
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jhumpa meets the world thru CNN

Thank you Kathleen, for being such a great spokes-mama for your Vick dog!


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Why does Vick get to go home today when so many of the dogs under his care never will? I don't understand why there's even a possibility of him returning to his pro football career where he will once again be deified by youngsters everywhere. The Pittie Grrls and I don't think he deserves the adulation he's sure to receive. He's no hero. He's a zero.

    Windy and the Pittie Grrls

  2. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I'm thankful for BadRap, Bestfriends, and everyone that took care of these dogs. It was a real eye opener for me and I'm sure a lot of other people.

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Great job Kathleen!

    That Jhumpa is sooooo cute!

  4. What a powerful broadcast. Like her framing of Jhumpa's ability to "repair". Gotta put a muzzle on my outrage so I can appreciate Kathleen's insight that Vick also needs a chance to repair. Working on the fit of that muzzle, keeps slipping a little.

  5. willeyfromtroy6:56 PM

    KP - I am so proud of you and Jhumpa. What an amazing journey you are having together. Who knew that the day you took her to your home was going to be such a giant step into a world that would change your life as much as you have changed hers. Toby, Poppy, Frankie, Big Mama Jubilee and I have always been rooting for the two of you from our hillside in NH. Thank you for continuing to inspire us to be the best dogs and the best dog guardians we can be. By the way .. those are fantastic shoes!

  6. I'm glad she addressed the issue of Vick's "repair" in a small way. I'm really conflicted by my continued anger at him and my normal desire to forgive and encourage change. Usually I'm a big fan of "people can change" but it's so hard to think he actually will.

    The interview was adorable and Jhumpa looked so happy and cute. I'll have to reshare this.

  7. Hurray Jhumpa!!!

    It's wonderful what you have all done to follow through on a golden opportunity and it's media encounters like this one that blow my mind in regards to the progress that's been made for shedding good light on great dogs. GO TEAM!

  8. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Thank you for the wonderful video!! Hopefully everyone who saw it can see what wonderful animals pitties are.....Take that Michael Vick, you *******!!!

  9. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Awesome. I have missed seeing you, Sweet Jhumpa! All of your stories have had me choked up for the past two years but what really got me about this video was your Mom. I so understand and so respect the 'repair' analogy, especially with regards to Ick. I had not thought of it that way before, thanks for the insight.

  10. leigha3:08 PM

    first of all, i agree with the first post. vick should never return to the nfl. no one should get their job back when they have done such horrendous cruel things. i encourage everyone who feels this way to write/email roger goodell the nfl commissioner to let him know how you feel. google his name and you will find his contact info.

    second of all, yay for jhumpa, i saw this on cnn and loved the way anderson cooper spoke up for the dogs. jhumpa is wonderful.

  11. Nice report, and Jhumpa... so sweet. :)

    Re. Vick, I'm skepticle. Basically, he has been so shamed, personally and professionally, that it would be suicide not make some show of remorse/turn-around. I think it's a bit ridiculous of animal welfare groups to take credit for reforming him (didn't Peta try that one?). I welcome anyone's attempts to change for the better (and as Kathleen so aptly put it, I hope he has the tools for that), but am still waiting to see if this is a genuine sincere change, or just a desperate PR move.

  12. I've watched this many times now. It's so joyous! And everyone notes that Anderson says "these dogs get a bad rap." Good thing Jhumpa likes cheese!

  13. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Kathleen rocks. This rocks. Thanks for posting!

  14. jenny6:21 PM

    Look at those fabulous ears!

  15. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Well done Kathleen. You are very inspiring. Bless you for the love, dedication and compassion you have for these precious animals in your care

  16. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Simply beautiful. Thank you Kathleen!

  17. Great job, everybody! Andersoon Cooper really looks like a dog person and his body language around a dog that is likely to be nervous in that situation is phenomenal.

    I like Kathleen's perspective on Vick himself which reminded me that it is valuable to show the compassion to all animals that we show to the dogs we love.

  18. Charles7:36 PM

    Dang, the video has been removed due to "Terms Of Use" Violation. I wonder if the video can be found on the cnn site itself.


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