
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Marathon Placement - Chickie Sue Goes Home

How many adventures can one little ghetto dog cram into a year?

In March '06 (Mile One), Chickie Sue showed up abandoned in an Oakland backyard in a crate too small to stand in. One year later - coincidentally the same month she appears on the Pit Bull Hall Calender - we're very happy to report that she's in her home! The months in between were a marathon involving dozens of people (ie, 'The Village') who worked steadily to keep this sweet princess alive and happy...from the Oakland Animal Control officer who saved her from a slow death, to the shelter staff who knows a good dog when they see one and put her up for adoption, then the dedicated OAS volunteers who walked her while she waited and waited for a home.

Mile Two - July '06 - No luck finding a home at OAS, Chickie Sue finds help with a BAD RAP Rep who drives many miles to gather the growing imp from the city shelter. She's home fostered for two weeks and entertained by resident canines while our Rep studies her character and teaches her some basics.

Mile Three - Chickie Sue moves into Pit Bull Hall where she's TLC'd by EBSPCA staff and exercised, trained, socialized by the BAD RAP Pit Bull Hall Crew. She charms everyone and takes the words Flirt Pole Fun to a whole new level!

Mile Four - Nov '06 - Nine months after entering the shelter system, and no home in sight, Chickie Sue's optimism starts to wear down. Our hearts break as she shows signs of extreme kennel stress. She leaves the hall, but the Inn is full - No foster spots to be had and, not able to be kenneled any longer means Chickie Sue is in danger of losing her life.

Mile Six - Dec '06 - Enter several Chickie Sue fans who game plan to shuffle her in and out of a temporary home foster spot with a second BAD RAP Rep where she lives as illegal contraband (not allowed on the lease). Chickie has herself a ball with the non-stop fun of so many field trips and overnites in new places! But we hold our breath and wonder: How long can we keep this up before the landlord discovers the stow-away? Will her fan club lose steam? And, um, Why did we decide to do pit bull rescue again?

Mile Seven - Feb '07 - Lucky Seven....An application from Turlock CA comes in! So hopeful, but so far away. As always, we wonder: Will they be right for our party girl? Can they commit? And, how the hec are we going to know if this is a good match when they live sooo far from our weekly classes? Not to worry. Her new people take several long road trips from Turlock to classes in Berkeley to prove their interest and their commitment. And while their beautiful boy Brutis learns new manners, he and Chickie Sue (below) develop a most impressive friendship based on her favorite three letter word ... FUN!

Mile Eight - March '07 - Hoops jumped! Chickie Sue's people get the green light to take Girl Wonder home for a trial adoption. According to Brutis, she's right where she needs to be. Stay tuned for word on Mile Nine -- the finish line, natch' (final adoption).

Thanks to all who sent sponsorships and well wishes for this beautiful dog. Your support boosted us ALL.


  1. YAY!!!

    I LOVE happy endings! :)

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I'm so excited for her :)
    My husband and I have been rooting for her since day one, and we wish nothing but the best for that beautiful, beautiful girl. x x x

  3. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Dina, Stan and Lily are soooo excited for Chickie Sue...and especially that she seems to have found a pal that loves to wrestle as much as they do!

  4. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I am SO happy to hear that Chickie Sue has a home. She seems like such an outstanding dog. I've been a fan of hers for some time!

  5. Woohoo Chickie Sue! It was such a pleasure meeting you last year! We're thrilled you've found your forever home!

  6. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Mile Nine? What ever became of the trial adoption?


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