
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Honk if You're Ready to Change the Channel

The media is especially excited about having a reason to show dog fight footage this week. It's everywhere. If you've never seen a staged dog fight, your local station is probably very happy to offer you a front row seat.

Pit bull people can't decide if the constant barrage of fight imagery is a gift from the gods, or pure poison. Some believe the footage will inspire people to care, and others theorize that seeing dogs in battle will make them want to condemn the breed. I think we're seeing reactions from both sides of fence right now.

Speaking of battles, our impish game girl is leaving the shelter for a new home this week. Lil'Bit came to us after living with someone who let her breed and fight. Not good. She was unsocialized to dogs at first and needed slow exposure and clear direction to make sure she would make the right decisions around our personal dogs (Much of the dog-dog socializing happens in our homes with our ever-so-understanding pets). We love projects like this because, right from the start, Lil'Bit showed us that pleasing people meant more to her than any bad habits. Gooood girl.

We considered inviting news crews in to meet her before she leaves for her home. After all, this 40 pounder is the same style of dog that was found in the Vick home, and this is about as happy a story as you can get. But we thought better of it. Not this week.

Here are a couple of quick videos of Lil'Bit and her buddy Dango. Admittedly, the footage isn't very exciting, but that's just how we like it...Good and boring. Enjoy.

Lazy with Dango
Will Work for Cookies

Speaking of the 6 o'clock, Scoop Nisker once said, 'If you don't like the news, go out and make some of your own.' So true!

And this weekend, a new group of pit bull owners will be doing just that by putting their dogs through the AKC CGC (Canine Good Citizen) test. Our CGC Diva Linda Chwistek gives up every Saturday to help pit bull owners reach their goals. See some of her handiwork .

The class has been working hard to get their rescued street strays in perfect form, and we expect a lot of high fives as result. Wish them the best of bulldog luck!


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    At the very least I would like to see this constant footage balanced with some shots of happy normal dogs in happy homes. I worry that the news is showing "dog fighting" as "the norm" for pit bulls and their owners. It would only take a second to mention something positive about the breed, but I guess sensationalism and violence attracts more viewers.

    Lil Bit is adorable. Thanks for not giving up on dogs like her just because they were a victim of violence, and thanks for not blaming them for being victims.

  2. Bravo to you Donna and all your good people who are helping these dogs find a normal life and a happy home.

  3. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I had to turn the television off last night because of all the footage of the fights. As a pit owner, It makes literally want to throw up knowing that as we speak a dog with so much potential to love is being trained to kill. Thanks for all you do at Bad Rap to promote a good image of this breed. I wish your organization existed in every state, and could be as well known and publicized as the other so called animal rights organizations! Keep up the good work


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