
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Better odds with a hurricane

I’ve been meaning to write about my experience in VA (and I will), but life moves fast and when I returned home, Pearl received a diagnosis of lymphoma. We had been busy making the most of our time together, until Monday at 5 am, when my precious Pearl died from lymphoma. She was a fabulous creature. Some people may say she wouldn’t have won a beauty contest (I, of course, think otherwise), but Pearl had an excess of personality. In the weeks of treatment at a local hospital, the staff treated her like royalty, never kenneling her because “she couldn’t have cared less about the other animals and we liked to sit with her.“

Pearl tried to make a friend of everyone she met.Sometimes people weren’t interested…like the man who yelled at me last week on a public sidewalk for not having a muzzle on her…Pearl continued to wag and smile at him while he berated us. Heartbreaking and so completely infuriating at the same time. Maybe some people have been so conditioned by what they read and see on TV that they fail to think for themselves and are unable to recognize the reality of what is right before their eyes.

And heartbreaking too, to think that there are thousands of other perfectly wonderful dogs just like her who are exterminated each year because they were unlucky enough to be rescued from the property of a dog fighter. Strange to think that Pearl was luckier to be caught up in a hurricane than to be rescued by some animal welfare agencies.

Rest in Peace My Love


  1. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I know personally that it doesn't ease the pain much, but try to find joy in knowing you gave Pearl such a wonderful life. My heart goes out to you - she will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your Pearl. I am so glad that she found you, so she knew what it felt like to have someone to love her back. Take care. I'll be thinking of you and the beautiful Ms. Pearl.

  3. Oh, Nicole, I am so sorry about Pearl. I lost my little black sweetheart to lymphoma in January. So, so sad for you.

  4. To our wonderful rescuers, who brought all of us to feedom. We hang our heads in a moment of silence. Godspeed Pearl.

    Heartfelt Wishes, Nicole and Steve.

    Jonny and Co.

  5. I am so, so sorry for your loss; it is heartbreaking when this terrible illness takes our loved ones. My lovely AmStaff girl passed away in December from lymphoma; I feel and share your pain.

    I am also sorry that an ignorant man was so crass to you during Pearl's illness. I don't know why some people think it's okay to say such hurtful things; can't they understand that we love our animals as part of our families? Infuriating.

  6. I'm sorry for your loss. Pearl was a lucky girl for having spent the later part of her life with you.

  7. I`m so sorry to read this.
    It is heartbreaking to lose any dog but it just seems so much worse for these very special dogs who just want to be loved by all those they meet.
    RIP Pearl
    Condolences from Ontario for the loss of your very special friend.

  8. Anonymous4:25 PM


    I am so, so sorry to learn of your loss of Precious Pearl. Today, in Philadelphia, one of my favorite dogs at PACCA, died as well. Loretta had teats as low as Pearl's, yet, like Pearl, was happy and calm and a big part of my life at the shelter. I'm so happy that Pearl had the time with you....RIP dear Pearl and dear Loretta.


  9. Thank you for the kind thoughts. I knew I would find understanding here.

  10. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I am so so very sorry for the loss of your heart dog. Rest well, beautiful.

  11. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I am so sorry for your loss but so glad that Pearl finally got to live the life she was born for.

  12. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I'm so sad to hear of your loss. My baby died this summer of lymphoma and I miss her so much. Something is seriously wrong that so many dogs die from this disease. Stay takes time.

  13. Anonymous8:55 PM

    To Nicole and for all that have lost an APBT (Buck passed last September to bone cancer):
    A prayer to Pearl and Buck,
    You taught us how to grow our compassion by the lessons of your determination and love. When you finally just had to let go, you do it without loosing your conviction to family and to life. Help us not to accept any less.
    Boris and Buck's Family

  14. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Know that you were both so very blessed to have had the time together. DoG bless you.

    Cornelia & Bullies Misty & Buddy
    Lodi, CA

  15. So sorry to hear about Pearl. It's so heartbreaking to lose a furry friend like her. She sounds wonderful, and it sounds like she had a great life once she met you.

  16. I'm so very sorry to hear about your loss. Pearl sounds like such a special soul and I know she'll be sorely missed.

    My dog also has Lymphoma and is currently in remission.

    I'll keep you in my thoughts.

    RIP Pearl...

  17. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Oh, Nicole - The picture of Pearl resting her head on you (?) says everything there is to say. I mourn for you in your grief, but for her - I can only celebrate a sweet soul who lived with courage and optimism, and found what she'd always looked for in the sunshine of your love for her. Be at peace, and thank you for making her life a joyous one.
    With love - Jean in Seaside, Miss AriMarie the PitMix, and the cats

  18. Anonymous2:32 PM

    So sad to hear this news. So glad that she was given a chance to share her soul here on earth!!


  19. Godspeed sweet Pearl....Thanks for gracing this place with your presence.

  20. Wishing you peace, Nicole, and many happy memories of your lucky, lucky girl.

  21. I had to put my baby to sleep last November. the world was too scary for him. I couldn't ask him to live a life in constant fear, and I could risk wha he might feel the need to do out of fear. we went to the lake and played all day me him and his people dad. it was 1000% the hardest thing I've ever doen and prey nobody else has to go through it too. he was and still is my world and has truely changed my views on people and other dogs. I know it doesn't help, but I understand your pain, and I wish you all the luck in the world. tomorrow will be a better day
    she is a beautiful dog


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