
Thursday, February 07, 2008

Hey, PEOPLE - Let's have a Pit Bull Party

Pardon me while I gush. Getting the V-dogs out of Virginia and into safe homes wasn't something we counted on. Getting them into People Magazine was like, Whoa, are you kidding me? Not because we were surprised that they wanted a story...The People people have been patiently waiting for the gag order to lift along with everybody else. But their 'vision' was to get as many dogs as possible on a sofa for a relaxed-at-home photo. HEH.

We know our dogs well enough to know how that would go. These buggers are terminally happy wrigglers, and close proximity means everybody starts vibrating into a crazy mess of twister madness. But we love a good challenge, so said "Yes" and spent a hilarious hour getting the rowdy bunch to pretend that they chill like this every day of the week.*

*For a peek into how it really went: PHOTO SHOOT VIDEO

It's slightly freaky to see our heads on the same page as Vick's photo. Creepy, in a "Do they get People Magazine in prison?" kind of way. But the dogs deserve this moment, and folks waiting in grocery store lines all over the county will get another chance to ponder the outcome of the case this week.

MORE GOOD NEWS: (Can you stand it?)

The Humane Society of Missouri has gone public with their decision to help several of the dogs from Missouri's largest fight bust in this press release. A quote worth smiling about:

“We are committed to giving these dogs who came from such horrible abuse the absolute best chance for a good life. It is a tragedy that because of their mistreatment by humans for financial gain and so-called sport, some may not ever be able to be placed in a home situation.” ~ Debbie Hill, VP of Operations

And, more

We want to thank all the good people who've been moved to send toys and good vibes to the hardworking folks at Hillsborough County Animal Services. They received goodies for their dogs from friends as far away as Berkeley, CA and from BSL ridden locales like Ontario, Canada and Bermuda. Your support and best wishes for better days helps more than you know.

And, more

We just have to thank Britney Spears for sharing her spotlight last week with Uba and the cute baby with the blue eyes. The AP story on the Vick dogs ended up being one of MSN's top picks of the week.

Media, take note: This is proof that your audience prefers stories that celebrate triumph over adversity to the formula-bad-news pieces you normally offer!.... In other feel-good news, here at home we're celebrating Bug's homecoming into the care of a wonderful family. Josie Kat misses both him and newly-placed Texas Cadillac, but she's keeping us in shape at Pit Bull Hall by requesting extra tug time during her play sessions. Go Josie.


  1. [quote](Can you stand it?)[/quote]

    Yes I can but I can hardly believe it!

    Woo hoo for you guys and the doggies in People.
    Not a fan of the magazine before this
    but I`ll buy this issue to keep.
    I`ll just cut out you know who.

    The tide is turning.
    2008-The year of the Pit Bull

    And Hector,
    Where are those updates on the other guys and gals?
    Doesn`t have to be anything fancy.

  2. Updates are coming Mac'sGang! We've had a running-ragged week and broke my laptop to makes things ever more interesting!

  3. We know you`re busy.
    Just want you to know we care about the old(er) crew also, although the new crew is fabulous.
    It`s just so exciting!!!

    Wish there was some hope here in Ontario.
    It`s a pretty sad situation when you sit on death row for just getting out of your yard.
    Welcome to Ontario.
    It`s a scary place for dogs if they have a certain look and they were born after Nov 30/05

    Quote below is from a level headed animal welfare leader??

    [quote]If a dog has been bred to fight, then there is clearly a public danger. "If they have been trained to kill, then I would never take the chance," says Costa. "Once they are 'clicked on' for fighting, then there's nothing you can do."[/quote]

    This is just one little guy facing death and there`s many more.

    Here`s article 1 in the Rambo saga.
    Just search Rambo on this blog
    Even the Vick dogs get mentioned.
    I don`t think the AC person reads your blog.

    Thankfully his owner is fighting for his life.

    Things are NOT getting better here,that`s for sure.

  4. Media, take note, indeed!

    More pro-pit stories, please!!!!

  5. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Stop Stop Stop - All this positive pitty press is making me absolutely giddy. I have found that I now check the bad rap and best friends sites obsessively for updates!!!! ;-)))
    Fantastic - thanks for all the udpates and all the work that you do! You have a lot of supporters here in Baltimore!~
    Cheers and Happy Friday - from Jen and resuced pitties, Bogart and Bella!

  6. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Pinch me, am I dreaming? Bad Rap in People Magazine? Wowie there is a God(Dog,Dogess?) Will wonders never cease. Its a new day! More wiggle-butts please!

  7. This is so great, we here in Vancouver Canada have been flowing your blogs and updates regarding these wonderful dogs since it all started, and we are THRILLED to see that they are all doing well and that they are even gracing the cover of PEOPLE. WAY TO GO!!!!

    We just love the work you do, keep it up.

    Vancouver, Canada

  8. You`re probably getting sick of me but I wrote to the Missouri Humane Society and said

    "Thanks for treating the dogs as individuals,Ontario Canada has noticed!"

    I`m also listing the Shelters,Humane Societies etc on my blog that are giving these dogs a chance.

    They are the ones that should be supported by the public.

    These dogs deserve the same chance as poodles or pugs.

    I`ll take a pibble over a poodle any day.

    Way to go Missouri!

  9. Oh Donna, Tim and the rest of the Bad Rap gang. We love and miss you. Watching the videos of these sweet babies just makes me miss my sweet B.B. You guys are so amazing. Your devotion to pitties is awe inspiring.

    Thank you!

    Oh, would you mind if I added your blog to my list of favorite blogs?

    Alexis, Ricardo, Mikka Moo...oh and our non fur babies, Ella and Sofia too.

  10. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Buy every copy you can find of people magazine. It will send a message for the positive pittie press to print more and more!... And that good news (when all we get is bad news) will sell many more copies of any print media willing to print positive stories.

  11. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Tim, to Heck with what Vick says --YOU GET A BIG-HEAD BORIS WOW! "look what you have done with these dogs."

    Donna, we agree, you have let the light that has ALWAYS been in inside these pit bulls come out to shine as pets.

    What a great photo shoot video! Leslie trying to get Teddles to do that over the couch pose was so fun and creative (LOL).

    The photo in PEOPLE captures the subtle family photo album blur that we all get in our pictures of our butt wagging bullies. After all your effort, we are suprised that your tongues weren't hanging out too.

    All our loved ones are getting a PEOPLE magazine issue for Valentines!

    Boris' Family

  12. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Great news all around - hooray!

    I have never bought People magazine before but I might just have to for this issue ;D The video of them "posing" for the photo was hilarious.

  13. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I barely read People magazine when standing in line at the grocery store and today, I BOUGHT 5 of them! Amazing the lengths I will go to for pibbles!

    Pic is even better when you have it in your hot little hands.

    Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard, especially Uba and Hector, oh, and Donna, Tim, Leslie, Nicole and Steve and the rest of the BR gang.


    PS I ALWAYS KNOW you guys are up to SOMETHING when there is nothing on this blog for 5 days or!

  14. Anonymous6:52 PM

    As reflected by a lot of other sentiments on this blog, Pitbulls in People Magazine!!!!? YIPEEE!!! You are all great inspirations for those of us that love and fight for this noble breed! Kudos to all of you for your tireless efforts.Finally, a shout out for Josie Kat. What a special gal! I hope she finds a great home soon.---------W

  15. I think this needs to go around the world.
    A fellow blogger from Ontario,Canada wrote this but I think it pertains to all who fight the fight,no matter where they live.


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