
Monday, May 05, 2008

The Trouble with Hector

It shouldn't be that hard: Bring former Vick dog to shelter yard for quick photo session with dog loving, NFL player and Oakland shelter volunteer, Jarrod Cooper. Nice park-like setting, few dogs milling around. No biggie. Perfect lighting. Quick snap - we should be out of there.

Except it's Hector, who - we forgot - turns into a moosh-ball whenever he's held. Like, rag-doll-limp-noodle-ain't-got-no-bones-in-me kinda thing. Jellyfish. We love you Hector, but, please. We're on a time table here, baby...Work with me. Cooper was more than patient with shot after shot after shot after shot. Here are just some of the way too many ridiculous out takes.

Hellooooooo Hector?...Are you awake?

What loose dogs?

Zen Game Dog.

Yeah. You're a working dog. Right.

And finally! -- He opened his eyes. Here's the FINAL PRODUCT.

Cooper will be at our booth at the HSUS Animal Care Expo next week and promised to autograph a few posters. The connection? A new collaborative project to bring positive change to pets in Oakland. We were hoping to get Hector busy with paw print signatures for this run, but we wouldn't want to keep him awake.

Heads up: Caveat has a good opinion piece on an opinion piece from a Utah shelter. My favorite new term for media praddle: "Camp fire tales for the weak of mind" Thanks Caveat, I may have to steal that. Ticking Time Bomb or Trusted Friend


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Completely in love with both Hector and Mr. Cooper. I'm finally a fan of an NFL player.

  2. Anonymous8:08 AM

    sweet! what a nut that Hector is!

    I like the first picture on your post better than the one in the actual poster, though.. it captures the sweetness of both of those boyz

  3. You're right. It is very sweet ... but I couldn't get past the fact that he looks DEAD! lol

    maybe we're just too sensitive to what almost-was.

  4. Anonymous2:15 PM

    What a handsome silly boy. I am sure he will find the most amazing home and be a wonderful breed ambasador.

  5. Anonymous4:33 PM

    So sweet. Coop and Hector look so cute in the 4th picture. Hubba Hubba!

  6. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I have always been a Raiders fan since the Howie Long and Lyle Alzado days but my love for the team Wained when Warren Sapp played for them! hated him here in Tampa hated him more on my favorite team.. So now I have a reason to renew my love for the team!! Yeah !!! What an awesome collaoration!! WOnder if the Tampa Bay PUNKS (BUCS)would be as open to this idea LOL!! Anyways I think Mr Cooper will have a huge fan base this year and I will be his number one Tampa Bay fan!!! Oh Hector... as always its SO GOOD TO SEE YOU and can I say SUBMISSIVE MUCH???? No not a fight dog..No way LOL !!What I wouldnt give to give you a big belly rub !!!!
    OVer and Over again I will repeat:
    Crystal from Tampa Bay (mid FLorida APBTAA)

  7. O.K. we've seen this act before when Hector hanging out (on) with Leslie. The real reason Hector has gone super-chilled is that unlike Leslie, he knows Coop won't get tired and drop him.

    Our favorite of Hec is the third shot - to heck with the belly rubs, get in some good scratchin on that big old lower triangular jaw. Then, just snooze off in the security of all that muscle and save your energy for 'game time'.

    Check back, Boris OEL

  8. Anonymous7:38 AM

    When can we buy the t-shirt of the poster?

  9. What adorable photos of a pair of princes :)

  10. fyi, a sweet article about how well the dogs over at best friends sanctuary are doing:

  11. The second & third pictures are hilarious.... Hector is like.... "oooooooooh yeah" *too cute*

  12. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Hey, thanks for the shout-out, Donna!

    I've been 'working' in my garden, haven't been in front of the computer for a few days.

    Hector is priceless, reminds me of my rough Griffon - like a little hippie (yes, I remember those days, sit-ins and all).

    Have fun at the Expo!

  13. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Can I adopt them both?

  14. Anonymous4:27 PM

    The BOTH of them! Big, adorable . . . mooshes!!

  15. hahaha! The outtakes are priceless!

  16. I love the first picture the most. Look at his feet! SO CUTE!


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