
Monday, September 15, 2008

Alf is Out!

This is Alf. He's one of the Vick dogs. He endeared himself to us back in Virginia with his wonky ears, stubby legs and wild goo-goo eyes.

Alf has been staying rather incognito while his rescuers from Richmond Animal League focused on re-introducing him to the big bad world. He's been playing with other dogs, learning to stay steady around loud noises and he even earned his Canine Good Citizen award. Well done, Team Alf.

We were ever so happy to learn that Alf's foster mom, Molly Gibb, was finally feeling ready to introduce him to the media. A somewhat scary prospect, considering the pair lives in Oklahoma where breed prejudice hit a feverish pitch this summer. But Molly is brave, and her move-forward attitude is rubbing off on Alf.

All hail the funny faced little dog and his diehard support system. You so rock.
'For former fighting pit bull, Oklahoman is fostering hope" --- Article


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Oh my gosh what an adorable boy! I am so happy he gets to live the good life. I love those ears!

  2. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I just read about Alf earlier today.
    Good for him and his people.
    Congrats Alf!
    You`re a cutie.

  3. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Thank you for sharing the wonderful stories about these great, unfortunate dogs! I have 3 pits and they are the best dogs ever! I have your blog saved on mine so I can keep up with great stories like this... and hope that others who visit my page will too!

  4. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Somedays, I get frustrated and want to throw in the towel Sometimes the hill just seems a little steep. Then I read stories like this. And after I wipe the tears away, I smile. Tomorrow, I will wake up and continue fighting to save the breed that I adore so much.

  5. That's wonderful... and he's adorable!

    On an entirely different note: There's a vote on at the Toronto Sun asking people if they agree w/ Ontario's pitbull ban.

  6. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Awww, good luck Alf. Sounds like you're going to do just fine.

    Could have done without looking at the "comments" at the end of the news story, when will I learn not to read those. Ugh.

    Alf is too cute to let those ignoramus' bring him down.

  7. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Was Alf named after Alf the Alien(Old TV show)?
    He does look like him!

    How many more of these wonderful dogs(abused by *ICK) are hidden away that we don`t know about yet?

  8. Anonymous3:02 PM

    You know what scares me, Oklahoma? Walking through an empty parking lot, or walking at night, alone. And it ain't pit bulls I'm worried about running into. Of all the things to be scared or angry about, I feel like pit bulls just don't stack up.

    A friend of mine just died in a motorcycle accident; he was going 80+ in a 45 zone and he didn't have a license. There wasn't any public outcry to ban motorcycles, but can you imagine if he'd been killed by a pit bull? Both motorcycles and pit bulls require responsible ownership to be safe, but nobody ever proposes banning bikes. Actually ... motorcycles sometimes kill even the most cautious of riders, and pit bulls don't.

    And by the way, Alf is ridiculously cute. Best of luck to him and his fam.

  9. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Not connected to Alf but this News from Ontario,Canada just came in via Google Alerts

    Don`t know if "Reserving a Decision" is a good or bad sign?

    It`s better than a decision against the dogs at this point.

  10. Awwww, Alfie's ears remind me of Teddles!

    Big congrats to Alf for earning his CGC -- way to go buddy!! (and thanks to Ms. Gibb & RAL!!)

  11. For the record, I love it whenever the word "wonky" is used! Glad to hear he's doing well.

  12. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Reading about rescued Pits and other dogs gives me hope for compassion finally being the dominant paradigm, and builds my faith that humans might one day rise to the level of dogs!

    Maybe that's what dogs are here to teach us, that plus love and companionship, joyful living, play as serious activity, easy forgiveness, living with loss, and much more.

  13. These stories of the dogs who were given such a well deserved second chance after living the first part of their lives in the cruel hands of vick and his cohorts, bring tears to my eyes. i am so happy they were give that second chance and are all doing so well. i love these stories and i thank you wonderful people at badrap for all you do. i live in richmond va and followed the story of these dogs from day one.
    keep up the good work badrap and all of you lovely little pitties who had such a rough beginning in this world.
    love, leigha and her two pitties in richmond va

  14. Good going Alf! Keep being brave sweetie, show everyone what a wonderful dog you are!

  15. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Good Job Team Alf!!

    He is a cutie pie!! Looks just like my Rosie. They could be siblings. You have taken on the beast and have shown that the beast is in fact a gentle giant. Thank you for showing the world what great and loving animals pits are. I will never own another dog even again. The unconditional love my Rosie gives me is all the encouragement I need to get through the day!!

  16. He's beautiful. I am so glad he's doing well.

  17. two months ago my son was bitten in the back of the head by a dog. we foster and have for three years, and it was the only instance where anyone was bitten.

    was it a pit bull terrier? nope. it was a bassett hound, and he was euthanized after he bit two more people (went to another rescue since the person who sent him to me thought i was a dog killing maniac).

    right now we have two "pit bull mixes" and they are amazing. it's a mother and son and my girl just melts at the site of kids! I love her to death. We've had six pit mixes this year and not one was a bad dog. Giving them a chance has definitely converted me...I hope more people will look past the hype and see what awesome dogs they truly are!

  18. Hooray for Alf and his new human. There is a special place in my heart for dogs like him AND humans like her.

    I must tell you again how much I truly love your blog. I love its purpose, its content, the mission, and all that you all do for animals.

    Thank you so much. We need more people like you in this world.


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