
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What would help?

At our recent Richmond based Free Shots Fair, BR volunteers David & Mary asked Richmond residents for suggestions for improvements that would help pet owners in Contra Costa County. The tape quality is a little ruff, but some of the quotes are great.

What do urban pet owners want? - The same as everyone, everywhere: More accessible vet care, more responsive animal control, more options for exercising pets, more training and education.

You never know until you ask...

And how much do we love that little kid at the end?


  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    We can learn alot from kids and pit bulls too!

  2. Anonymous8:20 PM

    That one kid is profoundly smarter than a whole lotta misinformed adults.

    I've been replying to moronic postings about the Texas pitbull incident for the past two days. I am amazed at the amount of misinformation people are spewing as "facts". It's frightening.

    I've been reading the BADRAP website postings for over a year now, and have been (foolishly) lulled into thinking people are become more educated and responsible. It's just not the case, based on the insane postings I've been replying to, trying to give reasonable, thoughtful answers to a bunch of crazed haters.

    Thank you parents of that great kid at the end of the video...thank you for teaching that young boy more than a lot of people will ever learn in a lifetime. Thank you for teaching him to be kind and thoughtful, and most of all, to think. He is the future.

  3. Hey - thank you for battling it out on the message boards, Anon. Not a happy place to be. Don't get too discouraged -- the people on these boards who're obsessed with bad news and skeered to deeth of pit bulls are hiding behind their computer screen for a reason. In the long run, they're irrelevant. Although it's great that you're putting good info out there for any thinking readers that happen by. Good work. Plus, it's always helpful to put a polish on your rhetoric so the facts slip off the tongue more easily during intelligent real-life conversations!

  4. Anonymous2:32 AM

    From the mouths of babes! :-)

  5. Anonymous2:32 AM

    From the mouths of babes! :-)

  6. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Alexander, you Rock!!!!! God Bless ya for your wise words. Keep up the good work!

  7. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Donna - would love to have a live link to the video again. The eyespot link doesn't seem to work any more.

    Thank you,

    ~ Lisa

  8. all fixed. thanks SO much for letting us know about the broken link Lisa!


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