
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Note from a Friend

Blog Buddy Jen from Indiana sent on these photos and holiday notes.
Thank you Jen! We hope Santa brings a happy home for the very handsome Elton in 2008!

With your recent blue addition, I thought that you might appreciate the following greeting from our "earless" foster dog, Elton. Happy Holidays and thank you for all that you do! - Take care, Jen in IN

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is my two ear flaps back.

Bully Love,

Dear Elton,

While next year I would prefer sugar cookies and milk to milkbones and a bowl of water, I have left something special for you under the tree.

Be Good,


  1. Ahhh
    Another adorable one.

    I want Santa to send the people that abuse these beautiful dogs to jail for a long,long time.

    While we`re waiting for that Christmas wish to come true,maybe he could put coal in their stockings.

    Merry Christmas to everyone and hugs to all the great dogs.(with or without ears)

  2. That is so sweet that you posted the photos. I hope that readers take them in the fun spirit that they were intended.

    P.S. Elton is strutting around the house right now because he feels like he is right up there with all of the "famous Bad Rap dogs". Good for him.

    Happy Holidays!
    Jen in IN

  3. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Bullies Misty (sends hugs and kisses) and Buddy (sends high fives) to handsome Elton.

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

    Cornelia, Misty & Buddy
    Lodi, CA

  4. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Yay for Elton and his awesomeness, though he does look rather pathetic with that hat on. :)

    Happy holidays to Elton and all the pit bulls (but especially Sophie, what a little trooper).

    -Marji, Miss Mina & Celeste


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