
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Gracie - Another Vick dog heard from

We nearly missed this one, published May 9. Gracie is very likely related to our dear Frodo. Kudos to the Richmond Animal League for stepping up for the dogs from this case. How eerie it must've been to have this happen almost right in your own backyard.
Richmond-Times Dispatch Link


  1. What a cool video! Thanks for sharing! She is so cute!

  2. Bravo! It's amazing women like this that give the animal world hope. So glad you posted this!! And Grace is GORGEOUS!!! Yay!

  3. leigha11:42 AM

    aaww i have happy tears in my eyes. it was very eerie to have this happen so close by. i live in richmond va and followed the vick case from day one. thank goodness for the organizations who stuck their necks out for the vick dogs and i am especially proud that one right here in richmond was able to do so much. gracie is a cutie. yay for her and her happy home.

  4. I'm thinking you guys might be hard at work with the 450 new hot pibbles on the market. If so, I hope it is going well and I am thrilled that so many horrible people are not fighting dogs tonight. Thank you so much for what you do for these poor animals!


  5. I was fortunate enough to see Gracie and the other Vick dog (I can't remember his name) at the Richmond Animal League when I was volunteering there in late '07. It was only a glimpse, but I was so happy to see them, and they were both darling. The male dog had the cutest, humongous ears. It's really great that so many of the Vick dogs are doing well.

  6. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Another story of the Vick dogs, my boss brought in the hard copy this morning...,5143,705316127,00.html

    It is nice to hear good things of the totally against the stereotype perpetuated...



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