliant these creatures are. And, thank you for reminding me today that, while many people do suck, there are wonderful people out there like you that really, really do not suck.

    Thanks for everything,
    Jen in IN

  6. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Bad Rap Team,

    I've never commented here before but I always read and have great admiration for the work that all of you do for this breed. You are amazing and please accept deep, heartfelt thanks from me, my bully crew, and pit bulls around the world for doing such good deeds.

    I decided to comment today because this entry has me in tears. We currently have a wonderful foster dog who has no ears like your girl there. His were obviously chopped off with scissors as we can still see the scissor marks on them. However, despite it all, he is the most loving, happiest, goofiest character in the world. He LOVES all people (um, to the point that he'd love to jump out of car windows to greet people that look lonely .. ooops). We know that it will be along road to adoption for him with his crazy ears. But, we couldn't let him die or waste away in the shelter system just because of cruelty. This boy's temperment is PERFECT .. like rock star, the best temperment that I've ever seen. I have deep hope that someone will look past his ears and see his beauty .. and I hope the same for your girl.

    It is amazing to me how resiliant these creatures are. And, thank you for reminding me today that, while many people do suck, there are wonderful people out there like you that really, really do not suck.

    Thanks for everything,
    Jen in IN

  7. Anonymous10:47 AM

    She is beautiful! And you don't suck, we all have those stressful times. At least you still gave her a shot and allowed yourself to be won over. That's a lot more than most people would have done.

  8. Anonymous1:30 PM

    She reminds me of Chickie-Sue.
    ( because of the ears )

    Chickie-Blue ?????

  9. awwww. i love reading your blog and the great things you do, but this is yet another one of those days where i teared up- that poor girl with those ears! She'll find a forever home- loving families know those ears don't matter if she's the sweetheart you say she is.

  10. Anonymous1:43 PM

    What a sweet girl! I do hope she finds a loving home soon! She deserves one!

  11. Anonymous4:27 PM

    People are horrible. I found this entry on another blog ( and it sums up my feelings about Vick and anyone else who commits such cruelty.

    Dear Michael Vick,

    That was some letter you wrote.

    How nice that a judge permitted you to be home for the birth of your child, but I sincerely hope you don't love your children the way you "love" animals: by drowning them, hanging them, starving them, electrocuting them, and smashing their skulls into the ground.

    You say you've "lost everything" including your freedom, and I have to admit that would be difficult -- especially since you were living the life of a super star. But unfortunately you've lost all that the same way murderers, kidnappers, sex offenders, or burglars lose their freedom: through their own actions. You weren't singled out and imprisoned randomly -- you committed heinous crimes. If not you, who should pay? Should we not insist that a child molester serve his sentence, simply because his only other recorded crime is a traffic violation? Your actions were unbelievably cruel. Do you get that?

    You seem to think you lost your endorsements unfairly. Was it not you that committed these offenses? Is it actually surprising to you that an endorsement would not be desired by someone who actively causes excruciating pain and suffering to another? The public does not want to buy any product from a brand that represents itself with someone who finds sport in the torture and killing of animals.

    As for being exposed to dog fighting when you were growing up, I don't doubt it. Many people are exposed to ugly, horrific things in their lives -- it doesn't mean they grow up to perpetuate that ugliness. At any rate, I would expect a grown man -- who has also been exposed to incredible kindness and generosity -- to be able to tell the difference between right and wrong. "Growing up with" is a great excuse to perpetuate bigotry, child abuse, racism, and misogyny. At what point does one start thinking for himself?

    And now you want leniency? How much more lenient could we be? In fact, we are showing you the very compassion that you deprived others. We are not torturing you or denying you medical treatment. We are seeing that you have daily meals and a bed to sleep in. We are not forcing you to spend your entire life tied up outside in below freezing temperatures. Why you think you should not have to pay for the crimes you committed is beyond me. You say you found religion? If you believe in an eye for an eye, you've gotten off easy.

    I don't doubt that jail is unpleasant. But you will never ever know the kind of pain and suffering you inflicted on others. As for wanting to be there for your kids, you should have thought of that before you decided to torture, maim, and kill other living beings. I believe that your animals, your kids, and even your houseplants are safer with you behind bars.

  12. Anonymous5:08 PM

    i can't believe the cruelty that goes on in this world. on that note, i read this blog ( and loved the response to michael vick's plea. it sums up my feelings perfectly:

    Dear Michael Vick,

    That was some letter you wrote.

    How nice that a judge permitted you to be home for the birth of your child, but I sincerely hope you don't love your children the way you "love" animals: by drowning them, hanging them, starving them, electrocuting them, and smashing their skulls into the ground.

    You say you've "lost everything" including your freedom, and I have to admit that would be difficult -- especially since you were living the life of a super star. But unfortunately you've lost all that the same way murderers, kidnappers, sex offenders, or burglars lose their freedom: through their own actions. You weren't singled out and imprisoned randomly -- you committed heinous crimes. If not you, who should pay? Should we not insist that a child molester serve his sentence, simply because his only other recorded crime is a traffic violation? Your actions were unbelievably cruel. Do you get that?

    You seem to think you lost your endorsements unfairly. Was it not you that committed these offenses? Is it actually surprising to you that an endorsement would not be desired by someone who actively causes excruciating pain and suffering to another? The public does not want to buy any product from a brand that represents itself with someone who finds sport in the torture and killing of animals.

    As for being exposed to dog fighting when you were growing up, I don't doubt it. Many people are exposed to ugly, horrific things in their lives -- it doesn't mean they grow up to perpetuate that ugliness. At any rate, I would expect a grown man -- who has also been exposed to incredible kindness and generosity -- to be able to tell the difference between right and wrong. "Growing up with" is a great excuse to perpetuate bigotry, child abuse, racism, and misogyny. At what point does one start thinking for himself?

    And now you want leniency? How much more lenient could we be? In fact, we are showing you the very compassion that you deprived others. We are not torturing you or denying you medical treatment. We are seeing that you have daily meals and a bed to sleep in. We are not forcing you to spend your entire life tied up outside in below freezing temperatures. Why you think you should not have to pay for the crimes you committed is beyond me. You say you found religion? If you believe in an eye for an eye, you've gotten off easy.

    I don't doubt that jail is unpleasant. But you will never ever know the kind of pain and suffering you inflicted on others. As for wanting to be there for your kids, you should have thought of that before you decided to torture, maim, and kill other living beings. I believe that your animals, your kids, and even your houseplants are safer with you behind bars.

  13. Anonymous5:47 PM

    every time i read stories of such cruelty i think it's the continuous evolution of human stupidity.
    I hope that kind people as yourself and everyone at BadRap can break this cycle.
    Best wishes from Europe.

  14. It`s too bad the Justice system can`t cut the ears off the parents of the kids that would do something like this.
    Maybe that would encourage parents to spend a little more time parenting rather than breeding dogs for profit.
    This dog will find a home.People that truly love and respect these dogs can see past the ears(or lack)

    I love to read the follow up stories and the happy endings.
    Please keep us updated on her.
    I`m glad she`s found some friends.

  15. We sure will keep you updated on BooBoo Devine. And someone will love her for who she is. She hasn't done zoomies yet, unless I missed it, but it shouldn't be long. She has a fondness for couches and overstuffed chairs. We'll post more photos of her soon.

    I love the blog entry that was posted about Vick - well said.

    People don't suck so much today. I'm actually very optimistic about the changing attitudes towards our clownish breed. Tipping point?

  16. Anonymous10:22 AM

    OMG! WTF!! I layed awake last night with her picture in my mind and thinking about the cruelty of it all. What about the kids? Were they caught, punished? Where were there parents? You won't have any problems finding her a home. If anyone is even half as compassionate as are the brave hearts of BAD RAP, she'll be adopted in the blink of an eye. We'd take her in a heart beat, but we already have 2 bullies and it wouldn't be fair to a third bully given the size of our "living quarters." DoG Bless you.

    Cornelia & Bullies Misty & Buddy
    Lodi, CA

  17. Anonymous2:54 PM

    What a lovely girl, even with those funny ears. She looks like a sensitive soul, I have no doubt that her forever home is waiting out there for her...

  18. Anonymous3:45 PM


    Your comment reminded me of something a friend of mine said as Bolinas residents were cleaning up the ocean habitat we gratefully share with our neighbors of the animal kingdom; "you look at these poor helpless creatures and you just feel like such an a$$h*le," referring to the oil covered birds washing ashore, dead or in danger of dying. It sucks to be human sometimes, especially when you think about our destructive tendencies but we, like BooBoo Devine, have the power to forgive and move forward in happiness and health to brighten the world with our strength and gentle nature.
    Our girl Boo Boo is a survivor; you can see the smile in her heart despite the sadness in her eyes and her ears will endear her to her inevitable human companion as a scar that reminds us to forgive. She is beautiful.

    Compassionately yours,
    Jacqueline Patterson

  19. " ...a scar that reminds us to forgive."

    Wow. That's good stuff Jacqueline. I find I can forgive anything if someone genuinely asks for it. But it's difficult otherwise. I'll ponder that one for a long time.

  20. People do suck. Michael Vick S.U.C.K.S! Anyone who would hurt and torture an innocent creature sucks.

    But thank God, there are exceptions. People like you amazing folks at BadRap. You help me to maintain my faith in humanity, when most days I feel it is ever-dwindling.

    Dogs amaze me. For thousands of years humans have bred them to be our most loyal companions, totally dependent on us in every way. Yet some sick, soul-less sub-humans have abused that dependence and harmed the most innocent and unconditional love we know. Our furry friends. I thank God everyday there are people out there like you, who see these animals for the love and light they truly are. If only everyone knew such unconditional love, perhaps all our wonderful pitties would find this world a much happier place to be.

  21. Anonymous9:39 AM

    It's really hard to understand the cruelty human beings can be capable of, and kids no less.

  22. Unbelievable, both the horror that you see and the good that you do in response.

    A practical question - for the dogs without earflaps, would elastic-secured earwarmers help them out? I knit, and I have a lot of leftover washable yarn laying around. It'd probably be an easy thing to whip up in an afternoon.

  23. Anonymous12:15 PM


    I don't mean to but my head in but we have been fostering a male bully for a few months who had his ear flaps cut off with scissors (very similiar to the girl pictured here). We just started winter here in the midwest and we haven't noticed the cold bothering him. However, the rain and snow seem to be more worrisome. Since he has no flaps at all, there is nothing at all to keep the rain or snow from falling right, smack dab in his ear canal (ouch! uncomfortable!).

    I'm slowly getting him used to wearing clothes so that he can wear a hood for walks in the rain/snow. However, I'd love some type of water proof ear piece (that fits a big bully head) that would save us from taking clothes on/off just to go to the bathroom in the yard.

    I'm sure that Bad Rap's girl would appreciate the same thing. I'm not sure that knitting would do it (without some type of lining). But, if you find something that works for her, definitely let us know. I've been hunting and haven't found anything yet.

    Take care,
    Jen in IN

  24. Jeebus! What a gut wrenching time this baby has had! So typical too, that she is sweet and perfect! BADRAP are angels for all that they do. Now, it's not my usual style, but I'd like to find those kids and dock their ears with my rusty gardening sheers. But that would make me as bad as them...or would it.....

  25. We'd be obliged to whoever can come up with a way to protect those open ears from the weather. Let us know and we'll give it a try and report back!

  26. I've often joked about "felt" ear clip-ons for these docked doggies, so would love to see what anyone could come up with. The rain is defintiely the main issue with these guys.

    And another perspective on ear docking - Leslie reminded us about fashion's role in all this. As cruel as it may be, the intent behind ear cropping is not one of cruelty, it is to be of fashion. And contrary to what many people believe, including some who should know better, cropping is notdogfighter fashion, it is show fashion.

    Bad Newz Kennel's 50 dogs had one dog with a crop job. Go to an AKC terrier show and you'll see half of the Am Staffs with cropped ears. The kids on the streets are only mimicking what the show people are parading as fashionable. Yes it's a tough look, but Rotties are a tough breed and how many Rots have you ever seen with docked ears? Show peeps don't crop Rottweiller's ears.

    I wish all the show peeps would start leaving their pit's ears intact (especially since intact ears are acceptable with this breed). Then we'd stop seeing so many home crop jobs.

  27. Yeah, it'd have to be adjustable or come in different sizes to handle the variations in bully heads. Elastic would be an easy option, but the adjustable clip on a Gentle Leader might even work better. I've got an idea that felted wool will be fairly waterproof and won't slide around the top of a broad doggy head. I'll experiment with it and see what I can do.

    I have to do SOMETHING other than shake my head in disbelief. I can't believe that I'm even having to think about coming up with this for more than one dog. Poor pups!

    More on the domestic sportswoman's solution as it develops...

  28. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Oh My God, The Original Owener Didnt want her back because u Spayed her. What the Heck Happen to the "FAMILY DOG" Thats just Horrible. I have 2 pitbulls, I could care less about them Being able to Breed, I bought them so they could grow up with My kids(or Their Kids) So they think.

    If I could Afford Another Dog Right now Id Come get her, She is Beautiful :)

  29. Anonymous12:57 AM

    This photo brings tears to my eyes! What unimaginable cruelty leads someone to cut off a creature's ears with scissors? What a testament to the wonderful temperament of the breed that BooBoo still likes humans - I am sure you will find a home to love her.

    On the upside - I show my staffie with ears intact (as I am against ear cropping even if it occurs with anesthesia) and the judges never fail to compliment my decision. More breeders and handlers need to make the committment to stop cropping!!

  30. Anonymous3:39 PM

    my husband and I love our pitty girl, and can't wait to get another (we need a bigger house!) we have decided when we can, that we specifically would like to adopt one with "bad ears"- just to show people out there that no matter how "scary" they may look because of the HORRIBLE things that PEOPLE do to them, they are still wonderful little balls of love who just want to sit on your lap (when they are 60 lbs!) you guys are angels, keep up the amazing world changing doggie saving.

  31. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I adopted a rescue pit that had both ears scissored off by some backyard breeder. she's the sweetest dog in the world and I could care less about her ears being mangled. I'm certain her angel will come and rescue her

  32. I thank Buddha for people like you guys. I also rescued a pitbull and I loved her every day of her life until cancer took her from us.

    I hope that you find a wonderful home for this beautiful girl. She deserves a loving environment.

    Thank you again for all the good works that you do on behalf of these wonderful creatures. Bless you all.

  33. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Booboo Divine....So Beautiful. I have two "children" Drae is 12 he is a Pitt-Boxer mix that a friend of one of my sons asked if we could "babysit" for a couple of days..that was 10 years ago. Jade just turned a year old. She is my baby girl and is a Pitt. These guys are my life; I mean daddy can sleep on the couch...the babies sleep with mama. How on earth could anyone hurt such sweet angels.

    People really do suck!

  34. !!!Ear Flap Covers!!!
    Easy to make - I call them "Funnels".

    Just take a piece of Fleece fabric (it is washable, water repellent, and warm) and make it into a triangular tube shape.

    Measure the diameter of the head for the small-er opening
    Measure the neck (or how long you want it)
    Measure around the shoulders

    Cut the fabric so the ‘stretchy’ grain goes around the head – this will insure a snug fit.
    Sew one seam, and you're done.

    What’s also great about Fleece is that there is no need to finish the raw (cut) edges. You can often find small scraps of Fleece in the raiment bins at fabric stores.

    see a photo of Mushka (part greyhound) wearing her Funnel

    Questions please contact me...

    Jeannine - Royal Oak, MI

  35. !!!Ear Flap Covers!!!
    Easy to make - I call them "Funnels".
    Just take a piece of Fleece fabric (it is washable, water repellent, and warm) and make it into a triangular tube shape.
    Measure the diameter of the head for the small-er opening
    Measure the neck (or how long you want it)
    Measure around the shoulders

    Cut the fabric so the ‘stretchy’ grain goes around the head – this will insure a snug fit.
    Sew up one seam and you're done!

    And what’s also great about Fleece is that there is no need to finish the raw (cut) edges.
    You can often find small scraps of Fleece in the raiment bins at fabric stores.

    See a photo of Mushka in her “Funnel”

    Questions please contact me…

  36. Anonymous11:58 AM

    People really DO suck! This story made me cry. I am so happy to see that this beautiful animal has found a home. I hope that her new family will give her the love and care that she truly deserves. Kudos to BADRAP -- I am looking for a dog for my family. I know several people with Pitbulls and Pitbull mixes, but was still a little reluctant to get one. After visiting your website a few times, I'm now sold! I'll be looking for the perfect Pit-fit for my family! Thanks!

  37. Anonymous4:03 AM

    that story is so heart breaking--but i'm glad to hear she is on the road to recovery.

    i love pit bulls they are so adorable--to bad i can't have my own dog!!

    does anyone here watch animal cops houston? its on animal planet!!!

  38. Anonymous2:58 PM


  39. Anonymous11:03 AM

    i can't wait to get home to hug my two pit girls... rescues, both. and as consistantly kind, soft-hearted, bossy, surrendering, girly, bold and loyal as any other. the canine heart continues to amaze me with it's ability to forgive cruelty, trust in love and believe that life is joy!

  40. Anonymous10:49 PM

    It's stories like this that remind me why I like dogs so much more than people... especially kids. Here's my question, Were these dogs born with ears, I think they were (unless they were born extra special), then ears they should have. God created everything exactly how He wanted them... He created these dogs with ears... They should be left like that. But that's just my opinion. (much like dad's opinion of pierced... whatever. God gave me all the holes I need. I don't need to add to it.) I hear this a lot - like when I come home with a new one...

  41. Anonymous10:55 PM

    I came across your website today and first and foremost THANK GOD FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU, I was reminded of this today when I picked up my 7 month old pitty from her vet after her much wanted spay and microchipping(it was delayed for about 6 weeks since she managed to eat some nasty dirt and got a case of roundworm, now she is on heartworm that controls all worms YAY) and you'd never guess but a lady at the counter ( a customer not a worker) asked my why on earth I would spay such a beautiful pit? I had to answer if you really love them that is what you have to do. Her jaw dropped and she explained how her little boy (a 6 week old pit that she got at 2 weeks of age...she is a real winner can ya tell)would definitely not get fixed till he was bred once then MAYBE it would be ok. She asked me a few more questions but I think she got the hint that I was half tempted to go find her pup and bring it home myself, I explained all the health risks and behavior risks blah blah blah to her and then finally just flat out told her that my dog was the product of two backyard ghetto Detroit pits that got to each other and god only knows what happened to them or her siblings (breaks my heart to think about it!!!) my boyfriends cousin dropped our baby off to us when she was 6 weeks old and could only get one of the other pups to rescue she also has a great home now,so we can only guess what they are up to now, so sad... I told her that anyone who has any respect for the breed or dogs in general would never recklessly just breed for the hell of it. She then told me BUT HE IS A COLBY PIT like this really has anything to do with it!!! and explain that to the little homeless colby puppies out there!!! anyway Thank You for doing what you do Our baby Izabel (IZZY) is recovering nicely and is the love of our life...if only she could just get the stray cat by our apartment and the bunnies that live in our yard to play with her she would be the happiest pup ever !!! (As if an 8 year old human sister and two feline brothers-who love her dearly- and a mountain of toys werent enough) and it was so very nice to see the clip from the Rachel Ray show with the Vick dogs...what an amazing breed these guys and gals are!!!!

  42. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Thank God for people like you guys to advocate and rescue this breed. I love all dogs, but my heart really belongs to pit bulls. I couldn't imagine owning another dog, because I recognize how much pit bulls NEED the rescuing. In lieu of loving animals and absolutely adoring my two bullies, it pains me to be aware of the horrors that are done to pit bulls, that also seem sadly unique to their breed.
    All pit bull owners can do is be the best owner they can be and continue to advocate for the breed and advocate with their own dog(s). I'd like to say that educating people will help solve this oit bull abuse epidemic, but I feel like the people perpetrating these crimes can't be taught not to be monsters.
    On a side note- -what happened to parents supervising their children with animals? For all parties involved, you would think that would be the common sense decision- -for safety's sake.

    Lastly, another strike against these poor dogs are the people who are most attracted to them (and also the most unfit to care for them). In my opinion, they comprise the underbelly of society. When I adopted my little girl, Brimo from a local animal shelter- -the Humane Society Adoption Liaison informed me that there were two people in line ahead of us. One was an unemployed 19 year old living with his mother, and the other was someone who could produce no references who the woman described as "shady." I look at my dog Brimo and there is an uncomfortable feeling knowing that she could have gone to either of those homes. I wonder what kind of dog she would be or what state she would be in.

  43. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Is it really harder to adopt out dogs that have been mutilated? My little girl (AmStaff/BT mix) came to rescue with no ears either--even less than this beautiful puppy. Hers are cut right down to the skull. To me, this made her even more endearing, because I'm a sucker for the ones that are "broken". I also have a snake with a huge kink in his back, presumably either from neglect or someone trying to kill him. And my Alee dog has an amazing personality, despite the obvious cruelty she has suffered, just as this little girl does.

  44. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I have to say the bred gets a lot of crap from the ignorant people out there, and so do I. I have two beautiful black and white pitbulls and they are the center of our family. They love my children and their friends as much as they are loved by us. They travel with us, I don't think I could go away without them. BUT there are those small minded, stupid people that only live for what others put into their small minds about the bred. If they would only open there minds and hearts they would see how loving and faithful they are.


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