
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hearts never lie.

We did our first official adoption of a Vick dog last Saturday. Little Dutch was grabbed up by none other than BR's ace trainer, Linda Chwistek and her husband Bill. Linda's been looking for an agility dog for ages and when she met Dutch and recognized his courage, drive and natural talent, she told us "I haven't been this excited since I tasted my first candy bar!"

Unfortunately, a specialist noted that Dutch's joints would not be able to endure the stress of the sport, so Linda sadly resigned to let him go so she can continue her search. Until she phoned us that is, to report that she wants him anyway. ha! Dutch made such an impression on these guys - and they meet hundreds of dogs every year - that they couldn't let him go. While Linda is still looking for her agility star, there are plans to give Dutch a different, less strenuous vocation (details to come). The adoption ceremony was captured by a film crew for Animal Planet and will air in August. We'll give a heads up when that happens.

Moral of the Story? Some of the most precious treasures can come from some of the darkest of places. You'll never know unless you look.

On another note, we're all feeling very grateful for a kind donation from the friends of a remarkable San Francisco resident who died last year. Micheal Keenan was a pit bull owner and all around animal lover. He ran into a burning building to save the life of his friend's jack russell terrier and later died from the burns that resulted. A Hero's Story

We were able to use the funds to help transport five AZ bust dogs from Tucson to CA. The dogs narrowly escaped a sad fate. (We're still grieving for the ones we couldn't help).

Coincidentally, one of the dogs transported is a brindle, just like this pup shown with Michael. (Movie: Joker) Much gratitude to Michael for inspiring so many to be heroes through your selfless actions. And thank you to his friends, including Leslie Hayne, for donating to the dogs in Michael's name.


  1. Oh, that is a terribly sad story about Michael Keenan. :( I'm glad that you were able to turn a horrible tragedy into a happy ending for the Tucson bust dogs.

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Congratulations, Dutch, Linda and Bill! Hope have a long happy and healthy life together!

    And thank you friends of Michael! He certainly was a hero.

  3. So sad about Michael Keenan, but very fitting that his memory should live on through good deeds and good friends.

    ...And Dutch finding his Bill and Linda is great news. :)

  4. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Congratulations to Dutch, Bill and Linda-may you have many happy years together.
    What a wonderful tribute to Micheal Keenan, he sounds like he was a wonderful man!
    Finally, a big shout out to Josie Kat and Deja nice to see them both with the adoption pending label. You go girls!!!----------W

  5. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Congratulations to Mr. Dutch! That's wonderful news. And I'm glad that something beautiful came out of the tragic loss of Mr. Keenan.

  6. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Dutch has such a beautiful face, like a work of art. Those bull dog lips are priceless!

  7. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Good for you Linda & Bill. You know a good dog when you see one and little Dutch needs the love and stability that you can offer. Happy trails to you all...



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