
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Updates: News Release

We aren't sure if the dogs have been destroyed yet, but have joined Best Friends and other rescue agencies in a News Alert to protest the court-order to destroy the victims of Wildside Kennels. Please keep those phone calls coming.


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Just called all 3.
    2 answering machines.I left messages.
    On live person told me they`re getting hundreds and hundreds of calls from around the World.
    I asked if the dogs had been killed yet.
    This individual said she didn`t know.

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I spoke with atty. Triplett's assistance early this morning. Her tone was one of disdain and indifference. I mentioned very nicely that this was not an issue to simply be brushed aside and that would go away quietly. I'm hoping after many more calls - her tone is now one of amazement that all of these people care about the dogs they have so quickly deemed "garbage". Let's hope it is not too late for them.


  3. I got one live person at the DA's office but she said she had no idea and didn't know a thing about it. I got put through to voicemail...

  4. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I sent emails last night and followed up with phone calls today. I received voice mail, left brief statement with my contact number.

    I am also VERY irked at the HSUS...they trick people into thinking they are for animals and they are not. SO, I called Washington DC and have left a voicemail for someone there and will call again tomorrow and the next day and son on...

    Thank you for all you do!!
    PS - Is there anyway this is posted on your Facebook account? I would like to put it on my Facebook page to raise more awareness

    Wyandotte, MI

  5. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Just heard that they are gone.

  6. I am going to call right now..

    Thank you for this site...

  7. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Just heard they are all dead. I don't know what to say.

  8. Thanks Lori - You can find updates like this on our FB Causes Page:

    Our regular FB page has a link to our blog as well.

  9. Anonymous3:47 PM

    You have got to be kidding me....I feel ill.

  10. oh crud. I just sent my mail to Triplett, although I can see by this thread I was a bit late there... I'm increasingly mad at the HSUS. Goodwin in particular. I can't fathom why he digs his heels in and insists on alienating himself from the org's and people he should consider colleagues. I've corresponded with him several times; he doesn't budge. People respect the HSUS. With power comes responsibility, so I'm comfortable pointing the finger here: innocent dogs are killed by this man's beligerance.

  11. hELLO
    I Have sent emails to the HSUS and Wilkes county attorney with a picture of my 2 old south ADBA APBT's Brutus and Ninnie.
    One PIcture is Ninnie and her CGC certificate. Both are from fight lines. Ninnie girl's pedigree is that of one of the purest and oldest - Old Family Red Nose (Hemphill Wilder) which is one of the oldest and aggressive fight lines. ..Please know that I am not boasting as
    I am not proud that she comes from a fight line .I am standing up and saying that even with a pedigree such as her's she has become a beloved family member who easily pasted her CGC test, is a great nannie to my grandchildren and excels in obedience classes and can be among other freindly dogs.
    Yeah her pedigree says she should be this crazy fighting machine but she isnt. I am proud to say that I am a responsible owner and that I unapologetically use her as an educational tool when ever I get a chance.
    Shame on the HSUS and any one that is on the wrong side of fence on this one!! go get em badrap..YOU HAVE MY SUPPORT!!

  12. Anonymous6:41 PM

    [quote]WILKESBORO - Wilkes County Animal Control destroyed 146 pit bulls yesterday, following an order issued Monday by Superior Court Judge Ed Wilson Jr...[/quote]..

  13. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Some good news to lighten the mood if that`s possible.
    Hector one of those "dangerous" Vick Fight Bust dogs is now a certified Therapy Dog.

    I wonder how many potential Therapy dogs were in this latest group?

    How could ANY Human Being order the destruction of these dogs without evaluation?
    That Judge should be removed from the bench.
    He`s lacking in something.

  14. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Heartbreaking to feel that in this past year, we, the pit bull advocates, have actually seen some level of progress....only to have this happen. Just a reminder that there is a long way to go and that we, collectively, need to continue with our efforts to restore the reputation of these wonderful dogs. Definitely gonna go home and give some extra love to my pits tonight....


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