
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Watch ESPN tonight, Tues April 21

This is our dog Honky Tonk after he interviewed a reporter from the ESPN Show, E-60. Honks wasn't too sure about the topic of Vick dogs ("But MOM! When are they gonna do a show about cute little deaf dogs like ME?") but he ended up giving the show's producer a two paws up seal of approval after she let him sit on her lap.

Tonight is the first airing of ESPN's look at the current status of Vick dogs, filmed a few weeks back. We always get nervous about these shows. What angle will they take? Will they drag in too much dog fight footage and confuse the message? Did I say anything completely stupid? But this little preview made us feel better:

E-60 Vick Dog Show Preview

The show airs tonight at 7pm, and Tim will be online on the E-60 chat tomorrow to answer any questions the public might have about the dogs. Keep your fingers crossed for a decent show and good response from viewers.


  1. Do you know if there will be a chance for those of us without tv to watch this online?

    I have internet connection but no tv. Thanks... And uba looks so adorable!


    PS - you do too honky tonk!

  2. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Honky is so sweet and cute, I HEART him!!

  3. Donna,
    I can't help but comment that Honky Tonk is THE cutest little deaf dog ever. What a wonderful face.

    Glad to hear that it should be positive!

  4. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Just watched it. The dogs all look adorable, and Tim couldn't have been more articulate and credible. The thing that drives me crazy (from the commentary at the beginning of the segment) is when people suggest that, because we care about crimes committed against dogs, we must not care about crimes committed against people. We can care about BOTH. Our capacity to care is virtually unlimited. Just because some crimes against people don't result in jail time does not mean that Vick's horrific crimes against dogs didn't justify jail time. K

  5. Donna,

    It was overall a really great segment. It still drives me crazy that PeTA gets interviewed in these clips and it never seems to get mentioned that they wanted all the dogs killed. And I wish the HSUS dog fighting video footage would just go away. But the vast majority of the segment was great -- the dogs were great -- and all the owners/caregivers were great. I think the one gentleman got it right when he said the biggest thing to come out of this was the precedent it sets for future dogs that come from this situation.

    Nice work on all of this. I hope that Tim gets a lot of new (non choir members) who contact you all tomorrow.

  6. Thanks Brent. It wasn't too bad. And the caretakers are always brilliant. But yeah, we could probably use a good heart to heart between the animal welfare orgs about the practicality of releasing sensitive footage like dog fighting clips to the media.

  7. Anonymous8:58 PM

    I watched the show and as a member of the general public I didn't think it was too bad.

  8. Overall I thought the segment was well done. I could have done without the dog fight clips, we've all seen too much of them. I'd have rather seen much more interaction of the interviewer with the dogs, even the crew with the dogs. That would have been great to see. But for the time allotted it gave an over all good message.
    BWT, Tim was great as always.
    Richmond, VA

  9. I found you blog today - thank you for your devotion to this misunderstood breed - they are lovely dogs - blessings to you.

  10. becky4:55 AM

    Hey donna,

    The segments with Zippy and Berenice were the best, I LOVED seeing the girls playing on the couch with could almost hear the gasps of people around the world waiting for disaster, Zippy is just adorable. But ACK, what was up with that wide angle lens at dog training class...

    Tim and everyone did a great job.

  11. I second the question about whether the show is available online.

    Honky, don't worry, I know that little deaf dogs are the best kind! I think my deaf girl has a crush on you - she stole my t-shirt with your picture on it and hid it in her crate!

  12. Hey Doc and Megan - I do believe they put these shows online eventually. We did record it ourselves and will make sure and run a copy if they don't.

    Leila - I grabbed a fun clip of the reporter (Tom) working Jonny Justice in class and will try to post that today. It's worth a few giggles. He was like a fish out of water and obviously nervous -- but not nearly as nervous as Jim Gorant was in the same situation!

  13. Thanks Donna! I look forward to seeing the clip! :)

  14. I'm with Brent, I could have lived with out the fighting footage. But overall I think it was a great piece and all the owners and Tim did wonderful as if I could just kick Peta in the shins. Sorry, didn't mean to say out loud.

    Can't wait to see the video you mentioned of the reporter! Great work everyone, thanks for diligently putting our choice of breed in a great light time and time again! :o)

  15. I watched the show and overall thought it was very good. I don't understand why PETA has not been discredited by their actions versus their words. I personally know folks in Norfolk (from Bengal rescue) who turned over kittens to PETA who put them to sleep in the back of a van and threw the bodies in a dumpster at Piggly Wiggly. They are butchers.

  16. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I think the best part of the show last night was when the reporter said that this story was about the real victims and then the footage changed to being all about the dogs as they are now.

    Oh and Donna, that Tim of yours is quite a cutie! ;-)

  17. Oh HONKY TONK -
    Thank you. You made me laugh out loud. First time since my Mom went missing. Your "But MOM! When are they gonna do a show about cute little deaf dogs like ME?" - umm - well I could hear you saying that. And that Jack Benny look on your face is very droll. Are you always so funny? And if so could you ask your humans to make a video about you?


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