
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The transformation of a Vick dog

My husband Bill and I adopted Audie, a Michael Vick dog a couple of months ago. Audie has the energy of a tornado, but can you blame him? He lived much of his life chained to a tree, subjected to terrors beyond my belief, and then was rescued and given a chance for a new life by the government, but not before spending the next 6 months in a small cage. This dog is making up for lost time. For the first few weeks in our home, if we took our eyes or leash off of him for even a moment, we might find Audie standing (yes, all fours) on our kitchen table, trying to swallow a wet washcloth, or using the back of the sofa as a springboard. Audie has begun to settle in though. He’s polished up his house manners, and has taken on a new task of helping my husband rebuild a section of fence. Bill has had to dig a few post holes and Audie has dug a few more. I think this tornado of a dog is happy and he’s finally, finally convinced he’s home for good. Why else would he be helping to dig fence post holes just to keep himself in the yard!


  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    This is wonderful to read, and doesn't he look wild-eyed and happy, (as well a impressively muscular!), there digging away? I hope you are half a happy as he appears! YEAH, EVERYONE! - Jean in Seaside

  2. Look at that happy boy!

    Thanks for the update ... and thanks for giving Audie a loving home.

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    How wonderful. The dirt on the nose is enough to say "I'M HAVIN A HELLOFA GREAT TIME HERE!!!!"

  4. love this story and love all the dirt on his little nose even more. super cute! congrats!

  5. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Thanks for giving this handsome boy a home full of love and stability. Sounds like he hit the jackpot, and so did you.

  6. Anonymous4:14 PM

    That look says it all, "Oh, oh, busted!" Thank you for giving him a second chance.

    Cornelia &Jim
    PB's Misty & Buddy
    Lodi, CA

  7. Uh-oh, once an excavator always and excavator. You'll have to hire him out for work now! :) He looks so happy! Good job on making him a member of the family.

    Pittie love is the only way to go!

  8. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I am so thrilled for Audie and you, what wonderful way to enjoy a perfect bully life. It sure sounds like you guys are just pawsome!
    Thank you givng us a glimpse of Audie's new and wonderful life with you! hugs

  9. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Wild thing, you make my heart sing!!! This picture and story just made my whole day. We have a reformed kitchen table napper, too! It brought me back to the days when I would call my husband (who gets home from work first) and ask, with all fingers crossed, "Any destruction today?" Our dogs were my crash course in understanding unconditonal love!

  10. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Oh,Lordy, brings back memories of a happy and mischevious puppyhood gone by. Maybe Audie would enjoy this stunt: 1. pull freshly laundered towels off the clothes line; 2. Drag them all around the back yard; 3. Yap and taunt canine sister in attempt to solicit game of tug with said now mud soaked towels. know 'em is to love 'em. I'm not sure any other kinda dog can make you so mad yet laugh so hard at the same time!

  11. How wonderful of you to take this sweet, sweet dog in. So glad he has a happy, loving home and a new lot in life. You are wonderful people.


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