
Friday, March 14, 2008

Pit bulls: A breed for Vikings

I really wanted to stay home. It's cold here and most of St. Cloud is the color gray with dirty snow and sad March skies...but what warm people. Tim & I are hunkered down in our hotel room in MN tonite after spending the day yakking up pit bull adoptions with a kind crowd of shelter workers and rescue groups. Networking is always the best part of conferences: We had the good fortune of hanging out with the smart (and beautiful) gals from A Rotta Love Plus and enjoyed dinner with pit bull celeb Roo tonite, who is owned the by the Disk Maniac Wallace

Okay, maybe the cold weather's not so hard to take after all.

The best news of the day: Our hosts, Minnesota Tri-County Humane Society, announced today that they're ready to put ambassadog pit bulls up for adoption. Tim's been talking with these good folks since his presentation last year piqued their interest in giving the bullpups a try. This news is gratifying, to say the least. Rachel and her crew from A Rotta Love helped us select a few dogs to evaluate in front of the crowd today. And while we hate putting dogs on the spot in front of 200 watchful eyes, the pay-off was that two did so well that they earned their way into two new adoption program. Huzzah!

This video shows a glimpse of a little brown monkey faced DARLING who will soon be Tri-County's first breed ambassadog. She tested beautifully: Warmly connected, cheerful, highly motivated to please and allllll about people. We wish her and her advocates well ... They have important work to do and we know that they'll be brilliant. Monkey Girl Kennel Clip

If you live in MN and are starting to think about adding a love machine to your family, pls check out Tri-County Humane MN (and don't tell'em I said so, but if you like designing websites, I bet these guys would love some help with a major website make-over to showcase their animals).

We fly to WI tomorrow ... Where I'm guessing it's still cold.


  1. Anonymous5:25 AM

    You all stay warm by turning them on to us Pit Bulls! In 'cold countries' to raise kennel funds, do they rent-out pit bull bed-warmers. On second thought, you'd never want to get out.

    Four clicks to see a dog - ouch. WEB folks to TCH-MN's rescue - low art & high RSI.

    Am BASS-a-DOG?
    sounds fishy - they LOVE fishing there. Bring back some 'Lutefisk' for your 'bass-a-dog' gang.


  2. That`s great news.
    To go from a State that was trying to ban them to this, is quite incredible.
    Kudos to all involved and thank you to Minnesota Tri-County Human Society
    from Ontario,Canada.
    We`ve noticed and perhaps our Gov`t will also.

  3. hey, enough with the cold jokes! we midwesterners have special ways of coping.

  4. Excellent coping mechanism Julie! LOL Love it.

  5. agreed on both counts Jenifer!

  6. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Hey Donna and came from out that way right??? But hey, you didn't know about bullies then! Now, you can have a Three Dog Night! LOL!

    Nothin' keeps you quite as warm as a bully or two under the sheets. I am tightly sandwiches between my two every night! Now, if only I could teach them to make coffee for me in the morning!


  7. Thank you so much for braving the cold to come to MN Donna and Tim! It was great to meet some real live celebrities...pit bull celebrities!!! The best kind of celebrity of course (yes, I am the one that got the autographed People magazine).

    It was so great to watch the audience (who had varying degrees of pit bull experience) soak everything up and be excited about pit bulls when some were not at first!!! Thank you thank you thank for everything you do!


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