
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Not again! Hurricane Hell

This is Houston evacuating itself on the heels of Hurricane Rita in 2005, and we imagine the roads look very similar today. Deja vu.

This time around, pets are allowed on public transport - In 2005, many residents who refused to leave their pets behind stayed put and even died alongside their animals. Author and breed advocate Ken Foster reports that some pet owners are trying to track down dog crates to load up pets before leaving town. Word has it that homeless, adoptable non-pits have been evacuated to better shelters with strong adoption programs while the pit bulls & strays are being housed nearby in high-kill shelters. And so it goes...back of the bus, pit bulls.

We're all holding our breath as Hurricane Gustav approaches New Orleans and other coastal communities. Can we quiet the monster by sending 'Go to sleep' calming vibes to Gustav? It's worth a try - the alternative involves chewed up fingernails.

We're wishing safe travels to all residents of the Gulf Coast and are holding the local animals in our hearts.


  1. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Dear Donna,

    If there is another disaster for the animals, how do we go about getting down there to help? I am a vet tech-hopefully will be registered after I take my test on the 9th- and want to do what I can. I have read that 62% of the dogs rescued from Katrina were Pits. That is so heartbreaking. I would have been one of the people stayed behind with my pets if I couldn't get out. Anyhow, what can we do to help should it be a repeat of Katrina?


  2. Hi Natalie - The best way offer hands-on help is to volunteer with an organization that is already planning since they'll have permission to access the disaster areas. Right now, several orgs are forming small teams who are either on their way or getting ready to leave. The teams represent various shelters, and most bring experience from Katrina's lessons.

    If you aren't affiliated with any group, it's really best to wait for more information, and pray like hec that you aren't needed.

  3. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Sending calming vibes and adding areas affected to our prayers.
    Fingers and all paws crossed.
    Really don`t know how people bounce back in these areas but the fact that they do speaks volumes for their character and strength.
    We care and we`re thinking of all of you.

  4. Our prayers of mild winds, light rain and safe travels with quick returns to home for all pets and family, beyond N.O. to Morgan City and Baton Rouge to Lafayette. Counting our blessings that Houston will be on the dry side.

    My heart opens to Ken Foster (a man who lives up to his name) for all his work past and future. He gets all our encouragement to continue his no-nonsense writing, which has exposed others to the true perfect storm, that being the plight of needy pets.

    Reading Ken's comments, the potential danger makes it seem like common sense to get out of the way. Still, the hassle of disturbing the family and living in the Quarter in a home that has survived near a century of storms, it is hard to fight the desire to just batten down the hatches and pull the pups up in to bed under the covers.

    Watch for "Deja Vu" - she's in the wind -- so take this time of potential tragedy to remember that RESCUE doesn't end after the water subsides and the power is back on. This past month, A-P showed reruns of Katrina Efforts where 'senior animal shelter administrators in major city' were in jeans helping load-up the Pibbles. Those 'same administrators' later supported their disposal, instead of developing an advocacy for their true rescue.

    So, Gustav gives us a chance to reach-out a little further and try to help our neighbors. Realize that if we were in our car with family and animals on the same road, our desires and values would be very similar. We'd be just looking for help and support for safety and security, appreciating those close to us a little more.

    Hugging everyone a little harder at bedtime tonight,

    Boris' OEL


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