
Saturday, October 18, 2008

My pit bull is smarter than your yoga teacher

This is so wrong, but so very sublime.

We approved a new home for Newman today, and we're all doing handstands to celebrate. Lucky dog, lucky adopters. Thanks for all your dedicated training work, Sara Scott! We know it's going to be hard to say good-bye to this little teacher's pet when he goes home next week.


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Hope the new adopters realize that they have to keep sending videos of Newman to BadRap.
    That`s in the adoption contract right?

    Have a great life Newman and keep in touch.

    Is there a good site or book about clicker training?

  2. Absolutely fantastic! Way to go Newman!!!

  3. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Fabulous! Newman is amazing, but then again, aren't they all?

    I'm so glad to hear he's going home. Lucky Newman, lucky family!

    I too would love to see future videos of this multi-talented guy!

  4. Newman you're amazing! When are you opening your own yoga studio?

  5. Anonymous9:00 PM

  6. Egad, that is ridiculous! Cute, but ridiculous.

    Something I would totally teach my dogs.

    Here's hoping for a bright, awesome, wonderful future for Mr. Newman smart-pants and his adopters.

  7. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Thanks for that clicker site Anon.

  8. Anonymous9:33 AM

    OH my gosh what a smarty pants! He is so adorable!

  9. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I"m so HAPPY that Newman has a home! I will miss him SOOO much! :)

    I interacted with Newman's adopters on Saturday and they are wonderful people. Newman is going to be lucky/spoiled baby--

  10. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Dona & I feel that we are the lucky ones finding Newman & BadRap. We are sooo looking forward to giving him a home & love that he and all the other BadRap dogs deserve. One question, will stills do or will I have to get a video camera?LOL

  11. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Video camera please.
    He`s just too adorable for stills.
    Maybe he could have his own website.
    It`s always great when they`re adopted but we miss them when they go home.

    I think Newman should be a SpokesDog(BarkDog?) for Clicker Training.
    Maybe he`ll get a contract with some company.

  12. Anonymous5:42 AM

    "so wrong"? Only in the sense of violating the laws of gravity! Newman rules! Gives a whole new meaning to Upward Facing Dog.

  13. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Up against a wall.....I'm feelin it. Pitbulls have been there many times, just not with a pit bull lovin momma on the other end of the leash.

  14. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Props to Sara too! It takes a patient and connected trainer to get that kind of behavior out of a dog. What a great advertisement for how you can teach an adult dog (and a shelter dog) new tricks!

  15. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Hi everyone,
    Just wanted to give you an update on Newman.He is an amazing dog. He is falling into the routine as if he has always been here. He has met our cat already & did great. He is eating & sleeping well & has been practicing all his tricks. We will get a video posted at some point but right now we don't have a video camera. Newman will be at class on Saturday (11:30). We wanted to thank Donna & Tim, they are so inspiring. Also a big thank you to Sara for taking care of Newman & teaching him those great tricks. Lastly, we want to thank Jesus & Alex who we think kept Newman's spirit alive until we could find him. Everyone at Bap Rap, you are all awesome people. We will post some pictures soon.
    Take care all,
    Leonard & Dona Fong

  16. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Did anyone else see Donna & Tim on Animal Planet last night? It was awesome to see them & hear the story of the Vick rescue dogs. Donaa & Tim you both are such an inspiration. Bless you both
    Dona Fong

  17. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Hope Santa puts a video camera in someone`s stocking this year.

    Hope all is well Newman.


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