
Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Our first crew of dogs at Oakland Animal Services was quick to show us how to make best use of the exercise yard for crazy fun adventures. Here's an update on the new collaborative project from our most recent Newsletter

And here are two young dogs who would prefer fewer words - more fun. They're each going to be great additions to their future families.

Tulsa Redone

The lab puppy case is all over the news - 205 news articles and counting. It's been interesting to see how many insist that a lab pup could never use its teeth to cause harm. In case your co-workers are trying to convince you that reality just doesn't work that way, here's a short list of old and not-so-old headlines to remind them that dogs are still animals, even when they can fit into a fancy leather shoulder bag. If you can quiet them long enough to read, maybe you'll be able to get some work done. Good luck. .....Dachshund ... Pomeranian ... Jack Russell Terrier ... Poodle/Cairn mix....


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Apparently this child was unattended for upwards of 1 1/2 hrs.
    This isn`t even a dog story.
    Can you imagine reading that quote below if this had been a Pit Bull puppy or alleged Pit Bull puppy.
    I guess when the perp?(puppy) doesn`t fit the agenda you gotta start making excuses.

    [quote]"We're looking at it as possibly just a tragic accident that occurred. We're not looking to blame anyone or anything like that, but the detectives will investigate this case," said Tulsa Police Officer Leland Ashley.[/quote]

    That`s all I can say.
    Talk about making excuses for human behaviour.

    How sad for both the babies.
    And frankly I don`t care if the parents ARE reading this.
    This was NO tragic accident.
    Feel free to edit or not post but I`m sick and tired of the excuses for human behaviour.
    Thank God this wasn`t a pit puppy for the sake of the hundreds of thousands of innocent dogs who would pay with their lives due to the humans who didn`t watch this child.
    Wake up humans!!

  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I don't know why I even bothered to read some of the comments stemming from this article. There are clearly masses of people out there who completely lack even an ounce of common sense. Bleh!!

    Perhaps one of the stupidest comments I read is as follows...

    "I don't believe a lab would do this. When we had our firstborn child we would leave our child at home when he was as young as 2 months with our lab acting as a babysitter. That lab loved our child. We would leave them alone for hours at a time and that lab would have torn into anything or anyone that came near our baby. This story doesn't make sense."

    Can you believe that?!!

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Bitey face play in the bushes for the win!! What fabulously handsome goofballs!

    So glad to see an ambassadog project at OAS...we've worked with them on other issues (related to farmed animals) and they've been great!

  4. Hey Newman and Jelly-Roll,

    Glad to see you two romping in the hay. Makes one realize what life is all about: having fun and staying out of trouble by balancing hard work with exhausting play. It can work for people too, but not as obvious because their tongues don't hang out. However as in recent blogs, it still doesn't always keep them out of trouble with their tongues hanging out. So following the lead of the video and a CW song,"... need a little less talk and a lot more action".

    The newsletter and OAS email blast on the AmbassaDog program are fantastic calls for action. After reading one, I thought I overheard my family buying dog toys on the internet (maybe for me?). Boy was I surprised when I realized they were talking about buying Dirk's balls.

    Closing on a serious note:
    A prayers of healing to all the grieving families arising from preventable tragedies.
    "May some value come from your loss, by us never forgetting that it could be preventable!"



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