
Monday, June 27, 2011

Pride 2011

Last weekend was the tenth anniversary of our first march in the SF Pride Parade. We started in '02 in support of SF resident Guy Lowe. Guy was battling AIDS, so his doctor prescribed a service dog to help him with his depression. Rescued from the old Pinole Shelter, she turned out to be the perfect medicine for him.

Sadly, despite the fact that Sophie provided an invaluable service and had no behavior problems, his SF landlord evicted him because of her breed type. (News Story) Guy moved and brought Sophie with him. Many pit bull owners are not so resourceful, and SF continues to be one of the hardest places in the bay area to find a rental property that welcomes pit bull type dogs. As a result, pit bull type dogs are routinely surrendered to an early death at the city shelter.

We march every year in defiance of breed bias and in support of all the good people who call these dogs family. Here's to you and Sophie, Guy...


  1. Awesome!! As if I couldn't love Bad Rap enough, to see that you've been marching in the pride parade for so many years makes me love you even more!!

  2. Awesome time, as usual!!! Everyone looked smashing. Great vid, D and TRex??? I haven't heard that in eva!

  3. We love seeing this and how overwhelming the response is. Here in Chicago our dogs attend the parade in costume and it's amazing how many more people come up to us and when they do, they realize what pitbulls are really like. Great video!

  4. As always, a terrific video with the best music! Looks like everyone had a great time and the dogs looked so happy. Thanks for sharing the parade with all of us.

  5. The video was fantastic. So many beautiful pitties and their people. July 3rd will be a year since Mommy and Miss Sandra found Shelby and our lives have been so enriched since then.

    {{{huggies}}}....Mona & Weenie

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    AWESOME VIDEO!!! I'll be smiling all day now :D
    ~ Shannon P

  7. This is fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Thanks, all.

    Chicago gave us our first taste of Pride, Two Pitties ... So long ago when we were young and before we knew anything about the world of pit bulls. It really knocked me over to see this disenfranchised group of wonderful people coming together in such a brilliant show of solidarity. And so it goes!

    Sending our best to our friends in Chi-Town. How we miss your summers!

  9. Wow, LOVE the filter effect you used on this vid. Like old home movies from the 60's or something. And OMG, Ayse in that little saddle? Holy cow.

  10. T-Rex = Mid-70's, man.

    And you know you got the Universe reclining in your hair too, Heather Cherry. :-)

    The saddle btw, made by Ana Poe the night before parade. That's some crafty girl.

  11. I love, love,love the saddle! I helped man the WARL booth at DC Pride. They said not to bring dogs, but Bull terrier rescue and others did, so maybe next year. We are again doing America's Dog for 4th of July -- no adoption fees for pits and got some nice news coverage.


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