
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Vick off leash in May.

The AP tells us that Vick may be going home in May and he's looking for love from the NFL. We're not big on panicking over whether a team will pick him up - Instead, we're prepared to be painfully amused if someone does. After all, the plague of PeTA will descend on any takers and the spectacle will draw news crews like honeybees to the dogs once again. We recognized the other day that Frodo is not only getting more comfortable with cameras, but he's starting to vibrate in full tilt happy mode when they come around. Practice makes perfect, Frodo!

Bah. We really are over the Vick sagas. But this cartoon still hits home:


  1. Anonymous6:09 AM

    That cartoon is perfect - I hadn't seen it before. Quite haunting.

  2. That cartoon really does hit home. And it would be a PR nightmare for any team dumb enough to sign him.

  3. Do you all know the 49's are one of two teams considering all atta have fun w/ that one!

  4. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Good cartoon. The rich get different than the poor.

  5. Naw. The 49ers don't want anything to do with him. Seems to be a lot of that going around.

  6. Anonymous4:58 PM

    He is a thug and will poison any team (Oakland Raiders) foolish enough to sign him. He may have paid his debt to society in some minds but I will never forget, I am a h-u-g-e football fan and if anybody thinks for one minute the only people who will protest his return are fringe elements they will be sorely mistaken. SCREW VICK he had his chance to be a star and a hero to kids and he failed miserably.

  7. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I really hope that if/when he gets picked up by a team a group of protestors follows his every move. I will not support any team that picks him up. Its just wrong that he gets a second chance when all those other dogs didn't even get one chance. You should gather all the Vick pits and stalk his ghetto a** just so he knows what he did was wrong. Its unfortunate that he will be able to pick up where he left off. Once he gets back in the NFL im sure his endorsements will start rolling in again. They should freeze all his future assets and make him donate all his $ to you guys!!!


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