
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fools rush in. Happy 10th birthday to us.

Ever notice how crazy ideas always seem a little less crazy after a couple of margaritas? We can blame a good bottle of tequila for inspiring a small group of people to start BR, way back ten years ago today, under the BART tracks in a funky part of West Oakland. It seemed like a good idea at the time. We pretended not to be unnerved by the fact that our decision to kick start a mini-movement to help pit bulls was born on April Fool's Day. It's now the official start date on our government docs.

'The Fool represents the "every person" - the essence of us all embarking on the journey of life, self-discovery and mastery. He is the innocent, the whimsical, the "inner child" mixed with the "inner sage" that lives down deep inside of us all. He faces life and his journey unafraid, trusting, the perfect example of total and utter faith that all will be well, that every experience has a deep essential meaning. He trapses along the crags of life, regardless of any hidden peril or disappointment, his eyes are turned to the heavens and he knows that he will be kept safe and whole along his travels.' - June Kaminski

And how about that little dog that always shows up by the Fool's side?

We had a pretty cool April party lined up to celebrate, but postponed it to make the bust-dog meeting in Vegas instead. So we're re-designing the grand party and will be announcing details here.

To all the fools out there that are silly enough to believe what your heart tells you is true - Happy April Fool's Day. We love being on this journey with you and look forward to many more years of dancing on the cliff's edge, on behalf of all the lovable blockheads that first lured us into this big adventure.


  1. HAPPY B-DAY BR!! I will toast you with some sort of tequila concoction from afar... or maybe a mojito...
    Anyhoo, woo!

  2. Double Hi'Five Congratulations BADRAP!

    Your posting deserves quotes in response:

    "He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step in the direction of wisdom.” James Gibbons Huneker

    (why not Star Wars):

    Han Solo: Damn fool, I knew you were going to say that.
    Obi-Wan: Who's the more foolish: The fool, or the fool who follows him?

    BADRAP Followers Force be with you, Boris' Family

    (“Life is one fool thing after another whereas love is two fool things after each other.”, Oscar Wilde)

  3. Well, I'm kinda thinking any time you have to cancel a Margarita party that's a sad thing. But. The coalition summit @ Animal Expo 2009 in Las Vegas is for sure a reason to hold off. Way too important.
    Lots of four-legged block head spirits from North Carolina - 145 to be exact - are counting on guys like to you to make sure they did not die in vain. GHANDI and EMILY and HOMIE say they are not worried. Not one damn bit.

  4. I'm upset. And I worry about my pittie girl's future.

  5. Happy, happy 10th!!!! May there be many, many more. You done good! :)

    -Marji the human, Mina the pit bull, and Celeste the mexi-mutt

  6. Thanks guys.

    Doc - Don't let the negative media articles frighten you. If you haven't already - get yourself on a BSL discussion list so you can learn what's really going on. There have been some impressive wins in the anti-BSL movement recently. Power in numbers.

  7. Happy birthday from a pit bull-lover in St. Louis! I love your blog and admire your tireless dedication to a deserving, yet challenging, cause.

  8. Sarah9:05 AM

    Happy Birthday, BR!! May you continue to educate, open minds, and spread love for our goofy friends for years to come. Cheers to you!

  9. Happy Birtday BR!! We wish you continued growth into your teens and that you continue being a 'fool' because if being a fool is what you are doing, you are doing it magnificently!! Thanks for all you do from a pittie and a pittie lover!

    Lots of Love, Princess and Princess's Mom.

  10. ava's mom9:30 AM

    My pittie girl has brought me many joys, not least of which is getting to know BADRAP through the ESSENTIAL pit bull class on Saturday morning, and through this wonderfully moving, sometimes funny, always informative website. It's the first thing I t urn to in the morning while I drink my first cup of tea. Kudos and blessings upon you for the extraordinary work you do, educating the public and saving the lives of countless deserving "lovable blockheads" everywhere, from Bad Newz Kennels to Pit Bull Hall. I raise my glass to you!

  11. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Thank you and Happy Anniversay!

    MN Shelter Pitties are better off because of BADRAP's two trips north! I learned so much from your organization. I have 4 of the shelter buggers living with me as companions, therapy dogs, agility dogs, rally dogs, and obedience dogs. All have CGCs and all of them are ambassodors in every sense. I read your blod daily.

    Your work makes a difference! Thank you so much!

  12. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Haooy Birthday BadRap! What a long strange trip it's been, I'm sure. Thank you for giving us hope!

    Natalie and Osa

  13. Ken Foster9:39 AM


  14. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Happy Birthday to all of you giving souls BR who had the courage to stand up for our bullies. So happy to be a part of your community. And in honor of the day, here is my favorite fool quote:

    "The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too." - Samuel Butler

    Thanks, BR! Marie

  15. Newman's Mom & Dad11:06 AM

    Donna, Tim & all of you who help, you are all heros & Len & I admire you. Bless you for your love & dedication. Our lives have forever changed since Newman came to us & the thought that he might have been killed without a second thought just makes us more determined than ever to help change the Bad Rap tide.
    You are all heros & Angels.
    Dona, Len & Newman

  16. Time flies. Congrats on a packed decade of ever-upwards.

  17. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Congratulations Dear Bad Rap,

    You blazed the trail so that we all could follow. A warm, heartfelt thank you from all the dogs, animal control personnel, blessed families and rescuers who you have courageously touched with your own version of tenacious spirit. Thank you -

    Lynn in Northern California

  18. Happy Birthday and congratulations! Keep up the wonderful work you do. You're an inspiration!

  19. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Why can't my post-margarita ideas be this good???
    Happy Birthday BR, you are such an inspiration to us all.

    A toast to you!

    Abbie the rescue pittie from MD

  20. > Why can't my post-margarita ideas be this good???

    LOL. The last tequila-inspired idea we had was to do the BR-Exposed Naked Calendar.

    I think we should stop now.

  21. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Happy Birthday BadRap!

    Donna, now that I know you are fellow lovers of quality tequila it all makes perfect sense...Great ideas come from properly influenced inspiration. When we come out to visit from Lodi I think we'll come bearing gifts....Keep taking care of business in Vegas


  22. leigha8:28 PM

    happy anniversary and cheers to all the bully lovers out there and especially to bad rap for doing so much in a decade.

    leigha & her pitties in richmond va.

  23. Your site, blog, dedication, has taught me sooo much. Pitbulls are well deserving of adoption, for one. This coming from a person that thought if a pitbull was in our house, he/she would eat the kids. Three years now we've had our beloved Rusty; and now we're fostering pitbulls to assist our wanna-be BADRAP group out here Colorado Pitbull Rescue (CPBR). Happy anniversary and keep up the good work!

  24. I know that tequila-inspired ideas are crazier than even the word crazy. Cheers to all the bully lovers out there and especially to bad rap.

  25. I, for one, am glad you guys decided to be so "foolish." Keep up the great work on behalf of our babies.


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