
Friday, April 10, 2009


The hardest part of going to Vegas for us addicted-to-fresh-air types is moving through the haze of eye-burning, tongue numbing cigarette smoke. The things we do for our dogs. The bust dog summit (named this for now only because it's late and my eyes are still burning and I can't think of a better name) came together as planned on Wednesday of this week. The gathering helped us solidify our partnership with Best Friends, ASPCA and Animal Farm Foundation and - especially - to deepen our collective commitment to dogs caught up in raids and larger cruelty cases. We were happy to bring animal control association NACA in as a new partner, too. And we'll all be looking for a formal policy statement from HSUS that was promised as a result of the meeting.

As much as we would love to, it's not appropriate to share details of the meeting in this space, but we DID notice that someone at HSUS has removed a provocative webpage from their Animal Sheltering website, once entitled, "Explaining Your Policy of Not Placing Fighting Dogs Up for Adoption."

This now-defunct position statement has driven us crazy for years: "Once dogs have been bred and trained to fight, they may become dangerous at any time in the future, killing or injuring another dog, cat, or even human. The cruel training inflicted upon these animals makes them unpredictable—and unsuitable for placement into new homes." But apparently, it's gone -- and good riddance.

More to come. For now, off to snuggle with my dogs, who are wondering where we've been and why we smell like Pall Malls.

Above. Uba, way back when he was still an enigma.


  1. heh, your lungs may not be thanking you, but this is such awesome progress. And who better to serve as poster dog for this promising news than adorable softie Uba? God he's cute.

  2. Oh, UBA. I am so happy - you are not - an enigma anymore. And that you are with people who love you and protect you. And make sure nothing bad can ever happen to you again. Hearing the good news about the bust dog summit means this day is going to be OK after all. Love, Samantha

  3. Well shucks, when will us little pit bull peons get to know more?!? :)

    Hopefully soon after some de-stressing, you can share some more info. I bet a lot of pit bull lovers are anxious to know what happened - maybe not the nitty-gritty details but something. Or maybe it's just me, heh.

  4. I just bought a T and hoodie from your store. The hoodie has the 'stereotypes victimize' logo on it and I'll wear it when I'm at the shelter as an adoption counselor. All my love to you for all you do.

  5. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I Love to hear up dates about Pit Bulls ( I have 1 full blood and 1 that is her puppy ) BUT I don't like to read about SMOKING on your web page !!!! I smoke and have for many years. I guess I could complain about how NON- SMOKERS talk to people that do smoke but I don't!!!! It is your right not to smoke as while as my RIGHT to smoke. If you don't like to smell SMOKE then don't go where there are SMOKERS !!!!!!!
    And VEGAS isn't one of them.
    Sorry but just am tried of people treating me ( and other smokers ) as if we're doing something WRONG.

  6. leigha12:42 PM

    yay for that statement being removed from the hsus site. it is a much needed long awaited first step. when i see pictures of these dogs when their future was so uncertain, i can't help but notice their eyes look so sad and helpless when they are in those uncertain conditions. but when help comes in the form of wonderful souls like bad rap and the other organizations you work with, you can just see the change in their eyes once these dogs are in a supportive solid environment. their eyes reflect happiness and hope at that point and that just touches my heart everytime i see "before and after" pictures. yay for uba, and i look forward to more updates on hsus' progress toward helping all dogs no matter their backgrounds or breed.

  7. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Even though I know that Uba is in a fabulous home with great human parents, when I look at that photo I feel tremendous sadness deep in my chest. I don't know why.....

  8. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I take exception to the blogger using this as a forum for pro-smoking. This site is for the dogs.

    DoG bless the BAD RAP crew for all of the sacrifices you make in the name of pit bulls. You are truly miracle workers.

    Cornelia & Jim
    Misty & Buddy
    Lodi, CA

  9. Anonymous8:43 AM

    This site was the FIRST to say anything about SMOKING. I just answered.

  10. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Call me a thug--vent somewhere else smoker!

  11. Anonymous6:35 AM

    It is indeed a great victory and a long-overdue change in theHSUS POLICY, but I am truly concerned about this sentence in the new policy: "The groups will support law enforcement and animal control agencies in their decisions to euthanize dogs when there are no reputable rescue or sanctuary resources available to absorb them." Isn't this going to be an excuse to continue to euthanize seized dogs as they please?

  12. Charity Allison-Jara8:03 AM

    This is such great news for pits! Thanks for sharing and all of the work that you do. If it weren't for the information we obtained from BADRAP, we would have never adopted Ruby, Now I can't get enough of your classes and anything to do with pit bulls. Thanks again! See you on Saturday!

    -Charity and Ruby :)


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